Chapter 504 Castle sword man

First lecture at Ginsuigakuin Pablohetara

On the stage, the immovable King Cartinas draws magic characters. A spherical chalkboard creates a three-dimensional image. It seems that it can be seen correctly from any angle of the circular auditorium.

"-, That is, this is the hieroglyphic magic character used in the Ginjo World Ballandias. This character itself has magical power depending on how it is drawn. I build a castle, but a spellcaster can't build a doghouse to draw thousands of characters. ''

Cartinas writes several magical hieroglyphs on a spherical chalkboard.

Characters imitating birds. Characters imitating water. Characters that imitate a castle. Just as a hieroglyph, it is closer to a picture than a letter, and certainly has more magic than the magician put into it.

I was looking at it with evil eye.

"Hmm. It seems like magic is flowing from somewhere?"

Tra n s l a t e d by jp mt m "From Balandias"

Ottrelou, standing behind, said:

"Magic power flows from shallow to deep. This 7th Elenesia is a deeper world than Barandias. Therefore, the order of Barandias works. This includes evil law."

Militia World is provisional Tier I. There was no shallower world, so only the order of that world worked.

However, the deeper the world goes, the more the order and evil laws of another world mix. At the bottom, it's probably chaotic.

"Can the magic of the deep world be used in a shallower world?"

Misha asks with a small neck.

Contract "It depends on the similarity of order and the limited nature of magic. Magic such as <>, <>, <> can be exercised in common in some small worlds, albeit with some differences, and confirms its existence. It's called common magic. " T ran s l a t e d b y jpmtl.c om

Every small world has a common evil law, and magic based on it can be used without problems.

Going back, "Deep magic that can only be exercised in the deep world order cannot be used in a shallow world. But this is not absolute. There is a technique."

"Will the deep world magic law flow into the opposite shallow world?"

"Yes, deep magic with a retrograde spell can be exercised in a shallow world."

It's almost as expected. I'm a little worried about this-

"But the retrograde method is not easy, non-conforming people"

I was listening to this story, or Carinus of the podium squeezed my mouth.

"The retrograde method reverses the order in which magic flows from shallow to deep. Of course, in the small world as a whole, it is impossible to do so much. Only in that part is it possible to make the backward movement of order work, but even with the head of God chosen by the Lord God, it is not so easy to change the flow of this wide sea, the Ginsui Holy Sea. Equal, a great magic! "

On a spherical chalkboard, Cartinas draws a complex magical formula.

Fortified fixed base Fudo Castle "<>. This is the highest magic of the castle construction attribute of our world. An immovable castle that will never fall even if the world is destroyed. I'm sorry. "

Fudoo says to boast.

"If you and the inhabitants of the foamy world have a chance to defeat our Hujo Gakuin, which is a two-tiered world, wear one, two or more layers of deep magic and use the retrograde method That's it. "

"Well. I don't think you have the power to send salt to enemies?"

Huh, and Cartinas snout.

"You wouldn't ask because you haven't formally joined yet, but the Pablohetara's Academic Treaty stipulates that lectures be conducted in good faith. It exposes the information of Tr an sl at e d b y jp m t l .co m

"It's difficult."

I just heard an unfamiliar bell sound.

"That's all of my lectures. In any case, you don't know how to use the backwards navigation method. It's because a magician called a genius is a deep magic that it takes one month to learn from scratch. Well, non-conformities, well, will it take you a lifetime? "

With a smile provocatively grinning at me, Fudoo left the auditorium.

"Dr. Anos, it's been a while before the next lecture. I'll show you Pablo Hetara."

Ottrelou says. Following her, we left the auditorium.

"--I will explain the order of the Silver Water and the conditions for official membership in Pablo Hetara."

While escorting inside the palace, the ruling god cut it out.

"The Silver Water Order Battle is a battle for fire and dew in free waters, a mock war. The fire and dew collected by Pablo Hetara is handed over to both schools and competes for it. Or the enemy's army will be unable to fight or destroyed, and the head and god will declare surrender and will win or lose.

"Well, is that a mock war, or almost a war?"

Eleonol says with a simple expression.

"No. A true war has one silver bubble in danger of disappearing. It's not God, not people, but fire dew. That's what leads to Pablo Hetara's philosophy."

Destruction "Are you sure you want to be the Lord God?"

Shin asks a sleet.

"No problem. If the Lord is destroyed in the Silver Water Order, the small world will no longer be able to maintain fire dew and will overflow into the Silver Sea. The right to recover is at the destroyed academy. Right to transfer. " T r anslat e d b y Jpmtl .c om

Arbitrage agreement Sure, <> did so.

"Well, if you defeat the Lord God, would that whole world be ours?"

"Yes. The winner can choose whatever the choice, whether to make the Ginjo World Ballandias the second Militia or to take all the dew into the Militia world and go deeper."

"Apart from colonizing or looting fire dew?"

Ottolu Roux answers my question.

"Any way to match the amount of fire dew. Any way, for example, take half of the dew into the main world, 1st Militia, and let the Balundias, which owns the remaining dew, be the 2nd Militia. It's also possible. If you're on your own, Otto Lou can help. "

"Is there a benefit to making the small world a colony?"

Erdmade asks.

"In Pablo Hetara, it works in order to improve the order. In the Silver Water Order, the stage is set in the free waters where the majority of silver bubbles are owned. This time, the second ballandias was set That's the rule. ''

In other words, the more small worlds you have, the easier it is to fight on your own playing field.

"Even though it is not related to Ginsu Gakuin, gaining silver bubbles seems to be attractive to the head of head. There will be explanations in that lecture again."

Some people simply want to increase their territory.

If the small world itself is robbed, the hierarchy of Militia itself does not change, but Militia's order works in another world. And if the amount of fire dew increases, the world will deepen and approach the deep.

However, destroying the Lord is a total takeover. If not, he will raise the white flag before that. The main thing is no difference in the battle for fire and dew.

"Here" Tran s late d b y Jpm t l .co m

When Ottolurou drew the magic circle, our uniforms were wrapped in light, and a bubble and wave emblem on our chest.

"It's Pablo Hetara's school badge. It's a provisional one. You only have the power as a Pablo Hetara student while wearing the school badge."

"Hmmm. Without this, can't we get into the Silver Water Order?"

"Yes. In the Silver Water Order, stealing as many enrolled school badges as enrolled students will give you the right to formally join the Academic Alliance to Pablohetara."

So that's it.

"If the enemy army robbs a temporary school badge, it can be exchanged for a real school badge. The increase in the number of students is advantageous for the Silver Water Order. The enemy army will also aim for your school badge. please"

If membership is a top priority, it would be better to aim for the school badge using dew as a decoy.

"Student enrollment is not yet complete. It is possible to adjust the number. In that case, please return a temporary school badge."

The number of school badges collected by a small number of elite and desired ones can be reduced. However, he brought me here. Just watching is not a class.

"I don't mind this way"


Dad and mother were given the school badge, but it's ok to take two extras.

"I'm talking about that earlier."

As he walks, Ottrelou says.

"The reason we don't return the dew to the foamy world is that we can't see inside from the lack of silver light. The foamy world isn't stable, so when we try to get in from outside, the order changes, As a result, the potential for evolution may be closed. "

"Does it just enter and perish?"

"In some cases, the foam world will return the fire dew to the outside again, like pumping water into a perforated bucket. It is inefficient and conversely Is expected to be lost. "

That is a plausible story.

"Then you just have to close the bucket hole."

"If we can do that, there will be room for consideration."

When I got out of the building, I came to the garden this time.

There is only one set in the palace and it is in good condition. I saw the students wearing the pablohetara school badge. Everyone is at ease. Some people were involved in the lesson, such as taking care of evil swords and magic tools and building magic circles.

"Do you know anything about the destruction lion of Azenen?"

Evil Zephyr: Pablo Hetara's Academic Alliance is a world, the world's phantom beast agency of Evezeino.The highest beast that they possess is called Azenen's destruction lion. Yes, Pablo Hetara wasn't very good, but he recently joined Pablo Hetara. "


"About a week ago, Evezeino was the first to win the deep world, the Silver Water Order Battle, and was the last seat of St. Roku Gakuin."

I follow the garden, following Ottolurou.

"What is Seijoku Roku Gakuin?"

"It refers to the sixth rank of Pablo Hetara. Currently, the first place is the Demon World Enesia. Therefore, this Pablo Hetara Palace is located here in the seventh Elenesia. Second is the Holy Sword World Hyfolia. This two worlds For a long time, the small world below the third rank has been unable to follow, but Evezeino has the potential to rival it, albeit at a lower rank.

It seems that quite a few famous people came to the Militia world.

"Isn't the feeling of Hyfolia calm?"

"If you want to settle in the Silver Water Order in line with the Academy Treaty, Pablo Hetara is welcome."

The Gakuin Confederation is just a treaty of different small worlds with united interests. I can't imagine that Evezeino, who had been hostile until now, came down to the military gate calmly.

But it's the same as we do.

"Is there an opportunity to talk to St. Rokugakuin?"

"It's rude to call out from people in the shallow world. It's customary to wait for voices from St. Rokugakuin's people. Will also be given. ''


Suddenly, a pile of cubic stones appeared on the edge of the eye.

A man floats a rock and cuts it into cubes. The tool used is a sword, but it is a bit special. The cutting edge is jagged like a saw.

The piles of stone were all the same size without any difference. On the contrary, even the magic possessed by the stone is perfectly aligned.

At the same time as shaping the form, it may be cutting off magical power as much as necessary, but it is not easy. We do this without breathing as if we breathe, and make stone materials one after another.

What to use for buildings? He might be doing the necessary work, but the appearance of the man with a sword, like a saw, was somehow fun.

The uniform I wear is an ultramarine blue haori. On the shoulder is the school badge of the castle. Like the Fudo King Cartinas, she is probably a member of the Ginjo World Ballandias.

Shining gold hair is finished in an artistic Pompadour.

Castle sword "Is it unusual?"

Did you notice my gaze, the man stopped working and looked back slowly.

Saw `` This is a kind of magic sword with a sword united, used to build a castle in the Ginjo World Barandias-''

Looking at my face, looking at my magic, he lost words.

It was a long, very long silence.

“…………………… His Majesty ...”

Finally, he uttered it.

You can't get it wrong. Two thousand years ago, there was a rare founder, Faris Noin, scattered in the sky of destruction.