Chapter 298: Lonely Hearts

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 298: Lonely Hearts

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr nove(l)bi(n.)com

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


3rd March 2013, Sayre Manor

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

"You're right. I do need you. But what you've done showed me that I cannot trust you. You were supposed to be my rock, and yet you betrayed me. I cannot rely on you in the coming conflict. I am sorry."

"Please, my love," she protested. She must have realized where this is going.

I continued, "And yet, I don't have it in me to kill you. I really should; what you have done was unforgivable. But I won't." I pretended not to see her sag in relief, "you still need to be punished for what you have done. You will be exiled to the lands of Avalon. You will be confined to the castle, but you won't have access to the artifacts or the library. Should you take any malicious actions on the magical creatures inside, consider your life to be forfeit."

Selene was openly crying now, "Morrigan, please don't leave me there alone."

I ignore her, "Don't be mistaken, this is me being merciful. Goodbye, Selene."

Before she could reply, I opened a dimensional portal to Avalon behind her and telekinetically pushed her through. She should be at the castle now. After closing the portal, all I could feel was the oppressive silence that remained. With Selene gone, I have never felt so alone.

Honestly, even with my new disposition, things just didn't feel the same without Selene. It was odd; we had spent decades apart over the years, but it was never quite like this. It felt final in a way. Sure, we had our disagreements, and we even sometimes ended up coming to blows, but this was different, this was more.

Back to the situation at hand, I needed to centre myself and forget about Selene for the time being. The convergence was nearing, and I needed to get ready. My bargain with Odin was very important for both of us. I needed to be at my best, not wallowing about my wife's betrayal.

I needed Thor and Loki to be ready as well. They had come a long way from the bickering siblings they arrived as, and I was confident that they had what it took to save their home and free Asgard from the hands of 'Those who sit above in Shadow'.

Speaking of the two princes, they did notice that I was different in many ways. I suppose they must have seen that something was wrong. I was colder and more clinical. They obviously realized that my wife was gone, just after I banished my own sister in front of them.

I did cancel their training for a couple of weeks after the Selene incident and I didn't even give them a reason. To be perfectly honest, I didn't feel like training the two princes with their countless issues and constant bickering with each other. I needed to centre myself and get a handle of the person I am becoming. While their antics are amusing and distracting, I wasn't in the mindset of enjoying myself. I had work to do.

Funnily enough, it was their bickering that helped train them the most. I barely had to do anything other than turn any training exercise into a competition, and they started acting like children trying their best to win. All I had to do was teach them for a couple of hours each day, start the competition and they would not stop training until the end of the day. I was then free of exploring my powers even further.

My experiments yielded very promising results. From what I could infer, cosmic energy was the base energy of the universe itself, which made it so flexible yet dense. I could theoretically transform it into any kind of energy that's local to the universe. I could turn it into electricity, use it to create magnetic fields, turn it into pure radiation, or even yet kinetic energy. However, it was potential energy that was the most flexible. I had the ability to imbue any object with energy, giving them attributes, and altering their purpose.

Of course, the psionic and transmutative uses of the powers are obvious, which are what I have been using my cosmic energy for in the past. I suppose even in my long life, I still had the inclination towards telepathy and telekinesis. We never forget our roots, I guess.

Unfortunately, I knew for a fact that I barely scratched the surface of what I could do. Celestials are often born with the knowledge of their powers programmed in their minds. And even then, they spent millions of years honing their skills. This really did show how much of a disappointment Ego really was. Sure, he created an entire planet, with a stable ecosystem, just to protect his brain, but with the firepower he had, he could have easily caused some serious damage. Honestly, I wasn't even winded after the fight, that's how bad he was. I was only beginning to explore my new abilities and for the first time in thousands of years, the road in front of me was mostly unknown.

Suddenly, I felt something click in my mind. Something was happening, but not to me, but to everything. It was odd. It was like the universe itself was misaligned for some reason. Immediately I realized what was going on and the implications that it had, "The convergence has begun. It's time."


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.