Chapter 299: Plans in Motion

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 299: Plans in Motion

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


7th May 2013, Sayre Manor

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

Unfortunately, I knew for a fact that I barely scratched the surface of what I could do. Celestials are often born with the knowledge of their powers programmed in their minds. And even then, they spent millions of years honing their skills. This really did show how much of a disappointment Ego really was. Sure, he created an entire planet, with a stable ecosystem, just to protect his brain, but with the firepower he had, he could have easily caused some serious damage. Honestly, I wasn't even winded after the fight, that's how bad he was. I was only beginning to explore my new abilities and for the first time in thousands of years, the road in front of me was mostly unknown.

Suddenly, I felt something click in my mind. Something was happening, but not to me, but to everything. It was odd. It was like the universe itself was misaligned for some reason. Immediately I realized what was going on and the implications that it had, "The Convergence has begun. It's time."


(Loki Odinson POV)

If Loki could summarize his time with the Morrigan in one word, it would be enlightening. Truthfully, words could not describe what he felt at this time. It was oddly freeing, to live without any expectations in a mansion where his input was appreciated.

The mansion itself wasn't as luxurious as the royal palace in Asgard where he had spent most of his life. The walls and floor were not made of gold, there were no daily feasts and tourneys. But most of all, there was no sneering sheep that looked down on him for using magic. Oh, the hypocrites, who called him a coward behind his back for not focusing on his martial pursuits, and yet also used magic to strengthen their bodies and power. The Morrigan's explanation about the origins of the powers of Asgardians had opened his eyes to the fact that he had nothing to be ashamed of.

However, what he has learnt the most was his appreciation for his own power. He had always dismissed his skills as useless tricks that rarely worked in a fight. But his host had taught him otherwise. It was staggering how much he could accomplish when training with someone that truly believed in him. His mother, Frigga, had tried many times, but after learning the essentials, it didn't help in any way; their magics were just different in nature.

Frigga was of Vanaheim. They had their own magics, culture and skills. Loki was a Jotun that was adopted by Odin. They were fundamentally different and so were their magics. Loki supposed that it was his ignorance of his nature and acceptance of himself that made his progress in his magic lackluster. But now, after a few months under the Morrigan's tutelage, he was far stronger than he ever was.

Loki surpassed Frigga in raw power long ago, but he never knew how to use it. Now, he could cast massive illusions as large as a small city with great detail, he could bring a miniature ice age whenever he wished to, and he could even conjure hundreds of weapons at a time and telekinetically throw them at his enemies.

While his martial abilities had stagnated, his magic flourished. The Morrigan had obviously focused on attacking magics instead of enchantments, and offensive mind magics which came very naturally to the God of Mischief.

It was this improvement that made him realize how much trust Odin had truly given him. Considering that Loki's powers originate from the Odinforce, the All-father must have consciously decided to give Loki his powers. Else he would have simply ended up becoming as powerful as a regular Asgardian, which wasn't much compared to him or his brother.

Loki couldn't help but gasp, "You're planning to fight an Endless. Are you mad?"

Thor looked up confused, "What are Endless, brother?"

"They are beings of immense power that represent concepts. They are not gods, they are not mortals, they are more. They are the concept itself. Beings such as Fate, Death, Eternity, and Entropy. They are more than just cosmic beings, their power is immeasurable, endless, hence the name."

The Morrigan nodded, "I guess it's as apt a name as any. Yes, I am fighting such a being, or more likely, I am opposing him in his mad plan to bring annihilation on a scale unseen across time and space."

"That is suicide!!"

"Don't worry Loki, he's currently very weakened by taking a physical form. He's detached from his main source of power and cannot risk using it without being found out and judged by the Living Tribunal. Don't get me wrong, he is still immensely powerful, but not enough to be called Endless just yet."

Loki wasn't convinced. It was a reckless move, but he had never seen the Morrigan ever go all out against anything, and if Odin pledged Asgard's allegiance, then it must be possible in some way. He'll judge the viability of winning this fight after seeing the Morrigan fight for the first time during the Convergence.

He simply nodded, choosing not to think about it too much. He already had impossible enemies to fight, he did not need to distract himself with another one quite yet.

As he prepared to teleport himself out, he was stopped by the Morrigan, who handed a small, sheathed dagger to him. It looked unassuming from the outside, but Loki had been training on how to sense mystical energy all his life. The moment the God of Mischief removed the sheath and felt its energy, he could say without a doubt that this small weapon terrified him. It felt like death. "What is this?"

The Morrigan shrugged, "It was a small experiment I did a while back, a way to include an essence into an object. This dagger is death given form as far as you can tell. Even a pinprick can kill anyone, but stronger foes will need mortal wounds to die. If something can die, this dagger can kill it. The sheath hides the dagger's true nature, so its nature cannot be discovered by people sensitive to the mystical energies of the universe. This is my gift to you as a show of trust and appreciation for your dedication in the last few months."

Loki was left breathless by the gesture and just nodded, not trusting his words. He put the dagger back into the sheath and nodded. Seeing him speechless the Morrigan nodded, "Goodbye, Loki."

She then waved her arms and a red portal appeared, showing its connection to the Convergence. Loki stepped forward and was swallowed by it, starting the beginning of the plan that would hopefully result in Asgard's freedom.

After all, it was time for Loki to be the hero for once.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.