Chapter 145: End of an Era

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 145: End of an Era

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


5th June 2006, New York City

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

The man waved his hand and a portal opened. Hell no, I'm not going quietly. I don't care that he's a cosmic entity. I have defied Death itself. I will do so again with him.

I raised my hand and my outfit changed. I was wearing my Morrigan armor now, with Death's cloak of invisibility and my staff in my hand. This wasn't going to be an easy fight and I knew it. I was probably going to lose, but I had to try. I point my staff at him and exclaim, "I'm not going anywhere!"

The man smiled at me, "I never expected you to go down without a fight, Morrigan. Let's see what you can do without using Death's power."

We stared at each other for a few seconds before running at each other at blinding speeds. It seems we'll start with physical combat. Entropy tried to punch me, but I was able to redirect it with my staff. I still felt the impact rattling my skeleton. Damn, he's a lot stronger than me physically. Of course, he is; he's a fucking cosmic entity, after all.

I tried to hit him with my staff, but the man kept dodging while he looked like he wasn't even breaking a sweat. He's purely on the defensive, but I could tell that he's the one dictating the pace of the fight. I attack him with a full powered swing of my staff, but the bastard just stopped it with his hand. What the hell? This was a fully empowered attack. I look at him and I could sense the smugness rolling off him.

I snarl in anger and kick him in the chest. He looked like he barely moved by the attack, and I was able to get my staff into another swing, this time pressurizing the air behind it to give it more power. The act seemed to have surprised him, considering the slight widening of his eyes. The attack hit him dead on and sent him flying a couple of feet back before he righted himself and landed on his feet.

Damn, the only thing that the last attack did, was just surprise him. The man clapped at me, "Impressive, very impressive. That was a nice trick. I never saw that coming. Dare I say against another opponent it would have been devastating. You always were very inventive."

I snark back at him, "Well, you're going to love this!"

Suddenly, my staff was enveloped by darkness that went up until the top and started to materialize a blade. My staff was basically a scythe of darkness.

The man was still smirking at me. I so wanted to wipe that thing off his face. I swung my staff horizontally and the blade extended, becoming a truly giant scythe. Entropy seemed to realize its danger and quickly moved out of the way. I telekinetically push myself forward and punch him, sending him flying back. I, then, grabbed him from the air with my telekinesis and pulled him towards the ground. I swing my staff at him once more and the giant scythe blade races towards him without giving him a chance to get away. And to my surprise, the attack actually connected, the impact creating a powerful gust of air. I look at the result only to be scared out of my mind when I realize that Entropy had just raised his hand and grabbed the blade of darkness.

What the fuck, this was pure destruction given form, how the hell is he doing that?

I freeze as I hear a slow clapping in front of me. Suddenly, the ash around me disappears and in front of me is an intact Entropy grinning at me, "That was one of the best attacks I have ever seen. The planning, from start to finish was excellent. Is this what you're capable of when you don't hold back? And this is without any cosmic energy as well; I couldn't feel a hint of Death's power in that beam."

I was still gaping at him, "How? How the hell did you survive that?"

The man looked at me with pity, "Oh, honey, I'm a cosmic entity. You can't kill me. I am an idea given form, the living representation of a physical phenomenon. So long as entropy was applied in the world, I cannot die. We can be weakened of course, but you used an attack that destroys everything, that removes the atomic bonds between molecules and disintegrates it. Your attack doesn't remove things from existence. It had to conform to Entropy, to me. You tried to kill me using something that uses my power. While your attack could have weakened a few cosmic entities, mostly the weaker ones. It just didn't affect me."

Shit, I didn't think of that. I always thought that Darkness was Death's element and that I could use it however I wanted. I was starting to get desperate now. This had been one of my strongest attacks, and he just shrugged it off. How outmatched am I?

I sent a bolt of lightning at him, but it came out weak, like it was barely there. The attack hit him and did absolutely nothing. What was happening to me? I look at my opponent who was grinning at me, "You didn't notice, did you? This is a dead planet, and I don't mean that lightly. There is no magic being generated here, none that you could use to replenish your own reserves. Why do you think Odin imprisoned Hela here? She wouldn't be able to use any magic while she's on this planet, and thus cannot escape. As for you, your last attack pretty much emptied them. You're powerless now!"

Shit, he had me from the start, didn't he? He was always planning for this, to wait for me to exhaust myself while my magic reserves start to slowly wither away, destroying my last power.

The man slowly walked towards me and punched me. He kept hitting me, again and again, taking out his frustration at my weakened form. He grabbed me by the neck and walked towards the portal he had created before. I grab his hand trying to breathe. I couldn't even heal myself without any magic left.

Wait a minute, didn't he say that he was still bound by time. That he needed to experience it linearly. I needed to take advantage of this. I had one last trump card. I had one shot at this. I couldn't just make him time travel, with the timeline being in flux, explicit time travel was impossible. But what was possible was time dilation. I could trap him in a time bubble, make a second for him, last years in real life. The timeline wouldn't be disrupted since there are no explicit exit from the universe.

I coughed some blood from my last attack, hitting him in the arm. I use my blood as a medium to write a rune underneath his arm, where he wouldn't notice me actually fight him. The funny thing about blood is that it allows people to channel their own life force, into powering the spell. It would take a couple of decades off my lifespan for something like this, but I didn't care, it was a fragment of a moment for someone like me. It wasn't as efficient as magic, but it would do the job.

I was almost finished, and the man looked at me with regret in his eyes, "I'm really sorry about this. I don't expect you to forgive me. I don't even expect you to understand, but I want you to know that I don't have a choice in this. This the only way for the pain to stop, for me to exist. Goodbye, Morrigan, you were a worthy opponent."

I grin at him, "Goodbye you son of a bitch"

Before he could voice his confusion, I channel my life force to the rune and activate it. He must have realized what was happening because I could feel his cosmic energy trying to stop the spell, but it was too late; the spell had activated and the time it would take for him to break it would take him at least a few decades.

The cosmic entity yelled in fury as he realized what was happening and while he was trying to stop it, he destabilized the spell somehow, creating a blast that sent us both flying. However, while I was flying back, I could see that my spell worked, that my enemy was frozen in time. I knew that he would be back but I would be ready for him, this time.

These were my last thoughts as flew back towards the portal. I had no idea where I was going or how I was going back, but at the very least, I felt some satisfaction at my enemy's temporary defeat. However, I swore to myself that I would be back and that I wouldn't just let the multiverse be destroyed. Just as I made that vow to myself, I felt myself slip away, falling unconscious in exertion.



I know people are going to ask this, so I wanted to clarify that the fic will remain a Marvel/Harry Potter one. I will not go to a universe outside these two fandom.