Chapter 157.1

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 157.1

[Part 1/4]

"Oh, how beautiful you are!"

The place was the Oumi family residence facing Azuki Street in the old city of the capital. In a room of the mansion addressed to the Joraku (visiting capital) unit of the Onitsuki family, the youthful old woman expressed pure admiration. Standing in her line of sight was a young girl who had carefully applied makeup.

"Um... thank you very much?"

The girl, Hotoya Tamaki, murmured with a complexly mixed expression of confusion, embarrassment, and joy. Advisor Onitsuki Kochou spared no effort for her. She meticulously studied and arranged everything, from her lapis lazuli-colored eyes, short blue-tinged hair, moderately sun-kissed healthy skin, and feminine yet slender and well-muscled limbs, to adorn her as beautifully as possible.

The clothes, tailored to match her hair and eyes, was based on shades of indigo and white. The fabric pattern combined the motifs of medicinal balls and nadeshiko flowers, while the obi depicted flowing water. Of course, it was made of high-quality silk crepe fabric, woven together by artisans recommended by the young lady of Nanban. It is a masterpiece that combines beauty and elegance.

She adorned her hair with a hairpin, which was also a gift. The blue color matched her, and the design resembling a spider lily was a symbol of admonition. It was a testament to her determination and resolve.

Adding a touch of red, she lightly sprinkled white powder to avoid appearing vulgar. She refrained from using tooth blackening or nail polish, as those were outdated customs, even during her own childhood, which was becoming increasingly desolate. But she did not expect this modern girl to prefer such traditions. It should not be a problem even during the main event. She had heard that Daijin (a court official who serves near the emperor) was lenient towards his daughters and granddaughters, allowing some deviation from tradition. He should understand.

"Truly, truly elegant... With this, you can pass as a noble princess, I think?"

Amounting to a hundred or two hundred ry is not enough. With the good original material, one cannot doubt that Tamaki is of noble lineage. Who would notice that she is the youngest daughter of a country lord?

"P-please don't praise me too much... I, uh, get embarrassed."

Due to the excessively high clothing and extravagant decorations, Tamaki blushes and feels overwhelmed. She must not be accustomed to dressing up like this. Kochou found it pitiful.

Kochou thought it was a tragedy caused by being raised in the countryside. Such a lovely girl... what on earth was her hometown, her family doing? Kochou felt very angry about the wrong things that their did.

"Hehe. It's only natural to speak the truth, isn't it? Since we have the opportunity to meet Daijin-sama. It would be good to get used to it from this occasion. I will give you all those clothes and decorations, okay?"

"Eh!? That's too much!"

At Kochou's words declaring that she would give the clothes and decorations as light that looked like gold nuggets, Tamaki's face, which had been red, turned pale in an instant.

"Such, such extravagant attire... truly!?"

"Please do not hesitate. In the capital, there are numerous opportunities to meet nobility. It is impolite to present oneself in shabby attire. Instead, this ensemble alone may be insufficient, wouldn't you agree?"

Wearing the same attire every time will invite ridicule. At the very least, another one or two sets... To ensure thoroughness, perhaps ten sets would be necessary. Skillful combinations should spare her any embarrassment. She is Kochou's pride. She cannot allow such a thing.


"Please do not hesitate. If you were to be ridiculed, it would be a failing on the part of Onitsuki, as your guardian, and would bring shame. Please accept it as a daughter's reliance on her mother."


Though initially hesitant, Tamaki ultimately accepts Kochou's persuasion with some trepidation. For she, who is unknown to the capital and the imperial court, had no basis for rejecting Kochou's words.

"...Understood. I gratefully accept."

"Excellent. ...Hehe. There is no need to be so afraid. Rather, consider it as receiving it as a favor from me. After all, my own preferences are also involved, you know? Dressing up and putting on makeup for my daughter is a mother's dream, you see?"



"...I have set up boundaries to keep people out and to soundproof this room. Since I will use a ritual to take them there, please don't come out to greet them, okay?"

Kochou sighed and looked down at Tamaki, who was silent and dejected, and then proposed a compromise as if to say there was no other choice.

"Madam Advisor...!"

"Let's prepare some snacks and tea too. ...Hehehe. I can't scold you too harshly when you look so down."

Kochou laughed as she saw Tamaki's surprised and delighted face, covering her mouth with her sleeve and ringing the bell. With a smile full of affection.

In the past, she couldn't doing so. So, at least for the time being, it must be a "mother's" duty to pamper her child a lot... Reflecting on the delighted "daughter" with cloudy purple eyes, Onitsuki Kochou smiles gently and enchantingly.

In her mind, she envisions a blissful, happy family with herself, her husband, and her daughter...

"A younger brother or sister, I wonder if we need one...?"

The murmuring whisper was so sweet that it was sickeningly sweet, and it clung so much. Maybe not just one, but both. Not just two people, but three or four... Let's do our best for this child with the "husband." He may become troublesome along the way, but that's up to my ingenuity. Let's prepare various props, she thought.

Blind obsession, delusion, and nonsense. If her comrade-like granddaughter and a daughter of a merchant saw it, they would probably be very displeased.

But to this old woman, it is not her concern.


And as she let out the spell to summon the ignorant young girl and the half-youkai, she involuntarily let out a surprised gasp.

And... she's trembling.

"...Miss Tamaki. I'm going to leave my seat for a moment. You can use the tea and sweets and clothes as you like, but you are not allowed to leave the room."

"What!? Yes...!?"

Tamaki was confused by Kochou's sudden words, but was overcome by the indescribable pressure and couldn't help but nod.


With a smile that was filled with kindness everywhere, Kochou opened the shouji paper door and stepped out onto the verandah. And then she continued walking steadily, stealthily.

"Do I need to talk to Aoi-san, Tachibana-san, and that old man?"

Onitsuki's black butterfly groaned as she recalled the scene she had witnessed over and over again.

She clicked her tongue at the blunder of the eldest daughter...

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