Chapter 270: Void

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 270: Void

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


9th February 2013, Malfoy Manor

(Hermione Granger POV)

Hermione started panicking, "Please don't kill me. You need me. Without me, magical Britain would collapse. I am the only person who's capable of holding things together."

The woman froze right in front of Hermione's chest, "You're right, and I'm a pragmatic person. You, being in charge of magical Britain, would be the best choice, right now."

Hermione's shoulder's slumped in relief. Perhaps, she'll live another day, "but this time, I don't care. You almost got my sister killed in your foolishness and your greedy quest for power. Don't worry, though; after all, to a well-organized mind, Death is but the next great adventure. Goodbye Hermione Granger." Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

The Muggleborn witch barely even registered the woman's words before she felt burning in the middle of her chest, and the world faded to black. Hermione's last thoughts were of confusion and regret. She realized that in all her decades of life, she had not truly lived, being too consumed by impossible goals to do so properly. What a sad life, she had.


(Jasmine Sayre POV)

I looked at the body of my downed opponent and felt absolutely nothing. The past few hours have been very distressful. I came into this manor to see a somewhat peaceful agreement between myself and the Court of Shadows. I didn't need them bothering me when I was focusing on more important things after all. I refrained from just killing them all, at least the members of this branch, because I didn't want to trouble myself and spend more time fixing the mess that magical Britain would inevitably become.

But the foolish woman had to massacre the entire Court which was made up of the most influential men and women in magical Britain, and she had to kill them all at once which would cause the most chaos. I think that this was what she hoped would happen; that the chaos would make her the obvious candidate going forwards. It was also how she planned to force my hand. She must have figured out that I was a pragmatic person and planned on me sparing her to be the logical choice, until she tries to betray me as well later on.

But now, I was done with this woman. I tried to not get involved time after time, and she's the one who kept troubling me. Plus, what she did to my sister was unforgivable. She made her life hell, pretty much made her a target in her own country and forced her to live as a nomad for years. Adding in the fact that her little plan could have backfired in thousands of different ways, I wasn't going to let things go this time.

I snorted in derision; I can't believe the bitch wanted to bind me with a version of the ritual that destroyed my home. It was my fault, really, I didn't realize that the Peverell brothers could have made a backup to their Grimoire. It just wasn't done at the time, in fear that someone would steal it for themselves.

The question remained as to what am I supposed to do now. I have bigger problems with the convergence being so close, and the Asgardian Prince staying in my home. With my end of my agreement with Asgard getting closer, I knew that it would necessitate my entire attention to be able to fulfill it.

I don't have time to deal with the fallout. The other branches of the Court of Shadows will realize that something happened, but I will hide what happened from the world. The whole Granger massacre would destabilize things even further. In the end, I snap my fingers and the room returned to its previous state. All signs of the ritual disappeared, and the corpses disintegrated into dust and were scattered away in the garden.

I looked at my former twin's corpse. It was barely more than a skeleton with clothes, now. I didn't feel anything, that was the sad thing. I should have felt something, anger, rage, disappointment, satisfaction, anything really, but for some reason his death just didn't seem to matter to me in any way.

As estranged as we are, as different as we became as people, he was born my twin, my other half. Yes, I was disappointed in the man he grew up to become, but I always thought that deep down, I must have felt something. But all I had left was a sense of detachment to his death altogether. I just didn't care.

With a sigh, I decided to not ponder on the matter, in my long life I have only spoken to him a handful of times. We might have been born as twins, but he was no better than a stranger to me. I guess that estrangement defeats blood after all.

Still, I decide against disintegrating his corpse and instead put it in my pocket dimension. Rose might want to have remains to grieve, to bury. It could end up giving her some form of closure.

I looked back and the room looked exactly the same as before the meeting. I just disable the wards that the Court used when holding their meetings and teleport home. No one will think that anything happened, and it would take days for people to realize the disappearance of the members of the Court. Let that be an unsolvable mystery that future generations of mages will ponder on and attempt to fix. With that done, I decide to teleport home.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.