Chapter 155-4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 155-4

[Part 4/4]

I reply while taking a bite of the Hime's meal. He's truly a nobleman who lets me say difficult things. Is he trying to make me slip up unintentionally?

"Well, well, I hear that being a servant is really tough. Don't think you're not capable. Okay?"


His tone was as sympathetic as that of a man. This seems like a test. Or maybe an investigation?

"Hmm, hmm. Oh, by the way, fish, especially Ayu sweetfish, are awesome. Even when dried, it tastes better because it's unexpected."


I don't know what you like, though.

"Really? You know, even fish from a place without spiritual lines can be tasty if you cook them right."

"...No spiritual lines?"

I ask again because it sounds strange. Isn't this fish from the Center region?

"Yes. Lately, because of my age, I'm thinking of retiring and doing less work. This time, you could say it's the last time I'm away from home for service."

The Middle Counselor is really old. Without spiritual power, it's impossible to keep working on the front lines. He talks about slowly passing the family business to his son.

"So, with more free time, I'm exploring the world of good food. Trying out new places and ingredients."

"I see..."

While making fun of me and saying things like I'm bored, I keep eating the ayu sweetfish. It's frustrating, but it tastes good. Specifically, it's easy to eat. Both Hime-meshi (princess meal) and soups share this quality, regardless of how they are cooked.

(The flavor is salty and rustic. It's a strange thing for someone of his age and noble status.)

As I think about this while sipping soup, Middle Counselor continues the conversation. More precisely, he goes back to the main topic.

"Oh, right. I should also reward you for your efforts this time. Below the rank of Junior Seventh Rank. Should I get some money ready?"


I instinctively stop sipping soup and look back at Middle Counselor. The old man remains calm.

"Oh, an official position, is it?"

"Don't hesitate. It's a kind of promotion for the court. We're dealing with fraudsters and troublemakers. If someone with your background gets attention, there might be more people interested in official employment. Well, let's consider it a stroke of luck for you."

He laughs heartily, as cheerful as always. To me, it feels like mocking from a demon.

Still, starting from rank seven, which is the lowest, the position is overwhelmingly low. It is both subordinate and inferior. It is clear that it is only a nominal and formal position. In the Fus-kuni Ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government), it is considered equivalent to being at the bottom. There is no salary either.

However... even so, it is without a doubt a position officially recognized by the imperial court. After all, most of the officials in the imperial court are significantly above the common people. The difference between having an official position and not having one is too significant.

And just a short while ago, how did it feel to receive an official position when I was considered nothing more than a beast? It was disdainful. I feel the same unpleasant sensation as when I was appointed as a Yun-shoku and as a Household Member Coordinator.

"...I understand, thank you. I am truly grateful."

Bowing deeply, very deeply, I conceal my expression to gain time and maintain a presentable appearance.

...I mean, my stomach hurts.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh. Okay, okay... Don't be so shy. Look up. Are we having a conversation?"



After finishing the meal, just as I was about to go back to my tent, someone called out to me. When I turned around, I saw a worker from the Middle Counselor...

In his hand, he held something wrapped in a folded magnolia leaf.

"...What is it?"

"It's a gift from Middle Counselor-sama. Please accept it."

And the bag was given in a very polite way. I couldn't say no to it, and even if I did, it would have been a disrespectful thing to do, I would have been afraid of God.

So, I accept it politely. As I take it, I can smell something unique. A faint, fishy smell...

"This is..."

"Please open it."


I untie the string. I unfold a big leaf. And what I see is dried fish. There are five pieces in total. Two pieces of big fish, and three pieces of smaller ones...

"I noticed that you really liked the ayu sweetfish had earlier."

"Yes, I did."

It was certainly tasty, but the reason my eyes got wet is different. Is this sarcasm? It feels like sarcasm.

"I'm grateful. Thank you."

...Well, the ayu sweetfish is innocent. I'll eat it with Magoroku later. This time, I'll enjoy it properly.

"...So, I have delivered the ayu sweetfish from Higan River of Somi County."

"Understood. ...Hm? What is it now?"

I ask the laborer's words again. My thoughts stop at the noun that came out.

"It is the ayu sweetfish from Higan River of Somi County in the Northern region. Is there something wrong?"

"No, it's just..."

I don't know what to say about the laborer's simple reply. It feels strange, doesn't it? The talk went really smoothly.

The old man got the sweetfish from somewhere, and because of that...


I quietly looked at the dried sweetfish in my hands. I stared at them closely. What do these five sweetfish signify? What are they trying to "warn" about?


As I thought about it, felt it, understood it, I just tried hard to bear the feeling of nausea rising inside me. I deeply regretted that in this situation, it would have been better if there was a silly spider to divert my attention...

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