Chapter 43: The Missing Corpse

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 43: The Missing Corpse

The mall had been entirely closed down for Master Catchs rituals. Even the safety corridors hadnt been exempted. It was a mystery how this young man, Ethan, had managed to appear within the premises when hed been conspicuously absent during earlier patrols. Had he been hiding in plain sight all this time? Was he the shadowy figure they felt had been haunting the mall over the past days?

Miles studied Ethan closely, his mind swirling with questions. But how could he make sense of the undiscovered decaying corpse hed come across during his patrols? More so, the clean, surgical incision at the corpses neck was disturbingly similar to cuts made by a factory milling cutter, and even more bizarrely, the body was bloodless.

Mr. Calm, Mall Manager Li, and those with Master Catch observed Ethan, a cocktail of shock and fear etched on their faces. Was he a murderer, a lunatic, or something more malevolent? Uncertainty consumed their thoughts.

Ethan made a move to shake hands with Mr. Calm. However, Mr. Calm recoiled, alarm etched on his face. Just who are you? And what do you want?

Im here to offer you a business proposition, Mr. Calm. The question is, do you want to hear it? Ethan retracted his hand, still wearing a disarming smile.

And what business would that be?New novel chapters are published on

Ethan elaborated, My intuition tells me your mall has a ghostly tenant. The recent disappearances are all its handiwork. Its here now, somewhere, watching us. I can rid you of this problem, but my services come at a cost five million.

It clicked for Mr. Calm this stranger was trying to blackmail him. Hed already secured the assistance of a professional, why would he need Ethan?

Before Mr. Calm could respond, Master Catch scoffed, And where exactly do you hail from, young man? Do you understand the codes we follow? You cant be older than your early twenties. Have you mastered the arts of feng shui or the Eight Trigrams? Youre likely an amateur. Let me handle Mr. Calms situation today. Its best you leave immediately.

And if you dont, security will escort you out.

Ethan laughed scornfully, A pompous fraudster whos clueless about the real world. Feng shui? Maybe its an effective scam for the nouveau riche, but your tactics are worthless here. There really is a ghost in this place. What good will your wooden sword and meaningless talismans do? Even if you summon the Buddha himself, it wont help.

Id also advise you to watch your tongue. Or else, Ill tear your heart out and force-feed it to you.

Ethans previously genial face contorted into a chillingly cold and terrifying expression, lifting Master Catch by the collar with intimidating strength. His menacing tone suggested he wasnt making empty threats.

Fear quickly sets in, triggering a cold sweat to break out on Master Catchs forehead. Ethan was as cold and ruthless as a hardened prison killer, if not worse. His unnerving aura was something even the most violent criminals couldnt match.

Boss, Ive contacted the police, Mall Manager Li whispered to Mr. Calm, who nodded and said, Lets stay cautious for now. We need to maintain control.

Mr. Calms gaze fell upon the decaying corpse. He couldnt shake off the suspicion that Ethan, the unsettling man standing before them, could be the killer, possibly responsible for the past disappearances within the mall.

Mr. Calm, I think we should reconsider my previous offer. Five million and Ill rid your mall of this ghost, ensuring seamless operation. What do you say? Ethan suggested.

You your asking price is too steep, Mr. Calm responded, his expression strained.

Considering the worth of this mall, my fee is quite reasonable, Ethan retorted, a smirk playing on his lips.

If you could lower it a bit, I might entertain the idea, Mr. Calm tried to buy time, already suspecting Ethan to be the killer and having alerted the police.

Miles observed the bargaining between Ethan and Mr. Calm, shaking his head inwardly. Ethan was being audacious. Despite an uptick in supernatural events worldwide, skepticism was still widespread. Asking for a whopping five million upfront was bound to be rejected. Only when Mr. Calm confronted the ghostly terror could negotiations truly begin. Having previously dealt with the likes of Mr. Beach, Miles was somewhat seasoned in these affairs.

However, just as tensions escalated, a sudden click resounded. The mall was abruptly engulfed in darkness a power outage. The unexpected event took everyone aback.

Somethings off, Ethan noted, his expression turning grave. He quickly glanced up at the malls fifth floor. Amid the dim light, a silhouette was faintly discernible by the glass railing, seemingly peering down at them. Disturbingly, the figure appeared headless.

Decided to show yourself, have you? Ethan muttered, a touch of madness in his voice. Without a second thought, he dashed towards the elevator and bolted upstairs.

Hmm? Miles squinted, also spotting the figure on the fifth floor, but his brow furrowed quickly. The stench of decay was emanating from the first floor, not the fifth. Was the ghost upstairs or downstairs?

Suddenly, a piercing scream rang out. One of the employees, a woman in her mid-twenties known as Blush, pointed towards a location on the first floor.

Whats happening? Its just a power cut, no need for hysteria, Mall Manager Li reprimanded, Lets seize this chance while the murderers away and make for the exit. Help should arrive shortly.

No, its not that the body that man left its gone, Blush stuttered, pointing to the spot where the body had previously lain.

Upon inspection and finding nothing, they instantly realized it was true. This sent chills down everyones spine, amplified by the lingering and intensifying stench of decay.