Chapter 2585

Name:Perfect Supreme Author:观鱼
Fire Attribute innate talent 锛屾鍒荤粓浜庤繄鍏ョ浣撶殑锣冨洿浜嗭紒

浠栫殑韬綋all around 鍑 rainbow 幇浜咶 lame God 锛岀値妫 锛岀値妫 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 璇 璇 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏

鑻ユ槸 chain dust artial artist 闱犺繎Lin Ling 锛屼笉鐢↙in Ling take action 锛屼粬韬笂寮ユ极鍑鍑 潵镄勭伀鐒 鑳 鑳 儳姝诲鏂 儳姝诲鏂 儳姝诲鏂 儳姝诲鏂 儳姝诲鏂

Key 屼笖锛岄偅浜涚伀鐒 笎娓愬彉鎴愪簯镄勫 钟 钟 钟 钟

鎺ヤ笅鏉ワ纴Lin Ling 镄刢ultivation base realm 涔熸槸鐤妫鎻愬崌锛屾笎娓愯揪鍒 鐪熺 鐪熺 5th layer 澧冿紒

骞多笖绗簩Dantian 涔熸槸鍦ㄦ彁鍗囷纴杈 埌浜嗙湡绁炲洓 埌浜嗙湡绁炲洓 嶅锛

鍞嫭绗竴Dantian 杩涘睍杈冧 缂撴 缂撴 埌 埌 埌 World King Realm 屽 屽 锛

鈥滆 涓︻値浜戠 涓︻値浜戠 涓︻値浜戠 涓︻値浜戠 涓︻値浜戠 槸鎴戠殑绂忓湴鍟婏纴涓嶈 槸鎴戠殑绂忓湴鍟婏纴涓嶈 槸鎴戠殑绂忓湴鍟婏纴涓嶈 槸鎴戠殑绂忓湴鍟婏纴涓嶈 琚 琚 箣镒熻缮鏄緢寮儓镄勶紒鈥滚 in Ling 茬堕瑁 茬堕瑁 槾镄勮阆掳纴琚儳镄勫槾 掗兘鏄彂鎶栵纴 掗兘鏄彂鎶栵纴 掗兘鏄彂鎶栵纴 cult cult cultivation 涓嫔幓锛屼粬镄勭浜娈antian 涓庣涓塂antian 蹇呯劧realm 澶ф彁锛

鍙槸锛孡in Ling 镐曢敊杩囦 鏁戜 鏁戜 鏁戜 镄勬椂闂 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴

Chain 缁堬纴浠栭 鍒╃殑绌胯 鍒╃殑绌胯 鍒╃殑绌胯 浜嗙値浜 浜嗙値浜 浜嗙値浜

鈥滀簲琛屼箣浜戦兘璧 浜嗭纴鎺ヤ笅鏉ュ簲璇ュ埌缁堢偣浜嗗惂锛佲 浜嗭纴鎺ヤ笅鏉ュ簲璇ュ埌缁堢偣浜嗗惂锛佲 浜嗭纴鎺ヤ笅鏉ュ簲璇ュ埌缁堢偣浜嗗惂锛佲

Lin Ling gently put out a breath 锛屽洖鎯 鍒囩湅浼 鍒囩湅浼 鍒囩湅浼 鍒囩湅浼 鍗曪纴浣嗗疄闄呬笂鍙堟槸鍗 鍗曪纴浣嗗疄闄呬笂鍙堟槸鍗 鍗曪纴浣嗗疄闄呬笂鍙堟槸鍗 鍗曪纴浣嗗疄闄呬笂鍙堟槸鍗 鍗曪纴浣嗗疄闄呬笂鍙堟槸鍗 鍗曪纴浣嗗疄闄呬笂鍙堟槸鍗

杩欎 鍦 鍦 镄勭绉桡纴鏄 镄勭绉桡纴鏄 镄勭绉桡纴鏄 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯 劧瓒呭嚭浠栫殑鎯戜箣Holy Land 鑸殑濂囧锛


鐒 岃 岃 岃 岃 镞讹纴鍓嶆 镞讹纴鍓嶆 镞讹纴鍓嶆 镞讹纴鍓嶆 鍐嶅 鍐嶅 鍐嶅 鍑 鍑 鍑

杩栾Lin Ling 鐬 鍑濓纴杩樻湁锛熸湁瀹屾 鍑濓纴杩樻湁锛熸湁瀹屾 鍑濓纴杩樻湁锛熸湁瀹屾 鍑濓纴杩樻湁锛熸湁瀹屾 鍑濓纴杩樻湁锛熸湁瀹屾 鍑濓纴杩樻湁锛熸湁瀹屾 鍑濓纴杩樻湁锛熸湁瀹屾

杩欎竴娆”嚭鐜 Dress up stral wind 锛岃 Umbrella 鏄 劧鏄浜 劧鏄浜


Lin Ling 涔熸潵涓嶅强澶氭兂浜嗭纴韬瓙渚挎槸灏勫悜鍓嶆楠锛

鍗 浠栧 浠栧 浠栧 缁忕 缁忕 缁忕 浜嗭纴鐢氲呖楹 浜嗭纴鐢氲呖楹 浜嗭纴鐢氲呖楹 浜嗭纴鐢氲呖楹 湪浜嗭纴浣嗘槸浠栫煡阆揿湪澶栭 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ Gallium

姝ゆ椂姝ゅ埢鍦ㄥ浜戜箣澶栵纴鏁 姝ゆ椂姝ゅ埢鍦ㄥ浜戜箣澶栵纴鏁 sil sil sil sil 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄 宄э纴骞多笖绌 潃 潃 simple and unadorned 锛屽 浠 浠 浠 浠 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 寰堟櫘阃氱殑 寰堟櫘阃氱殑 寰堟櫘阃氱殑 寰堟櫘阃氱殑 寰堟櫘阃氱殑 寰堟櫘阃氱殑 寰堟櫘阃氱殑 濡傛锛岃 濡傛锛岃 濡傛锛岃 濡傛锛岃 嶈鏄 嶈鏄 嶈鏄庝粬浠殑瀹炲姏 chain夊terrifying 锛


涓€钖峰 ld woman 绐佺劧璇撮死锛宖rowns 锛岀暐链変笉瑙c€

鈥沧槸鍟婏纴杩椤浜戣仛 嗕 嗕 矊 NUM NUM 80% 镄勫浜戝湪锛屽叾涓嚜 chain 変竷瀹濋粍娉夐瓍浜嗭纴涓崭箙鍓嶆湁涓 浣嶅皬楝 浣嶅皬楝 繘鍏ュ浜慔 oly Land 浜嗭纴鑻ヤ粬缁忚 浜嗭纴鑻ヤ粬缁忚 冩牳锛屾垚锷熷嚭鏉ワ纴闾 箞杩欎竷瀹濋粍娉夐 箞杩欎竷瀹濋粍娉夐Ld€濆叾涓竴钖峰 ld man said with a smile 銆

鈥滆儭闂癸纴杩欐槸浠€涔埚湴鏂癸纴杩欎箖鏄ぉForging 箣鍦 箣鍦 纴娌 °C湁澶ч潚绁炴浈镄勬 浠わ纴鏅€ hydrogen 宀傝兘杩涘叆锛岃 佷簯锛屼綘瓒婃潵瓒婄硦娑 佷簯锛屼綘瓒婃潵瓒婄硦娑 佷簯锛屼綘瓒婃潵瓒婄硦娑 锛佲 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜 濇湁浜

“I see that the little devil is determined, I can’t bear to reject him!”

“Even so, you are harming others. This strange land has a strange cloud of myriad oddities. Although it will be comparable to the entrant realm, there are too many Grand Dao in the cloud. Ordinary people can walk over, and this It is also the way to test perseverance!”

“Yes, Jiuyun, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Devil, Ghost and We are the land of thunder, these nine clouds, even Martial Immortal Realm can not successfully walk over !”

“Hey, you really killed someone!”

a path of sound is also ringing, mixed with grievances.

However, the old man at the beginning was shaking his head: “I have the feeling that even if I refuse him, he will forcibly break into it. The little devil is such a person, very similar to the Qing Emperor of that year, very like!”

When the words fell, everyone looked at them and then they were silent.

“Five thousand years, we are the land of thunder, and some people have come, but it is not to open the destiny, but it is for the Qibao Huangquan charm, it is really ironic!”

“Yeah, remember that hundreds of years ago, when the Qing Emperor first came, the guardians of our emperors did not believe that he could succeed. As a result, he rang the Qingzhou Shenzhong, opened the life of the Son of Heaven, and let us not The thought is that he eventually became a Qingdi!”

“Yeah, the Qing Emperor has a hundred years of hunting, the life of the Son of Heaven remains unchanged, but the distant Chizhou, where the Red Emperor has changed two!”

Everyone sighed and said that it seems to have forgotten Lin Ling, perhaps in their view, Lin Ling is bound to die in the road of the cloud!

After all, want to pass the road of the cloud, one, unless it is extremely powerful in a certain field, powerful enough to sweep the nine clouds. Second, that is, each field is the strongest existence, so you can cross the road of the cloud!

At that time, the Qing Emperor was a very powerful field, sweeping the clouds, but such a person, only a person in the hundred years!

However, they don’t know that Lin Ling is still in the midst of the cloud road at the moment!

The wind is fast and powerful, making it difficult for Lin Ling to cross the past!

Fortunately, this time his strength is great, through the Vientiane konjac, see the trajectory of the wind, let the speed reach the speed of the seven worlds, and the Ashura sword array is also mixed with a melody!

The ultimate insurance is passed!

“My own speed has reached the speed of the five worlds. If I use the evil inflammation to change to the speed of the seven worlds, and my Ashura sword array is more elegant!”

After leaving the situation, Lin Ling was also surprised!

He found that these strange clouds actually killing intent is not big, terrifying is the kind of trapped people, a burden is trapped, it is a lifetime without a chance to go out!

“Fighting again!”

Take a deep breath, Lin Ling’s determined look towards the front, he knows, Qiyun should not be over yet!

However, there are not many roads left for him, only strong!

The next strange cloud, that is the rolling magic cloud, it is terrifying that these clouds do not hurt the fleshly body, but hurt the soul!

Lin Ling can imagine that even the most powerhouse in realm, if the soul is not strong, then it will be trapped here and eventually die!

This is really a terrifying magical land!

“Aaah, kill me, beg you, kill me!”

“Official, don’t leave me, where are you going?”

“Lin Ling, do you remember me?”

The illusion of the magic cloud constantly affects Lin Ling, has slaughter, has family, has more love, and is addicted to it!

You know, Lin Ling martial arts, he has faced countless Illusory Realm, but most of them will not be addicted to it, but this time the magic cloud is vivid and lifelike!

That feeling is like Lin Ling’s past into the ghost world, like a reincarnation, and a new life!

Fortunately, Lin Ling’s Soul Force has reached two thousand steps, so he once again passed the magic cloud!

But even so, he was also scared of a cold sweat, he is even more taboo for the next strange cloud!

Wu wu !

There is a dark-cold ghost cloud, myriad ghost wailing, and I want to go through it, it must go through the most painful sufferings of the world!

That kind of hardship is like 18 Hells!

“This is a test of fleshly body!”

Lin Ling muttered to himself and resolutely rushed into it.