(TLN: Sorry guys, me a bit unwell. From now on, I’ll try to schedule the ups.)

“Today, we are going to the Forest of Lost.”

First thing in the morning, as Julis and the others were in the classroom, Caesar was the first to speak after confirming that everyone was present.

“The Forest of Lost is a forest outside the campus that is managed by the academy. Err, it’s your practical training there, so that’s what we’ll be doing today.”

Perhaps it was a pain in the ass to explain, Caesar scratched his head and gave a minimal explanation.

Let’s get going────that was all they got.

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“Umm, what are we going to do there?”

Cecilia, who was wondering, raised her hand and said.

Of course, the majority of the class would have the same question.

“Ah…… you’ve been doing basic training every day lately, right? I thought it was about time for experiencing some practical training.────so I’m going to ask you to defeat the monsters that live in this forest.”

Monsters were creatures with magical power that were said to be spawned by the demon race.

They were fierce and violent creatures that moved with their instincts to satisfy their own hunger and greed────Therefore, it didn’t matter if you were a mage, a knight, or an adventurer, those were always a target to be defeated.

The students here were just a bunch of youngsters with talent, and few of them probably have any practical experience.

Certainly, it would be better to have some experience for the future.

“This time, we’ll be doing it in parties of four. The members have been decided at my own.”

Said that, Caesar put the names on the blackboard.

After a few moments, Cecilia found her own name.

“Ah…… I’m not with Julis…….”

“It is true.”

Cecilia, who was sitting next to Julis, was despirited.

For now, Julis patted Cecilia on the head. Julis knew from his own experience that this was an effective way to comfort Cecilia.

The means was right, and Cecilia was cheered up with a “Ehehe ……” and a soft smile on her face.

(Well, it’s a bit sad that we couldn’t be together, but…… it can’t be helped.)

Cecilia looked dreary, that this time Julis and Cecilia were not in the same party.

Looking at the blackboard, Julis was in the same party as Richard, Anastasia, and Mirabelle, while Cecilia was with Emilia, Byrne, and one other male student.

“Our goal this time is to get five Black Wolf tails. That’s our goal. If you retire on the way────or if you are injured or in danger, launch the magic beacon immediately.”

The Black Wolf was an E-class monster.

So it was hard to imagine that Julis and his friends, who were at the top of the class, would have any trouble with it.

But even so, there was always a chance.

This was why Caesar showed everyone the chimney-shaped magic tool in a slightly stronger tone.

“Gather under the school’s gate in 20 minutes────Everyone, don’t be late…”


“Julis-sama,…… may I, have a moment of your time?”

“…… Uheh.”

As they were getting ready to head out,────Emilia came over to Julis.

He looked so uncomfortable, that he couldn’t help but let out a strange voice.

You might say, “What kind of attitude is that towards the princess of a country?” But please take it as…….a proof that Julis and Emilia have become close.

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“May I?”


Julis reluctantly gave in to Emilia, who was serious and put a lot of pressure on him.

Emilia was gradually getting to know how to handle Julis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eget pellentesque velit, non pellentesque mauris. Donec congue, mauris sed rhoncus auctor, ligula leo placerat leo, ut faucibus nisi enim a odio. Pellentesque quis dolor enim. Donec lacinia odio nec massa tincidunt lacinia. Ut mollis quam elit, tempor rhoncus dui convallis et. Vivamus luctus libero ante, sit amet pulvinar libero finibus vitae. Phasellus a purus a purus placerat vulputate. Proin finibus orci dolor, eget ullamcorper felis tincidunt sed. Cras et libero augue. Pellentesque congue sapien diam, sed pulvinar nibh ultrices non. Maecenas eget eros in mi efficitur feugiat quis et ex.

"Etiam bibendum justo sed magna vehicula iaculis. Proin placerat iaculis eleifend."

"Donec a urna metus."

"Donec ac arcu lacus. Donec eu bibendum neque."

"In ullamcorper posuere turpis, eget tristique ante faucibus id. Donec sodales venenatis nunc et lacinia. Donec et urna hendrerit dui vehicula lobortis ut et ex. Donec gravida efficitur leo a varius. Nam porta aliquet ligula a scelerisque. Suspendisse ut arcu scelerisque, egestas ante ut, aliquet nunc."

"Fusce consectetur semper arcu. Nunc eu velit non enim rhoncus sollicitudin at et risus. Aliquam ut erat ac felis iaculis gravida pretium pharetra magna."

Praesent tristique accumsan neque et vehicula. Ut mollis tortor et est tincidunt pellentesque. Donec dictum est ut justo commodo tempus. Donec ullamcorper sapien eget lorem bibendum fermentum. Phasellus ut ligula erat. Vivamus eget ante at purus vehicula maximus luctus ut dui. Fusce odio lectus, condimentum eget ullamcorper quis, vestibulum nec tortor.

Aliquam in sollicitudin leo. Suspendisse tristique ligula dolor, ut maximus libero mattis vel. Duis risus neque, bibendum ac velit quis, ultrices placerat lorem. Sed a venenatis augue. Maecenas id neque lacus. Nunc a ipsum nulla. Vestibulum cursus dapibus orci. Duis aliquet quam orci, vitae feugiat sapien ullamcorper vitae. Maecenas tempor erat vitae tellus rhoncus accumsan. Sed tempus dictum lacus, sit amet tempus turpis tincidunt eget.

"Donec laoreet felis hendrerit commodo luctus. Vivamus id ultricies eros. Suspendisse tempus viverra ante, vel ultricies sem pretium sed."

"Donec eleifend quis lacus in vulputate. Morbi rutrum tortor eu dapibus tempor. Nunc pretium in massa vitae accumsan. Maecenas commodo ante felis, et tempus felis ornare sit amet. Vestibulum quis rutrum elit."

"Etiam id interdum lectus. Proin quis turpis quis ante hendrerit aliquet sed sed nisl. In dignissim tincidunt interdum. Suspendisse efficitur, risus id faucibus commodo, urna magna semper augue, eu semper neque ipsum sit amet magna."

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur turpis sapien, pulvinar at orci a, venenatis ultricies nisl. Donec at tincidunt ex. Etiam fringilla, erat at semper fringilla, mi nunc ultrices justo, nec tempor nunc nisl blandit ex. Nunc aliquam augue quis dui aliquet ornare. Duis lectus lorem, venenatis non leo a, molestie euismod elit. Nam nisl magna, consectetur ac nulla at, ultricies rutrum eros. Suspendisse sed risus tempus, dapibus turpis ut, dictum nulla. Suspendisse at dignissim felis.

"Vivamus eu pharetra odio. Aliquam ipsum arcu, tempor at blandit ut, porttitor vitae massa. In commodo tincidunt mauris, facilisis feugiat justo volutpat at."

"Pellentesque quis nunc tristique, convallis nulla laoreet, interdum lorem. In tempor mattis accumsan. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ac lobortis metus, at luctus quam."

"Nulla auctor suscipit magna iaculis sodales. Nunc lobortis dolor nunc, in viverra dolor congue a. Quisque eget magna sed leo hendrerit facilisis. Phasellus ultricies nisl dolor, in viverra nisl accumsan eu. Etiam tristique rhoncus consectetur. Aenean cursus eleifend egestas. Nulla vitae lacus vehicula, accumsan turpis nec, ullamcorper nisl."

Morbi eu neque orci. Vivamus hendrerit odio vitae massa placerat molestie sed vel augue. Nullam tempus id velit et congue. Morbi eget erat urna. Praesent elementum erat vitae justo molestie interdum. Mauris id mauris non velit sollicitudin facilisis ut vel lectus. Etiam accumsan quam sapien, id maximus nisl elementum nec. Sed eu aliquet tellus. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae iaculis vulputate, ex ligula luctus est, id eleifend libero metus sed felis. Aliquam condimentum pharetra nunc, in vehicula orci ultricies vitae. Nullam scelerisque commodo velit, pretium finibus dolor ultricies in. Sed commodo nisi enim, non gravida nulla finibus ac. Maecenas gravida blandit tellus. Ut et ullamcorper lacus, nec interdum ligula. Etiam id sapien nec diam efficitur venenatis.

"Pellentesque ac tincidunt sem, et sodales elit. Etiam quis dui sed lectus dignissim luctus sed at magna. Pellentesque auctor eu lectus nec hendrerit."

"Donec odio est, lobortis vitae mauris id, iaculis elementum ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rhoncus arcu orci, eu placerat libero scelerisque vel."

"Mauris malesuada ullamcorper quam. Duis scelerisque nisl in orci mollis iaculis."

Maecenas consequat imperdiet metus, sit amet luctus nisl ultrices sit amet. Mauris volutpat blandit risus. Proin elementum fringilla felis, finibus imperdiet diam aliquet in. Pellentesque eu hendrerit nisl. Pellentesque id tincidunt sapien, quis faucibus metus. Fusce imperdiet vel turpis non maximus. Duis rhoncus in purus in dictum. Aliquam hendrerit mollis nisi sed mollis. In nec ex molestie, dapibus nisl nec, ornare est.

Julis, who had no choice but to follow behind Emilia as she left the classroom with his shoulders slumped. Cecilia and the others wondered about her appearance, but no one wanted to talk to.

It was because they guessed that it was something important to talk about.

……Unlike Julis, they were made of people.

Then, after receiving the gaze of Cecilia and the others, Julis came to the landing of the stairs as Emilia took him.

“Umm…… what the h*ll seems to be going on this time? I’ve got a bad feeling about this, somehow.”

Julis’s face showed an expression that lacked of courtesy.

But even so, Emilia opened her mouth earnestly without changing her expression.

“I apologize to call you this sudden……, but there was something I must tell you, Julis-sama…….”

Julis had a bad feeling about this.

However, even so, he understood that if he didn’t listen to her, it was unlikely to end, or so Julis listened earnestly.

“The other day, I told you about the former exclusive knight, but────”

“……Ah, the guy who tried to assassinate Emilia, right?”

“Yes…… I’ve figured out what that former exclusive knight was referring.”

“All for the sake of the resurrection of the evil dragon!”────As I recall, those were the words.

Julis recalled while desperately digging up his meager head.

“Did the kingdom finally find out about it?────Evil Dragon……, isn’t it? That sounds dangerous.”

“……That evil dragon, apparently it’s an existence that the evil cult worships.”

The evil cult was the ones who have deviated from the foundation of this world, worshipping the goddess────Arshuna.

There was nothing wrong with not believing in Arshuna, but believing in other symbolic beings. In fact, there were people who believed in gods other than Arshuna.

For example, elves like Mirabelle believe in the “Spirit King,” the guardian deity of the forest.

The object of belief is free────there is no compulsion there.

However, if it was something that disturbs the order, that was a different story.

“Evil cult…… a bunch of lunatics…… Why the kingdom even appointed such a person as an exclusive knight…….”

“I have no words to reply…….”

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Emilia looked apologetic to the dumbfounded Julis.

It’s not that he was complaining to Emilia, but he couldn’t help but felt the need to complain.

“…… Well, whatever────so, do you know what they’re after?”

“Sorry…… I didn’t know much────The only thing that’s clear is that “they need noble blood and sacred blood” and “they need a sacrifice”.”

“…… Sacred blood.”

The noble blood────it probably meant royalty like Emilia, or someone with a high title. This could be somewhat predicted by the fact that Emilia was almost assassinated.

But what exactly is the sacred blood? This is where Julis wondered.

“I don’t get it……. The sacred blood is one thing, but what are they going to do with it once they’ve collected it all? In addition, I’m curious about the sacrifice……. From the flow of the story, it seems that in order to revive the evil dragon────the blood and sacrifice are needed…….”

“……”The Kingdom thinks so as well. Therefore, we will continue our investigation────and search for that former exclusive knight.”


There was no point in thinking about it now.

What they could do now was to think about their own safety. The rest was a matter for the kingdom.

There was nothing a mere kid can do────so they decided to end the conversation.

“As I told you before…… if it becomes dangerous, break that crystal. Don’t hesitate at all.”

When Julis finished telling her, he left the landing without further ado.

“Fufu, I understand. I’d be relying on you.”

Emilia, who was flattered by Julis’s words and also walked alongside him with a smile on her face.

For now, they had to head to the meeting place quickly before late.

So, Julis and the others quickly headed straight to the gate of the academy.

(Even so…… The sacred blood, huh……)

However, those very words were still stuck in Julis’ head.