Chapter 271: Anguish

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 271: Anguish

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


9th February 2013, Malfoy Manor

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

With a sigh, I decided to not ponder on the matter, in my long life I have only spoken to him a handful of times. We might have been born as twins, but he was no better than a stranger to me. I guess that estrangement defeats blood after all.

Still, I decide against disintegrating his corpse and instead put it in my pocket dimension. Rose might want to have remains to grieve, to bury. It could end up giving her some form of closure.

I looked back and the room looked exactly the same as before the meeting. I just disable the wards that the Court used when holding their meetings and teleport home. No one will think that anything happened, and it would take days for people to realize the disappearance of the members of the Court. Let that be an unsolvable mystery that future generations of mages will ponder on and attempt to fix. With that done, I decide to teleport home.

In a blink of an eye, Malfoy Manor disappeared, and the familiar sight of my home was in front of me. Immediately, I was accosted by Selene who ran at me and hugged me, "I missed you. What happened?"

What the hell? Since when was she this physically affectionate? Selene was many things, but the passing of time had made her control over her emotions to be iron clad. Add in her general apathy, she was rarely expressive, let alone running to hug me when I returned from missions far more dangerous than this one.

I raised an eyebrow and replied, "You were right. The members of the Court of Shadows were a lot craftier than I gave them credit for. Not that it mattered, in the end. Did you get Rose?"

Selene let go and immediately returned back to her old apathetic proper self. That was weird, but I was too drained to care too much. I'll ask her about it later.

She nodded, "Yeah, I healed her up and put her to bed. She was just magically exhausted. The girl doesn't have the same raw power as you, but she's still very impressive, for a mortal, that is. Tell me, what could have possibly caused her to fall this deeply.

I sighed, "She was betrayed by her brother. He dosed her, knocked her out, and gave her up to be bound to the Court's whims. Thank God that my protections worked so she wasn't soul bound, but they used runic chains to bind her, which kept siphoning her magic. I broke the chains and nullified them, but she was exhausted when I used a portal to send her home for you to check on her, in case I missed something in my hurry."

Selene shook her head, "Rose is fine. She'll be up in no time, as soon as she sleeps off her exhaustion."

I nodded, the tension in my shoulders relaxed. We slowly walked towards Rose's room, since I wanted to check on my sister. Selene on the other hand, wasn't satisfied with what I told her thus far, "What of her brother? Are you going to let his actions continue unavenged?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Selene, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" my wife responded, looking genuinely confused.

"You're not usually this passionate about the lives of mortals, including Rose's. In fact, you usually seem to just not care that much about them."

Selene gave me a warm smile, "She's your sister, Morrigan. A slight on her, is a slight on you, and you know how much I detest when that happens." Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Selene was doing her best to avoid answering my question, which probably means that it's somewhat sensitive. She has been getting slightly more aggressive ever since my ritual in Wakanda. Had she thought that she had lost me completely and panicked? I didn't know, and to be honest, I don't think I can pry the answer from Selene herself, especially as tired as I feel now.

I gave her a slight grin, "Chaos is a ladder."

Immediately, Rose straightened up, understanding how the Muggleborn had planned on killing off the most influential people in magical Britain, and using that to be the only sensible choice to rein in the inevitable chaos that she caused in the first place.

My sister growled, "I want to kill her."

"You cannot kill what is already dead."

She gave me an incredulous look and I burst into laughter, "you didn't think that I would let someone who had the gall to plan your enslavement, as well as trying to bind me, be without any repercussions? Of course, I killed her."

"What about the balance of power? What about all you said about keeping the peace, and maintaining the delicate political landscape in the magical world? Hermione was the obvious choice to keep order in magical Britain."

I let out an amused snort, "Oh, I think you misunderstand. Keeping the balance is important, if it can actually cause a shift in the natural world and have severe consequences. We're trying to avoid things like the summoning of Gods and Demons. Anything else, is just to avoid things being too troublesome in the long run. That doesn't mean that you can't toss things aside if it means that someone messes directly with you and your family. If the Granger girl hadn't used you, or tried to bind me, I would have left her be. Many people have done far worse to win their little games of power."

Rose seemed hesitant for a second before asking in a soft choice, "So, you did it for me?"

I nodded, "Of course I did. You are my sister, and I can't stomach the idea of someone hurting you, especially by deceiving you."

My sister looked away, "But not Nathan."

I shook my head, "No. He is not my family, he hasn't been for a very long time. I have made a decision long ago to ignore the Potter family entirely, choosing to distance myself from the people who hurt me when I was younger. I moved past it. I understand that there were many causes that led to their abandonment of me, I just moved past it. I don't want to have anything to do with the Potter family, except for you, that is."

Rose shook her head, "My brother is dead, Jasmine. Can't you at least pretend to be grieving with me?"

"I didn't know Nathan, Rose. I cannot grieve a man that I did not know, especially one who betrayed you so readily."

"I think I need to be alone right now."

I protested for a second, "I'm not sure that, that is a good idea."

"I said LEAVE!" my sister yelled at me.

I nodded, with a blank face and removed a small box from my pocket dimension, "This box contains what was left of Nathan's body after the ritual was over. For all that is worth, Rose, I am sorry. I know that he was your brother, and that you cared for him, deeply."

I put the box on the dresser and slowly left the room, making sure to close the door, this time. I pretended not to hear Rose's sobbing screams as I walked away.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.