A few weeks have passed since Julis and the others started their academy lives.

The basic classes consisted of classroom lectures in the morning and practical training in the afternoon.

Class S is different from the other classes in that there are no joint classes at all.

Therefore, the entire environment of class S is the entire environment of the current academy life.

After a few weeks, the group of the class was naturally established, and members of the same group naturally started to act together.

Among them, there were two main groups that stood out.

The first one is────

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“Hey, Cecilia? I don’t think I need to study magic, right? Because after all, I can’t use magic, right? And I’ve learned most of the magic principles from my master, right? So, that…… can I stop sitting seiza now?”

“No! You’re not allowed! This is a sermon! You’ve come here to learn, so don’t fall asleep and listen to the lecture properly!”

“But……, it’s going to be even harder if Cecilia sits on top of my lap? So, what’s the point of this seiza? This big bro, is going to attack you from behind, okay?”

“A, atta…….!? E, enough already! Please repent!”

“Eeeh, I fault here?”

“Yes! In the first place, Julis has been given valuable diligence────.”

After the morning class, Julis Anderberg was sitting in a seiza posture in the corner of the classroom.

And for some reason, Cecilia sat angrily on top of him. However, the expression on her face looked somewhat happy.

……Well, she was currently preaching to Julis with a grin on her face.

“The only person who would dare to say “attack” to Cecilia, a saintess, is no other than Julis.”


Furthermore, there were two people who looked at the scene in a dumbfounded, yet smiling way.

They were the daughter of the Duke House, Anastasia, and the son of Count House, Richard.

They were both sitting in chairs on the side, enjoying the liberties.

“Haha… somehow, I’ve gotten so used to this scene lately.”

It’s a girl with a different appearance and look than everyone else.

Mirabelle, with her blond hair brushed back into her long ears, couldn’t hide her bitter smile at the sight.

The first group to be mentioned would be these five people.

Cecilia, The Saintess; Anastasia, The Daughter of Duke House; Richard, The Son of Count House; Mirabelle, The Elf; and last, who was at the center of them, Julis, The Inept and The Son of The Frontier Lord.

This academy, which treats its students regardless of nobility, commoners, or race, is probably the reason why such a bizarre group of people is born. Among them, there is no such thing as hierarchy.

That’s why this group stands out in the class without question, and since they possess top-class skills, no one seems to dare to approach.

However, there was one exception────

“Everyone, you’re all together again today, yes.”

A girl with light silver hair, appeared in a dignified manner.

“Is Emilia done with her business?”

“Yes, I just asked the instructor about a question I had about the content of the class.”

It was a member of the royal family of this country────Emilia Lapis Lazuli, The Third Princess.

“You should learn from Emilia.”

“No! I’m lazy! I prefer to be pampered for the rest of my life! Earn money and then go to the brothel every day spending all nights with big sises!”

“Julis-kun, you’re as honest as ever, aren’t you…….”

“I admire you for that, dude!”

“That’s my bestie! You understand me very well!”

The sight of these people chatting and laughing really stood out.

Because each one of them was a unique person, it’s difficult for anyone to interact with them and could only watch from the sidelines.

Among them, there was one person whose impression had changed since he entered the academy.

“But you know, I really don’t need a magic class. Because I’m a sorcerer, right? I’m not a magician.”

It was Julis Anderberg.

The one who was despised as inept because of his inability to use magic, and was looked at coldly by those around him.


“Yes, I’m Julis.” (TLN: Konosuba reference LoL, “Julis!?” | “Hai, Julis desu.”)

“Are you listening to me?”

“I’m not listening.”

“Boo! Julis, boo……!”

In the beginning, people made fun of him for being inept because of his low rank.

They said it was because he was inferior to them and that it was strange that someone who couldn’t use magic was here.

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How about we take a look back?

On the first day of the exam, Julis was competing equally with Caesar, who was an S-rank adventurer, and in the practical exam, he was always the best in all subjects except magic.

Everyone has come to understand Julis’s abilities.

However, it only happened in this class.

If it was another class that doesn’t know Julis’ abilities, he’ll still be ridiculed.

…… But if Julis is ridiculed, the people around him will not keep quiet.

Those around him are all people with power and authority────nobody wants to make fun of him willingly

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eget pellentesque velit, non pellentesque mauris. Donec congue, mauris sed rhoncus auctor, ligula leo placerat leo, ut faucibus nisi enim a odio. Pellentesque quis dolor enim. Donec lacinia odio nec massa tincidunt lacinia. Ut mollis quam elit, tempor rhoncus dui convallis et. Vivamus luctus libero ante, sit amet pulvinar libero finibus vitae. Phasellus a purus a purus placerat vulputate. Proin finibus orci dolor, eget ullamcorper felis tincidunt sed. Cras et libero augue. Pellentesque congue sapien diam, sed pulvinar nibh ultrices non. Maecenas eget eros in mi efficitur feugiat quis et ex.

"Etiam bibendum justo sed magna vehicula iaculis. Proin placerat iaculis eleifend."

"Donec a urna metus."

"Donec ac arcu lacus. Donec eu bibendum neque."

"In ullamcorper posuere turpis, eget tristique ante faucibus id. Donec sodales venenatis nunc et lacinia. Donec et urna hendrerit dui vehicula lobortis ut et ex. Donec gravida efficitur leo a varius. Nam porta aliquet ligula a scelerisque. Suspendisse ut arcu scelerisque, egestas ante ut, aliquet nunc."

"Fusce consectetur semper arcu. Nunc eu velit non enim rhoncus sollicitudin at et risus. Aliquam ut erat ac felis iaculis gravida pretium pharetra magna."

Praesent tristique accumsan neque et vehicula. Ut mollis tortor et est tincidunt pellentesque. Donec dictum est ut justo commodo tempus. Donec ullamcorper sapien eget lorem bibendum fermentum. Phasellus ut ligula erat. Vivamus eget ante at purus vehicula maximus luctus ut dui. Fusce odio lectus, condimentum eget ullamcorper quis, vestibulum nec tortor.

Aliquam in sollicitudin leo. Suspendisse tristique ligula dolor, ut maximus libero mattis vel. Duis risus neque, bibendum ac velit quis, ultrices placerat lorem. Sed a venenatis augue. Maecenas id neque lacus. Nunc a ipsum nulla. Vestibulum cursus dapibus orci. Duis aliquet quam orci, vitae feugiat sapien ullamcorper vitae. Maecenas tempor erat vitae tellus rhoncus accumsan. Sed tempus dictum lacus, sit amet tempus turpis tincidunt eget.

"Donec laoreet felis hendrerit commodo luctus. Vivamus id ultricies eros. Suspendisse tempus viverra ante, vel ultricies sem pretium sed."

"Donec eleifend quis lacus in vulputate. Morbi rutrum tortor eu dapibus tempor. Nunc pretium in massa vitae accumsan. Maecenas commodo ante felis, et tempus felis ornare sit amet. Vestibulum quis rutrum elit."

"Etiam id interdum lectus. Proin quis turpis quis ante hendrerit aliquet sed sed nisl. In dignissim tincidunt interdum. Suspendisse efficitur, risus id faucibus commodo, urna magna semper augue, eu semper neque ipsum sit amet magna."

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur turpis sapien, pulvinar at orci a, venenatis ultricies nisl. Donec at tincidunt ex. Etiam fringilla, erat at semper fringilla, mi nunc ultrices justo, nec tempor nunc nisl blandit ex. Nunc aliquam augue quis dui aliquet ornare. Duis lectus lorem, venenatis non leo a, molestie euismod elit. Nam nisl magna, consectetur ac nulla at, ultricies rutrum eros. Suspendisse sed risus tempus, dapibus turpis ut, dictum nulla. Suspendisse at dignissim felis.

"Vivamus eu pharetra odio. Aliquam ipsum arcu, tempor at blandit ut, porttitor vitae massa. In commodo tincidunt mauris, facilisis feugiat justo volutpat at."

"Pellentesque quis nunc tristique, convallis nulla laoreet, interdum lorem. In tempor mattis accumsan. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ac lobortis metus, at luctus quam."

"Nulla auctor suscipit magna iaculis sodales. Nunc lobortis dolor nunc, in viverra dolor congue a. Quisque eget magna sed leo hendrerit facilisis. Phasellus ultricies nisl dolor, in viverra nisl accumsan eu. Etiam tristique rhoncus consectetur. Aenean cursus eleifend egestas. Nulla vitae lacus vehicula, accumsan turpis nec, ullamcorper nisl."

Morbi eu neque orci. Vivamus hendrerit odio vitae massa placerat molestie sed vel augue. Nullam tempus id velit et congue. Morbi eget erat urna. Praesent elementum erat vitae justo molestie interdum. Mauris id mauris non velit sollicitudin facilisis ut vel lectus. Etiam accumsan quam sapien, id maximus nisl elementum nec. Sed eu aliquet tellus. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae iaculis vulputate, ex ligula luctus est, id eleifend libero metus sed felis. Aliquam condimentum pharetra nunc, in vehicula orci ultricies vitae. Nullam scelerisque commodo velit, pretium finibus dolor ultricies in. Sed commodo nisi enim, non gravida nulla finibus ac. Maecenas gravida blandit tellus. Ut et ullamcorper lacus, nec interdum ligula. Etiam id sapien nec diam efficitur venenatis.

"Pellentesque ac tincidunt sem, et sodales elit. Etiam quis dui sed lectus dignissim luctus sed at magna. Pellentesque auctor eu lectus nec hendrerit."

"Donec odio est, lobortis vitae mauris id, iaculis elementum ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rhoncus arcu orci, eu placerat libero scelerisque vel."

"Mauris malesuada ullamcorper quam. Duis scelerisque nisl in orci mollis iaculis."

Maecenas consequat imperdiet metus, sit amet luctus nisl ultrices sit amet. Mauris volutpat blandit risus. Proin elementum fringilla felis, finibus imperdiet diam aliquet in. Pellentesque eu hendrerit nisl. Pellentesque id tincidunt sapien, quis faucibus metus. Fusce imperdiet vel turpis non maximus. Duis rhoncus in purus in dictum. Aliquam hendrerit mollis nisi sed mollis. In nec ex molestie, dapibus nisl nec, ornare est.

However, even so, the people around him did not try to befriend Julis.

Perhaps it was because the same as they acknowledged that the person they saw as inferior was actually superior, and their pride would not allow it.

Also, speaking of impressions that have changed greatly────

[Hey, Byrne-sama seems to be by himself again today?]

[Idiot! Don’t say too much about Byrne-sama!]


On a seat in the corner of the classroom, Byrne sat there.

After the incident in the cafeteria, people’s opinion of Byrne had dropped dramatically.

He was not being harassed directly.

That’s because Byrne is from a Duke House, if he is lesser in rank like Julis, there might have been some action against him.


Byrne didn’t argue with the words he hears.

It was not because────he had become generous

[Hey, speaking of which, Byrne-sama officially wasn’t chosen as the successor, do you know it?]

[Yea…… it seems that Emilia-sama went directly to the Duke of Huguenot and told him……personally.”

[Uwaaa…… that’s what you get when you didn’t heed Emilia-sama’s warning.]

There’s one main reason why people stay away from Byrne.

“If I keep involved with Byrne, won’t Emilia-sama hate me?” That’s it.

In front of the masses, Emilia reprimanded Byrne.

The word disappointment was included in her words, and they worried of “If I get involved with Byrne, I’ll get the same treatment from Emilia-sama────”.

Emilia is undoubtedly, overwhelmingly superior.

They would rather be disliked by Byrne than by Emilia.


Therefore, Byrne was isolated.

He was shaking his fist in the air.


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(Dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit!!!!)

That night, Byrne got frustrated.

His clenched fists were trembling, and he felt as if he would bite his lip any minute.

Byrne stomped his feet hard as he walked through the gardens on the grounds, different from where Julis had walked the other day.

“DAMN IT!!!”

He kicked a nearby potted plant and let out an emotion that he couldn’t direct anywhere else.

(I’m a member of The Duke House! And yet, they’re making fun of me all the time!)

Members of the Duke House are respected.

People should walk behind them and admire them────Byrne thinks that he is such a person.

But what about now?

People made fun of him.

(That princess and inept……! I’ll never forgive them!)

Emilia, who made a disgrace of him in front of the public, and the inept, Julis, who trampled on him.

The unreasonable anger against them dominates inside Byrne.

(Unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable!!!)


“Do you want power, boy there?”

A voice could be heard from the garden.

Byrne didn’t respond to the voice, but instead ravages the garden with his rage.

“You hate her, don’t you? You grudge her, don’t you? You can’t forgive her, can you? If that’s the case, I’ll give you the power────to trample down that princess you hate.”

Spontaneously, Byrne’s head nodded.

He didn’t know why he did it, even to himself.

And then────

“Then, I shall bestow it to you────All for the sake of the resurrection of the evil dragon.”