Chapter 59: Manhunt

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 59: Manhunt

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I would like to thank my beta, AvidReader2425, for his help in this chapter.


25th June 1995, Nurmengard

(Dumbledore POV)

Albus Dumbledore was angry, no calling him angry would understate what he was feeling. Albus Dumbledore was outraged. After everything he has done for them, how dare they treat him like this. He crushed the newspaper in his hand. It was today's Daily Prophet, and it was crinkled, and its sides were almost torn up by how strongly his grip was on it. On the front page, an article made out the entire page.


Manhunt for Albus Dumbledore, the true Dark lord?

By Rita Skeeter

Yesterday, the third task of the tri wizard tournament took place. It was a night that should have been full of closer international wizarding links, of rebuilding old ties, of forgetting old differences. That event was to ensure a deeper international magical community that had suffered after Grindelwald's war. However, this event ended with nothing but tragedy.

It started out well enough. The third task appeared to be a maze with obstacles in the form of magical creatures of certain enchantments that the champions had to go through. The winner was the first of the champion to reach the heart of the maze where the tri wizard cup was put.

After, the complaints of the spectators during the second task, the Sayre family from America offered the use of an enchantment that allowed people from the whole world to watch the task following each champion. It was no wonder that this was created, considering the number of complaints from spectators from the whole world that came to Hogwarts and paid galleons to watch the second task, only to spend an hour in the stands watching the surface of the Black Lake for an hour.

However, there are brighter news to this dreary days, Fenrir Greyback was found dead in a tavern in Knockturn Ally from the same curse as the other prominent members of society. It seems that even Albus Dumbledore hated the werewolf that terrorized wizarding Britain for decades, killing hundreds of wizards and turning hundreds of children and rumored to be able to transform himself even when a full moon is not present. The infighting over the alpha title over werewolves have begun and thus the DMLE expects lower werewolf attacks while the infighting continues.

With the immense pressure over the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Minister Fudge announced the rise of the budget of said department until the situation in Britain stabilizes. "Desperate time means desperate measures and believe me; these are desperate times. But with some efforts, we will be able to rise above this. We have rooted out a great evil in our society, Albus Dumbledore betrayed us all, but I have faith that if we all work together, we will be able to get through this." Said minister Fudge.

It is a fact, that we have trusted Dumbledore too much and gave him too much power. He was not only the Headmaster of Britain most prestigious school but also the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW and the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. A man holding three full time jobs of such prestige at the same time sets a very dangerous precedent and could allow the holder to get control over that magical world easily.

Perhaps, it was the plan. By defeating Grindelwald, Dumbledore was able to gain a very important political influence over the entire magical world. Could the defeat of Grindelwald been planned between them for Albus Dumbledore to seize power for the both of them? Many had speculated why Albus Dumbledore had not killed Gellert Grindelwald during their duel in 1945. Perhaps this was the reason. These questions cannot be answer by anyone but Albus Dumbledore, especially after Grindelwald's death a few months ago. But this reporter will not give up and will continue to investigate the former headmaster's past to share with you the truth and lies of Albus Dumbledore.

For more information about Albus Dumbledore, view page 2-3

For more information about Jasmine Evanshade, view page 4

For more information about the Potter family, view page 5

For more information about the rise of crimes in Britain, view pages 6-8


Albus Dumbledore reread the article one more time and it did nothing to quench the rage inside of him. The girl had tricked him, she had the last laugh. He thought that the girl was trying to prolong her life while fighting him and indulged her. It's not as if she could do anything with what he told her. But the girl was more cunning that he thought. Well, at least he knew that she would have been in Slytherin had she actually gone to Hogwarts.

The girl had ruined everything and there was nothing he could do about it. But he was immortal now, he could try again in a century. Either way, the magical world will follow his ideals for the greater good. Perhaps he will infiltrate Hogwarts again as a student and slowly raise to power once more, he knew a few rituals to de-age himself, although they do not allow the person to live longer, he was already immortal so that didn't matter to him.

The issue now was the Morrigan. He had the Hallows now, the thought of this made his heart beat faster, but it was better to fight the Morrigan in a defensible position. He wanted to use Hogwarts as he had control over the wards, but the Potter girl ruined that plan. The only place with wards even rivaling the castle was Nurmengard. After Gellert died, the ICW found the fortress to be a waste of resources and moved the few prisoners it held to other prisons in Europe. The guards left with them.

Albus Dumbledore stepped inside the castle feeling the wards welcome him. After Gellert's death, the wards accepted him as their master. When Gellert was incarcerated, his magic was bound but even then, his magic was already damaged by the elder wand, meaning that he could not take control over them, even though they recognized him as their master. But now, a very powerful Dumbledore has full access to the wards of the castle.

Albus went inside and went to Gellert's former throne room and sat down on the throne in the middle of the castle. He was as ready as he could ever be. Albus looked at the mark on his chest, watching the last line slowly fade away into nothingness. He kept watching for hours until it disappeared. The crow on his chest started pulsing and disappeared. It was time, the Morrigan was coming.