Chapter 468 - Did she have a heart?

Name:My Beautiful Love Author:Avalorian_
"Why are you corrupting my granddaughter?" Said a female voice from behind Lin Lihua. The woman sounded so angry that she must be exploding. 

Lin Lihua knew who it was even without having to turn. Who elese could it be, but her soon to be mother-in-law? 

She turned, wearing a warm smile. "Hello aunty." 

Mrs. Blanc became even angrier. Who was this woman calling aunt? She pulled the clueless Katy away from Lin Lihua roughly. The poor girl almost tripped from the sudden pull. "Stay far away from my Katy." 

Lin Lihua remained calm. It was not because she was trying to suck up to Mrs. Blanc that she smiled at her earlier. It was because she couldn't be bothered to explain the situation to a woman who insisted on keeping her eyes closed.

"Are you ignoring me? You!" 

"Mother, enough!" Henry Blanc could take it no more. This was going too far. Didn't she see that the family was already on the verge of breaking apart? 

His father, Mr. Blanc, had kept to himself for days and would not leave his study room no matter how much they tried to persuade him. 

Heaven knew what he was doing in that study room. 

It was not surprising as his beloved daughter had been inprisoned. Even so, he did not kick up a fuss unnecessarily. 

At least he understood that whatever happened to Amy Blanc was her own fault. He was just finding it hard to accept the reality, which was forgivable for any father who felt the same way. 

But why couldn't his mother think like a human being? She was being selfish like a serpent and was taking it out on the wrong people. Did she have an apple in place of a brain? 

"Katy, go and play with your aunt in your room for a while. Daddy has adult matters to discuss with grandma." 

Katy was about to leave, but Mrs. Blanc held her back. "Are you going to hide Katy away so she will never find out that it was this woman's fault that Amy is locked in?" 


It was too late for Henry Blanc to be angry with his mother. The taboo statement had already reached Katy's ears. 

The girl looked at them curiously, wondering what her grandma meant about her mother being locked in. 

"Daddy, did bad guys lock mommy somewhere?" She asked curiously. "If mommy was kidnapped, we have to save her quick!" 

Although she was asking her uncle, she was still unsettled about what grandma had said. It was Aunty Lihua's fault? But good people did not hurt others. Who was she supposed to believe? In all this, was aunty Lihua a good person or a bad one who caused her mommy's disappearance? 

"Aunty, do you know where mommy is?" She asked Lin Lihua when Henry Blanc showed no intention of answering her. 

Mrs. Blanc opened her mouth to speak. Whatever would come out of that mouth would definitely be nothing good. 

Lin Lihua cut in. "Katy is still very young. Are you sure you want to cast such a huge shadow over her life?  Uncle is already in such a state. Will you only be happy when everyone is agitated into depression by you?" 

Forget about Henry Blanc. Even Lin Lihua herself could not believe that she was saying such things. Since when did she care so much about Katy Blanc that she could speak so bluntly to her mother-in-law? 

She had always tried to remain calm no matter what Mrs. Blanc did or said, because she cared about her man. She did not want to sour their relationship to the point of making him have to choose between her and his mother. 

She was certain that he would choose her but she did not want to create more disagreements in the Blanc family. She would not be at peace knowing that it was because of her that a mother and son relationship was broken. 

However this time, Mrs. Blanc was going too far. Katy was her own granddaughter. Did this woman even have a heart? No wonder Amy Blanc had always been selfish; wanting everything to go her way and when they didn't, she would resort to crazy solutions like wanting people dead. 

Henry Blanc took advantage of the silence that fell following Lin Lihua's outburst to take Katy away. 

"Are you a devil sent from hell to break my family apart?" Mrs. Blanc said bitterly. 

Lin Lihua let out a soft chuckle. 

"What are you laughing at?" 

"I'm laughing at how funny you look, throwing a tantrum like a child and saying the same senseless thing over and over." 

"You! Are you saying that I'm senseless?" 

"Did I? I heard that from you." 

If Henry Blanc did not return, Mrs. Blanc would have probably exploded. "Henry, is this the kind of wife you want? She scolded me to my face!" 

Henry Blanc had had enough of her unreasonable arguments too. "Did she? I only heard you scolding youself from a distance." 

Before the angry erupting woman could detonate into flames, Henry Blanc's phone rang. 


Henry Blanc's face paled instantly. 

"What happened?" The women asked simultaneously. 


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Country C. 

Little Jia skipped happily into Villa number four. 

Her long pigtails seemed to dance to her movements. 

"Where is mommy?" She asked a maid when she entered the house. 

"Madam is in the study." 

Little Jia held her chin between her thumb and index finger with her eyebrow raised, thinking. She looked extremely cute, making one wonder where she got such mannerisms from.

The little girl was considering serious matters, oblivious to the looks of awe around her. Mommy was in the study room, probably working. Should she really go ahead and speak to her?