Chapter 58: Potters Do Not Bow

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 58: Potters Do Not Bow

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, AvidReader2425, for his help in this chapter.


24th June 1995, Little Hangleton

(Nathan POV)

Voldemort sneered at Nathan, "To think I believed such a silly prophecy. As high as your potential could be, you are hardly my equal."

"Prophecy?" Nathan gasped out.

"You don't know, do you? You truly do not know why I attacked you, all these years ago. I have hated you for so long, Nathan Potter but now I cannot but pity you. But if you want to save your sister, you only have to defeat me. I will allow you to fight, prove to everyone that you're stronger than me, boy."

The Death Eaters stood watching.

"Now, untie him Wormtail and give him back his wand."

Voldemort looked angry at the lack of answer and looked back to where Pettigrew lied on the ground. He was probably going to torture him or something, only to find man dead on the ground. He was lying down, grasping his bleeding arm. He must have lost too much blood. Nathan felt a sick satisfaction to see the man that betrayed his family and resurrected Voldemort dead. Voldemort slight widening of eyes told Nathan that he had not planned the rat's death, he had completely forgotten about him in his monologue to his other followers.

"It seems that our dear rat is indisposed at the moment, it falls to another to help our esteemed guest get his wand. Avery!" Voldemort continued.

Voldemort did not even need to order the man directly, a cloaked and masked man, that Nathan assumes is the death eater called Avery, walked hurriedly towards Wormtail's body, retrieved Nathan's wand and with a swipe of his own wand cut through the restraints tying Nathan to the gravestone.

Nathan landed on his broken leg, making him stifle a scream of pain, until he got up limping. So that's running out of his options. The Death Eaters closed ranks. Forming a tighter circle around him and Voldemort. The man he assumes is Avery thrusts Nathan's wand into his hand and promptly returned to his place in the circle of Death Eaters.

"You have been taught how to duel, Nathan Potter?" said Voldemort softly, his red eyes glinting through the darkness.

Nathan had been taught how to duel from his father and from Dumbledore, and while according to them, he was impressive for his age, He could barely hold off an Auror trainee, let alone a man that had terrorized the entire auror department for a few decades.

So, no. He held no illusion that he could fight let alone defeat Voldemort. He was probably going to die tonight, alone, away from his family. Nathan steeled himself, he wasn't going to lay there and let the man hit him with a killing curse. He's going to die fighting, like his grandfather had and his great grandfather before him. He was a Potter, and he is going to die with his head held high and with no fear in his heart.

Their master did not look at them, he didn't care, one bit about them. Nathan looked at Voldemort and for the first time, the man looked afraid. Not just afraid, but absolutely terrified. Suddenly, the figures stopped moving, probably passed out, until Nathan heard a sudden crack and every Death Eater's neck broke at the same time and they fell at unison to the ground.

"You have no hold over me; I am protected by fate. Only boy can kill me." Voldemort pleaded desperately.

The figure still did not move, seemingly undisturbed by the man's pleading.

"I only have to destroy Potter to escape you, it seems." Voldemort continued.

Nathan was still lying down, watching what was happening and he quickly leapt away to dodge the flash of green light, headed his way. The dark figure was still not moving, nor attempted to protect him in any way. Nathan knew he had no chance at winning this, but he couldn't just run away from him, and he couldn't just keep hiding. He had to attack.

So, he readied himself, He had to defeat this man, not just to survive but to protect his sister from him. Perhaps, with his other servants dead, Voldemort will forget about her.

Nathan shouted "Confrigo" and at the same time Voldemort cried, "Avada Kedavra".

A jet of green light issued from Voldemort's wand just as a jet of red light blasted from Nathan's, they met in midair, and suddenly Nathan's wand was vibrating as though an electric charge were surging through it; his hand seized up around it; he couldn't have released it if he'd wanted to, and a narrow beam of light connected the two wands, neither red nor green, but bright, deep gold. Nathan, following the beam with his astonished gaze, saw that Voldemort's long white fingers too were gripping a wand that was shaking and vibrating.

And then, nothing could have prepared Nathan for this, he felt his feet lift from the ground. He and Voldemort were both being raised into the air, their wands still connected by that thread of shimmering golden light. They glided away from the tombstone of Voldemort's father and then came to rest on a patch of ground that was clear and free of graves.

The golden thread connecting Nathan and Voldemort splintered; though the wands remained connected, a thousand more beams arced high over Nathan and Voldemort, crisscrossing all around them, until they were enclosed in a golden, dome-shaped web, a cage of light.

Nathan had no clue about what was happening, and neither did Voldemort, by the expression on his face. Nathan saw his red eyes wide with astonishment at what was happening, saw him fighting to break the thread of light still connecting his wand with Nathan's; Nathan held onto his wand more tightly, with both hands, and the golden thread remained unbroken.

And then an unearthly and beautiful sound filled the air. It was coming from every thread of the light-spun web vibrating around Nathan and Voldemort. It was a sound Nathan recognized: phoenix song.

For the first time since coming to the graveyard, Nathan felt hope. Nathan then noticed a bead of light in the middle of the golden thread, and he focused on sending it Voldemort's way. He recognized what was happening; Hermione had told him about it. It was a fight of pure magic, of perseverance. It was a battle of wills where the stronger wizard wins. Nathan was weaker than Voldemort magically, but he was fighting to protect his sister, his family from the monster before him.

Voldemort was more powerful than him, but he was fighting out of fear of Death, Magic and Will battled and it looked even, until Nathan noticed the bead slowly moving towards his wand. The Holly and phoenix feather wand vibrated and grew so hot, he feared it would burst into flames.

Nathan knew that if the bead touched his wand, he would die and pushed everything he had into the wand. Every piece of magic and the desperation he was feeling into the wand. It still wasn't enough, the bead was still moving towards his wand, Voldemort was winning.

Suddenly, Voldemort started screaming and was losing his concentration. Nathan saw figures of dark shadows that resembled him the last time he saw him, in his second year, when he escaped from Professor Quirrell's body. The Voldemort wraiths appeared one by one, entering Voldemort causing him immense pain. Nathan had no idea what was happening and didn't care. With Voldemort distracted, perhaps he could survive this. Nathan continued pushing, more than he had ever pushed before. He sent everything to his wand and the bead kept going towards Voldemort's wand. It moved along the golden thread and then connected to his wand.

Suddenly, Voldemort's hand exploded, as if it was hit with the Confrigo spell and his wand was destroyed. Voldemort looked disbelievingly at his hand and Nathan roared loudly; this was his hail Mary, his last effort and swung his hand at him. He didn't know why, it felt like instinct, like his body moved on his own but then he understood when a familiar sword materialized in his hands. Nathan then, burst into flames, the flames didn't hurt him or kill him, they energized him, like a phoenix's flames, and he stabbed the sword in his enemy's heart. The flames that were previously on his body were then absorbed by the sword who looked more like a sword of flames than of metal. The sword sunk into Voldemort's chest and the monster that haunted his nightmares for years, turned into ash, dead.

Nathan instinctively knew that the man was dead for good this time. It was over, he survived, he was free, and his family was safe. Nathan's injuries caught up to him and collapsed onto the ground. The graveyard looked so peaceful, as if nothing happened. He looked around and there was no sign of the hooded figure, whatever that was, or even the Death Eater's bodies. There was no sign of the ritual that brought Voldemort back to life.

Suddenly, Nathan felt something hit him in the back and felt the jerk behind his navel, it was the Tri Wizard trophy, he was going back to Hogwarts. It was over, he had won.