Chapter 505 Ballandias double sign

"If you think a familiar castle is flying, you'll meet in a place like this."

I had a feeling.

No matter how wide the Ginkai is, it is hard to imagine that there are two people who can create Zelidhavens.

That's on the boat, not on the boat, a castle but not a castle. The creator Faris is a work with soul.

"Are you sure?"

When I asked, he nodded with a gentle expression.

Reincarnation "If you use <>, it may not disappear that glow to reach the outside sea."

T r an s l ated b y jpmtl .c om Reincarnation <> is limited magic and cannot be used outside of the Militia world.

However, it is likely that even if it is activated in the Militia world, even if the source flows into the outside small world, it will be effective.

Since the Militia world is the tier I, the shallowest world, its order and evil laws extend to all smaller worlds below it.

Reincarnation <> Limited magic at the time of activation, but when reborn in another world, a weak magical law would be enough.

"Isn't it hard to believe in reincarnation?"

"It's not about the past, but about the past."

It would have been impossible to prove that there was a Militia world because it was a foamy world.

Reincarnation In a world where reincarnation due to <> is not possible, even if you talk about the previous life, it can only be thought of as a tale. Tr ans lated b y Jpmtl .co m

"Is it beautiful to indulge in lonely memories?"

Haha, laughing spilled unexpectedly.

"I'm still there"

"Your Majesty seems to be the same"

Speaking, he shook his head immediately.

"No, he seems to be getting stronger."

"you too"

Just facing each other in this way, you can see that it has even greater magical power than at that time two thousand years ago. He was reincarnated in the deep world. No wonder.

"Oh, yes. Sasha."

Calls her, who is reluctantly behind Misha. Afraid and afraid, Sasha came forward.

"Do you remember? It's a horse that sharpened your Xerid Hevnus."

"Hey, I can't help introducing that ... hey! I didn't like it too much ...!"

Sasha squeezes in protest.

"The terrible but glossy sun, the destruction is terrible, but there was ephemeral beauty there."

"Uh, um ... that's the theory ... I'm sorry to burn ..." T rans lated b y jpmtl .c o m

Faris laughs and has a radiant look. I knew what Sasha could do next to me.

"Your Majesty. Your ambition has come true."

"Let's come and see. Dilheide after the war. Why not come back. With that doge, you'll be stuffy."

For a moment, Faris's face became cloudy.

"--Isn't that profanity rude?"

A sharp voice comes flying. Looking at what was happening, a man in the same uniform as Farris walked here.

She is a short-haired, solid body demon. One sword is hanging on the waist. Did you say castle sword? It's the same kind of sword that Farris has.

"Mr. Cartinas is the official head of Barandias. Despite the fact that she was visible in the silver-water order, is it courtesy of Militia to be shameless?"

"Hmm. Who are you?"

Wang Tiger: "I'll give my name. My last name is Epara, my first name is Zymon.

Gakuin's lead, or? I guess he is a powerful person who competes for one or two in Balandias.

"You know if you were riding in Zered Hevnus, but that's who you've been linked to."

"It's normal for people in the shallow world to give way to the head of the deep world. You neglected it."

I give my smile back to Zimon who says to blame.

T r a nsl ated by jp mt m "If I knew there was such a courtesy, I would play it off."

Hearing my words, Zymon frowns.

Ginjo: "The flying castle ship Zered Hevnus, in which the Fudo King is driven, is fastest, adheres, and is impregnable. It will not jump on trains in the shallow world."

"If Zered Hevnus is a deep wing and a mikoshi that celebrates the fool, there is plenty of space to put it on."

Zymon glared at me with a grim glance.

"Correct me. Forgive me for Barandias."

"Tell your lord, it will be his duty."

As soon as he had no patience, Zimon stepped down and quickly pulled out his sword.

At the same time, Shin came out to me and pulled out the magic sword from the magic circle.

"Zaimon, it's not beautiful"

Faris's voice resounds. A blade like a saw was taken by the sword Altocolaster.

"A dispute between the schools will be settled in the Silver Water Order."

Faris turns to Otto Lou, indicating what the ruling God is seeing.

"Would you like to draw a sword? Regardless of the customs of Ginsui Holy Sea, it is true that there was disgrace here as a person."

With his posture intact, Zimon looked at Faris sideways.

"He is the one who served when I was on a wandering journey. Please, please." T r an s late d b y Jp m t m

Zimon looked at Shin standing in front of him, and drew his sword.

"It's okay to just drop it in a foamy world in this place ... if you're asking, there's no way. I'll compensate for the insult to Balandias in the tomorrow's Silverwater Order."

Zymon points to Shin with his castle sword.

"You, the aide of the head of the head? If you're going to slash with this sword, you'll have to get a little better sword by the tomorrow's Ginsui order battle."

With that in mind, Zimon puts the castle sword in the sheath. At that moment, a dull sound was heard, and the sword of the sword Altocolasta in Shin's hand broke in half.

At one point earlier, there must have been a wound.

"If Faris did not stop, the head of the doge would fly."

He turned his heels and Zimon showed his back.

"Let's keep the bully"

"I already know"

Faris looks at me. He seemed apologetic and for a while he did not say anything.

"... I found my talent smoldering in the cold village is Fudo King Cartinas ..."

Farris cut it out.

Ginjo founder "King Tiger Meytilen, the Lord of God, has been given one of the most prestigious roles in Balandias. To

Two billboards? Students from other schools were rumored. No matter where he is born, he is a brilliant man.

"I'm sorry. I can't go back to Dilheide anymore. The steadfast king certainly loses his bows and his compliments aren't beautiful. "

"Hey Farris. Why are you always?"

Zymon complains, but Faris continues.

Castle Demon "But now I'm from Balandias. I was born and raised in Balandias. I live in my hometown. There are many comrades, and Zymon is one of them. I'm waiting. The Fudo King is a man with many enemies, so I have to be a commandment as a minister. "

Certainly, if you leave that guy unchecked, you don't know what will happen to Barandias. I know you should hold the reins nearby.

"I heard, head of the foamy world. I have heard that my friend, Faris, was once wandering in another small world. But he was originally a resident of Balandias. Don't take advantage of his taste. As you have heard, I chose Cartinas more clearly than you. "

Zymon says that he needs to strengthen his word and pierce his nails.

"It means that Carinas is better than you. There is no reason to go to a foamy world!"

The first thing that tells the story of Hujo Gakuin is that Faris's power seems to have been bought over there.

I don't think Carinas has so much ambition, but if the world deepens just to get the fire dew, there may be something to gain for the inhabitants.

No matter how much your enemy hates you, you may be a good head for your relatives.

"... I'm sorry, your Majesty ..."

"Apologize, if you are free in this sea, obeying your soul, and living free. That would be difficult for the evil king's talisman."

Listening to my words, Farris bowed silently. Then quietly return the heel.

I ask on its back.

"Is the picture drawn?"

Faris stopped his foot.

"It's a promised picture of peace."

He said.

"... I folded the brush ..."

Slowly, Farris turns around.

"Pictures do not produce anything. Pictures do not save anything. I am not the inventor, but the creator of the Silver Castle in Balandias. Building is my goal now. ''

"What kind of castle is it?"

"A strong castle. I want to build a strong and noble castle in that world that will not yield to anything. Even if it is not beautiful."

He looks straight ahead. In the face of a warrior, never seen before.

"You may be surprised, but I also had ambitions. Barandias taught me that."

Faris says in a soft tone, but with certain will.

"Her Majesty. I have never forgotten those days of serving the Majesty. The Great Majesty the King, Dilheid, headed for Ballandias, aiming for that country, tomorrow. I think the only way to show you how close you were to this Silver Water march is to reward your great Majesty. ''

"Forgive. Challenge to the full."

Farris politely bows.

"... I felt like I was back in the past."

With that said, Faris headed for the stone again.

"What are you doing, Faris? Return to the castle."

Zaimon, who was watching in a distant winding, rushes to him.

"Let's process the stone."

"In the first place, you can leave this chore to someone else. If you're in a place where you can see the fellows of other schools, you're involved in the bargain of Barandias. You're the creator of Ginjo."

Zymon taps Faris's shoulder and urges him to go.

"If it's a story about a gu ticket, why don't you advise the Fudo King?"

"... I'm afraid. You're generally too grateful, so you can be licked. You'll just be robbed in the Silver Sea."

"Because there are friends you can rely on."

That being said, Zimon shuts down for a moment.

"If you only care, you'll have taken my lead."

"It's not a pattern, the first one."

"I've just said I have ambition. I've heard it."

"It's the ambition to support under the edge."

"Well, good. Come on. Tomorrow is the Silver Water Order."

While leaving such a conversation, they leave the garden.

"... Is it okay to let me go?"

Sasha asks.

"Everyone has a change of heart. Go where you want to go."


Misha calls me. She is standing at a place where Farris was making stone before.


A small hand points to the ground. There were traces of rubbing.

"It looks like something was painted."

"Hmm. I don't know how far back in this small world."

Time operation Use <> on the ground. The rubbing marks then disappeared, leaving a line drawn like a stick.

"……what's this?"

Sasha looks into the ground from Missha's back.

I can only see a few lines running. There are still about half of the traces erased.

"I can't go back anymore, but probably this is it."

I picked up a handy tree branch and added a continuation of the line.

The completed tree is the one without the leaves. It is an abstract picture. The branches and trunks are innumerable.

"... Huh? Is this a fasima tree ...?"

"It's a cluster forest."

Shin says.

"Two thousand years ago, he drew that much."

I look at the picture for a while.

"Well, although I broke the brush, I would do some graffiti, but ..."

A cluster of fascinated forests that absorb and purify toxins. The painting contained the wishes of a clean age, removing the poison of the world-wide struggle.

He continued to paint, hoping for an era where painting would not be necessary.

Do you still draw it now? In this Pablo Hetara garden, where there is no fasima tree.

"I'm worried about why I've become ambitious."

Gaze at Erdemade.

"Kakaka, leave this to me. It smells interesting."

"Shin, Mass. Come together."


"Oh, am I? I understand ...!"

I left the rest of the Ottolurou's guidance, and I, Shin, and Mass decided to follow the Farriss.