Chapter 146: Lost

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 146: Lost

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.

Today marks the last day of the daily upload month. I will continue on my usual schedule, which is on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, but will try to post a new chapter when I can.


Unknown time, unknown place

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

Before he could voice his confusion, I channel my life force to the rune and activate it. He must have realized what was happening because I could feel his cosmic energy trying to stop the spell, but it was too late; the spell had activated and the time it would take for him to break it would take him at least a few decades.

The cosmic entity yelled in fury as he realized what was happening and while he was trying to stop it, he destabilized the spell somehow, creating a blast that sent us both flying. However, while I was flying back, I could see that my spell worked, that my enemy was frozen in time. I knew that he would be back but I would be ready for him, this time.

These were my last thoughts as I flew back towards the portal. I had no idea where I was going or how I was going to get back, but at the very least, I felt some satisfaction at my enemy's temporary defeat. However, I swore to myself that I would be back and that I wouldn't just let the multiverse be destroyed. Just as I made that vow to myself, I felt myself slip away, falling unconscious from exertion.

I woke up with a killer headache and my body was so sore that breathing was getting agonizing. It took moments to remember what exactly happened. The beating I got from Entropy, my last ditch trap that worked somehow.

It was an extremely risky move, I had to admit that. I wrote celestial runes with my blood, using my fingers, while not actually looking at what I was drawing. I even powered it using my life force not my magic, as I had usually. Calling it risky was an understatement. I could have blown up the planet, created a black hole, or even worse, I could have created an instability in time on just that planet. It would have made the timeline on this particular planet be outside the timeline of the rest of the universe. This meant that anyone on the planet would experience time differently. It could be slower for a second and then far quicker the next.

Anyway, while the rune worked, it was still unstable enough for it to emit a pulse of temporal energy that hit me and the portal. I needed to get home quickly. I was familiar enough with dimensional travel, not extremely so, but enough that I understood the theory. I had marked my home universe so that I would always be able to have a way back. I made it in case I was trapped in another realm, like in Asgard or a demon was able to trap me in his realm, I could easily use the marker to find my way back.

This was the summer after the Tri Wizard Tournament where Cedric Diggory had just been killed and Harry Potter publicly announced in the middle of an international tournament that Lord Voldemort had returned from the dead.

The ministry, in an attempt to stop any hysteria, had decided to slander both Harry and Dumbledore for this statement. I could understand slandering Dumbledore, an experienced politician who pretty much ruled the progressive faction of the Wizengamot and had led Britain by the nose ever since he beat Gellert Grindelwald in 1945. But attacking a fifteen year old orphan who said something in hysteria after signs of visible torture under the Cruciatus curse. Of course, every investigation was being stonewalled by the ministry but even after the DMLE had investigated the cemetery, they found traces of dark magic, but it was nothing unusual, especially with the abandoned Gaunt hovel nearby.

Still, it was extremely childish and petty from the ministry to attack a teenager of all things, but people seemed to eat it up. Were they so used to being spoon-fed information that they stopped fact checking the information given to them?

This wasn't my problem and I didn't care to fix the public opinion of a counterpart of mine. Traveling the multiverse and fixing every problem would be a fool's errand. But at least, I have a plan now. I was lucky to come to this universe, since it provided me with opportunities to contact cosmic entities.

Whatever methods I tried to contact Death had failed. She probably assumed that I was still in my previous universe and this one was already far enough that she barely noticed my attempt to contact her. I tried looking for the hallows in this dimension, but after sneaking into Albus Dumbledore's office, I found out that the Elder Wand was powered by some sort of soul magic that takes an imprint of the previous user and adds it to the wand's power. It was a basic form of soul magic and while impressive for a mortal to do, it was still far more inferior than my staff. The hallows must be just artifacts created by the Peverell brothers and were then mystified in legend.

So with no way to actually contact Death without doing anything drastic, like breaking the natural laws after which I would be severely punished, there was another cosmic entity that had taken interest in this universe, Fate.

True prophesies were words that will happen no matter what choices are taken. They are only spoken with fate's permission, when every path in the future is one where the prophecy is fulfilled. Me being an outsider is something that Fate didn't take into account, meaning that I could break Fate's prophecy, especially the one between Riddle and Harry Potter. It wouldn't mean much in the long run, but I could ritualistically magnify the disturbance when I break the prophecy. Giving me Fate's attention, and I would be able to bargain with her.

Fate could just screw me, but I think that Entropy's plan would be enough for her to hear me out and letting me come back to my universe to stop him.

The ritual would need a little less than a year to charge for the signal to be at its maximum, and meanwhile, I needed a proper way to monitor Potter's situation. Lucky for me, there's a job open as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. I always loved teaching and I'm pretty curious how the castle is like when I wasn't involved in building it.

Plus, I'm looking forward to driving Dumbledore insane with suspicion and if he's anything like the Dumbledore in my universe, he would share a similar fate. I always disliked the bearded bastard.

Now, I only need to sort myself and create a good back story with a few fake official documents. If I'm going to stay here for a year or so, I might as well take care of myself while I do.

It will only take a couple of days for me to officially exist in this world and I would be ready for the interview with Dumbledore. Oh, this was going to be so much fun.

I suppress my guilt for leaving Selene and Wanda alone for a year. It was cruel to just disappear with no warnings. Not that I had a choice in the matter. I'm pretty sure that Selene could keep a level head, and would figure out that I'm trapped in an alternate universe. I had built trackers on our rings that allowed us to know if the other one is alright. She probably felt me fighting before, and the fact that I travelled to another dimension.

Selene will trust me to take care of myself, and for us, a year wasn't really that long. The main problem I had was Wanda. I knew how rash she was, especially when she's losing someone she loved. I could only hope that Selene would be able to contain her and calm her down, while I'm stuck here. It's only been a day but I missed both of them dearly.