Chapter 357: Drums of War

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 357: Drums of War

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


Chapter 357: Drums of War

13th June 2013, Sayre Manor

(Wanda Maximoff POV)

Wanda's thoughts were interrupted by a loud sound. She ran out of Sayre Manor to see what was going on, until she saw a familiar egg shaped ship get inside the wards with a sonic boom, before stopping a few meters over the ground and slowly levitating down, until it landed entirely.

This was Jasmine's ship. Wanda remembered it flying up when her mother left the planet. The door slowly opened up, revealing a staircase. The familiar black-haired and green-eyed woman walked forwards, followed by Hela who looked far more relaxed than she was when they left weeks before. Surprisingly, she was followed by another man that was wearing a red jacket, a woman with green skin, a topless grey man with red marks on his skin, a raccoon holding some kind of high-tech rifle, and a fucking walking tree of all things.

Jasmine noticed her and smiled, "Hello there Wanda. Meet my companions, this is Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. They're part of a team called the Guardians of the Galaxy. Guys, this is Wanda Maximoff, my daughter."

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24th March 2015, Sayre Manor

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

I had to admit that returning to Earth was slightly anti-climactic. Honestly, I didn't expect Wanda and Jean to succeed in their mission, and yet they did. I guess I was so used to the disappointment that Rose ended up being, that I failed to see how much they have flourished in the roles that I had assigned to them.

I expected them to rebel slightly, I expected more trouble, especially with my apathetic behavior, but they sucked it up and did what I asked of them. The mutant race was now technically saved from the enslavement that the Accords represented, and while the girls weren't really subtle about it, they did achieve the main purpose.

What a miserable life I had lead, filled with loneliness and suffering, with small fragments of happiness so that I wouldn't break. I cannot love without losing them, I cannot trust without being betrayed, I cannot give up because I wasn't allowed to. I realize that now. I was never free to make my own choices, even after the time loop was over. I was bound with one crisis after another, all of them leading me to this moment, this instance in time where I was supposed to do something critical for the survival of the multiverse.

Yet, I had to wonder why it seemed to hate me so much, if I was to be its savior. Was I anything more than a sacrificial lamb that was forced to suffer until I had nothing left to lose? Why was I the one that had to suffer so much for no reason?

And for what? To still be enslaved to an uncaring cosmic entity that relished in my suffering? Death is often fair and merciful, and yet why did she relish in watching my grief and sorrow?

Did I believe for one second that this thing would ever let me go? No, I didn't. She has lied before, she has betrayed me before, and there was no guarantee that she wouldn't do so again.

No more!

She may control my life, but I will not allow my soul to be beholden by such a being. I might be a slave in life, no matter how Death likes to deny it, but I will not be one in Death. I refuse on principal to let that being have any hold over my immortal soul. She could reincarnate me once more, forcing me to fight endless battles for an eternity.

No more!

I am the Avatar of Death, but I will not always be. I was born to light yet forced to darkness. I have lost and suffered more than any being on this cursed planet. I have withstood loss after loss, pain after pain, with a heart of glass that is slowly shattering with every single one. I decree no more. I have given my entire life to Death; she will not get a drop of what comes after.

To prevent Death itself from getting my soul, I will have to gift it to someone else, someone that she can't touch, and I have the perfect candidate. After all, the Queen of Olympus was invisible to her, and I would rather trust my soul to her, and live out my time in her realm after my death, than allow my patron to have it.

And Death did have a blind spot when Hestia is involved, didn't she?

A sinister smile appeared on my face when the barebones of a plan started to get put together.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.