Chapter 44: The Bizarre Mall

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 44: The Bizarre Mall

Miless gaze lingered on the empty space where the body had once been, his expression growing progressively grave.

Theyve played way too big, and now the rumored ghost haunting this mall had truly come out. But where did it disappear off to now?

The area was shrouded in a murky gloom. Although it wasnt pitch black, the darkness was thick enough to render anyone beyond arms reach a mere silhouette.

At this juncture, the trio of Mr. Calm, Manager Pear, and the self-styled ghostbuster, Master Catch, had ceased questioning why the lights had flickered out. To them, they only felt their nerves being gnawed at by the creeping dread from the corpses disappearance.

Could it really be a ghost?

With only the soft glow of two candles flickering on the ritual table, their orange flames were the only tiny spec of light source dispelling the shadows. Unfortunately, with so many people moving around, their wavering shadows only added an extra layer of unease to the chilling atmosphere.

We must leave at once! Master Catchs voice cut through the fearful silence. Our earlier attempt angered it. If we dont exit now, it could be disastrous!

Convinced they were facing a real ghost, he was desperate to abandon their ghost hunt.

The swindlers words made one of the female staff members panic. Her scream sliced through the quiet, and like dominoes, the rest began to scramble in confusion.

However, they quickly hit a wall literally.

Both the main entrance and emergency exits were locked, effectively trapping them inside. This was a security measure as per Master Catchs insistence.

Where are the keys? Security, open the door immediately! cried Mr. Calm, futilely pulling at the locked door.

Didnt I say it before, why on earth did you folks lock the doors? Did you seriously believe we could trap the ghost inside? Now were the ones locked in! Miles retorted, his flashlight cutting through the darkness.

In any case, young man, do you have the keys to the main entrance? Open it right away! Mr. Calms voice shook with panic.

Miles shook his head in denial. I dont have the keys. Ive barely started working here. Todays only my second day, and Sister Pear is in charge of the keys. Besides, why dont you have your ghost-catching expert here deal with it? That way we will be saved. That said, he shifted his gaze towards the sweating Mr. Catch.

You dare blame me for this? If it werent for you interrupting my ritual earlier, we wouldnt even be in this mess. Now, that things been angered, and it wont be so easy to deal with anymore! Master Catch flies into a rage and directly accuses Miles of the fault.

Retorting with clear disdain, Miles smirked: And to think youre an adult, how can you even have the face to blubber such excuses? Do you not have any clue about your own ability to catch a ghost? Just take a look at yourself, you are scared silly right now. With that cowardly face, you would be the first one to flee when the ghost returns.

I cant rid us of this entity, thats true, Master Catch snapped, but I can guarantee it wont be able to harm anyone here as long as Im around. He then turned towards Mr. Calm, adding, Youll be safe under my watch. I promise you that.

Mr. Calm gracefully nodded since he trusted the old fraudster more, Im counting on you then.

Secretly, though, Miles had a more pressing concern the call of nature.

Arent you coming with us? Mr. Calm asked, his eyes wide in surprise.

No, I need to visit the restroom. You all go ahead, Miles said nonchalantly.

Mr. Calm stood dumbfounded. At such a critical moment, he was thinking about using the restroom?

Meanwhile, on the fifth floor of the mall, Ethan managed to get a clear look at the figure by the railing. It wasnt a person, as hed first thought, but a mannequin. In the dim light, it could have easily been mistaken for a human. Like the decaying body hed found earlier, this mannequin too was missing its head.

The ghost isnt on the fifth floor, Ethan realized, peering down the stairwell. Suddenly, the entire mall plunged into darkness, save for the two candles flickering eerily. A womans scream echoed from below, and the ensuing panic set people scrambling in all directions.

A diversion? The thought flashed across Ethans mind. Could a ghost be that cunning?

Damn it. Despite his apprehensions, Ethan steeled himself to rush down to the first floor. But then something caught his eye, sending chills down his spine.

The headless mannequin that had been standing by the railing was no longer there.

He scanned the area, but it was as if it had vanished into thin air.

Then he heard it. A soft shuffle echoing behind him.

Ethan spun around, only to be met with a shocking sight. The headless mannequin was now behind him, its arm extended as if reaching out.

Enough of this! With a roar, Ethan seized the mannequins outstretched arms.

Instantly, his hands started glowing a bright red, and an overpowering scent of blood filled the air. Blood seeped from his clenched fists, staining the mannequin and spattering onto the floor.

In response, the mannequin collapsed to the ground, its parts scattering around. The eerie silence returned.

Is this the ghost? Ethan muttered, eyeing the fallen mannequin pieces with suspicion.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Despite being covered in his blood, it remained an inanimate mannequin.

This is a tricky situation, Ethan murmured, furrowing his brows.

To his surprise, the blood splatters on the floor began to move of their own accord, creeping up his hand and slowly sinking into his skin.