Chapter 356: The Return

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 356: The Return

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


Chapter 356: The Return

13th June 2013, Avengers Tower Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

(Tony Stark POV)

Tony ejected himself from the giant suit, staying in his smaller one, and activated the self-destruct of each of the limbs and torso. They exploded in his opponent's face, and he grinned slightly, only for him to feel pain in his gut. There was another sentinel there. How many of these things were left?

Tony fell down, while everything was getting dizzy. He thought that he was going to die, but for some reason, the pain turned to warmth, and his vision started getting clearer. He blinked and saw a familiar redhead appear next to him. He felt a voice in his head, 'Are you alright Tony?'

'Words can't express how happy I am to see you, Grey.'

The redhead chuckled and Tony felt her reading his memories of the events. He normally would have complained about this breach of privacy but considering the situation, he would hold his tongue.

The redhead then turned towards the Red Hulk and waved her hand. The red giant immediately fell unconscious and every sentinel in the park turned to dust. What the hell, Tony has been fighting for his life, and the mutant could just walk there, waving her hands and just beat his enemy and his overpowered robots. Life really wasn't fair.

Tony didn't care that this was ironic considering he was a billionaire.

The Accords could have abated that fear of the unknown. After all, if the government dealt with something, then the average person wouldn't need to concern themselves with it. Superhuman crime would become like any other criminal act and punished accordingly, without them knowing of the specifics of it.

Now, without the Accords, the tentative peace was fragile, and something needed to unite both humanity and mutant kind. With the coming conflict, a common enemy for all of the residents of Earth would come. Thanos was coming, and should Jasmine be victorious in her fight, and them in theirs, it would provide a foundation on which peace between the two people would be built, and soon after, the inclusion of the magical world would be smooth.

Wanda could see it happening, and she marvelled at her mother's planning. This was the work of decades of plots and plans that finally converged. Jasmine's off-hand approach to the rising of mutant kind made sense now. There had to be conflict, and Jasmine planned on making it as light and as fast as possible, planning on using Thanos' invasion to unite every living being on the planet.

It was sad that Jasmine's recent apathy made her dismiss her plans and relegate it to them. Her mother would not have given the mutant race's fate to them after planning for so long. She wouldn't have wiped Rose's memories of her the way she did. The Selene incident really shook her up and affected her immensely. Wanda's mother was slowly losing her humanity and there was nothing she could do about it. Was she even functional anymore?

All she had left was her power and her fight with Entropy and it was sad that she didn't see what she's become. Wanda loved her mother, by all the powers in the multiverse, she really did. Jasmine had saved her from her lowest, and Wanda was going to do the same to her. She wouldn't abandon her, the way that she, herself, was abandoned by her own father and brother.

Speaking of Pietro, he had practically gone off the grid for months, and honestly, Wanda couldn't be bothered to track him down. For all his talk about reuniting and becoming a family, the speedster did very little to make that a reality, darting from one part of the globe to another, until slowly, Wanda's willingness to even try to seek him out was getting lower with every conversation. Oh, she still tracked him down to make sure he was alright, but she had given up long ago that they would share a normal sibling relationship. Even Thor and Loki were closer siblings than she was, and they tried to kill each other routinely before Thor had to return him because of what happened after the Ragnark mess. And well, Loki hadn't even woken up since then, which was starting to be worrying.

Wanda's thoughts were interrupted by a loud sound. She ran out of Sayre Manor to see what was going on until she saw a familiar egg shaped ship get inside the wards with a sonic boom, before stopping a few meters over the ground and slowly levitating down until it landed entirely.

This was Jasmine's ship. Wanda remembered it flying up when her mother left the planet. The door slowly opened up, revealing a staircase. The familiar black-haired and green-eyed woman walked forwards, followed by Hela who looked far more relaxed than she was when they left weeks before. Surprisingly, she was followed by another man that was wearing a red jacket, a woman with green skin, a topless grey man with red marks on his skin, a racoon holding some kind of high-tech rifle, and a fucking walking tree of all things.

Jasmine noticed her and smiled, "Hello there Wanda. Meet my companions, this is Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. They're part of a team called the Guardians of the Galaxy. Guys, this is Wanda Maximoff, my daughter."


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.