In 5 minutes and 17 seconds, the upper and middle fields on both sides have reached level 5, while the lower pairs on both sides have reached level 4. Before that, both Xiao Ge and CLID have tried gank, but they have not achieved any substantial results.

If you want to find a way to really influence the opponent's gank, the tower is undoubtedly a good choice. As long as you succeed in crossing the tower, the opponent will not only lose his life, but also lose a wave of soldiers from the tower.

To say the least, even if you don't succeed in killing people, you just push them back and let them lose a wave of tower soldiers. It's not a waste of time, so crossing the tower is a relatively obvious way of gank.

Of course, high returns are always accompanied by high risks. Crossing tower is a gank way with obvious benefits, which is true, but it is also a gank way with great risks.

Because the damage of the defense tower in the early stage is not for fun. When you choose to cross the tower, you may be killed by your opponent with the help of the defense tower.

However, in the current situation, Xiao Ge seems to have no choice but to cross the tower if he wants to break the deadlock. What's more, the hero of dawn goddess is also a good hand to cross the tower. As long as Baolan starts to drive well, Xiaoge connects the control, and the output of female gun, it's easy to lose people.

However, before crossing the tower, there is another very important thing to be determined, that is, the position of the opposite field. If you are squatted when you cross the tower, there will be only two words - Explosion!

At this time point, Ig's next combination is still in an absolute strong period. So at this time, they only need a little effort to push the line to the bottom of the SKT tower, and Xiao Ge can also cross the tower at the first time.

But when Xiao Ge was still trying to determine the CLID's position, there was a rush signal on the road! CLID is already on the road, and he's finished his detour, ready to cross the tower with Khan!

When you are on the road in blue, when the field opposite you is excavator, the first place you should pay attention to is the field behind you. Because the field behind you is the standard gank position.

The excavator only needs to dig a hole in the explosion fruit of Ig blue buff field, and then it can directly complete the winding of theshy. Theshy knew that, so he had been in that position for a long time.

But the eye position is not equal to a firm defense line. SKT's clear position is aimed at you, theshy. So unless the soldiers under the tower don't eat, and you withdraw as soon as the crocodile pushes the line to the bottom of the tower, otherwise I will force you. What can you do?

And CLID was sure that theshy would look out in the field, so he deliberately blocked his view. When Khan pushed the line under the tower, he began to attack.

So when theshy's eye position saw CLID, CLID had finished winding back. Facing the double interception of crocodile and excavator, even though theshy still holds a blood pool in his hand, he can't escape death.

However, when CLID started gank on the road, Xiao Ge was not idle. After confirming that CLID is on the road, he directly starts to work on the next road of SKT.

"Full! Control toad! Don't point too far this time

At this time, ashui and Baolan haven't completely pushed the line to the bottom of the tower, but CLID is the first to start on the road. Teddy and Mata naturally know that Xiao Ge must start on the next road, so they are ready to withdraw to the bottom of the tower at the first time.

And Xiao Ge naturally can't let them run like this, immediately command Baolan to start. And Xiao GE's mind is very clear, so he can only drive Tam at this time. If you drive verus, Tam can take him back to the bottom of the tower.

Before continuous pit lose teammates, let Baolan and a water in the heart are holding a gas. At this time, Xiao Ge orders, Baolan points out a record of zenith blade (E) to Mata without hesitation!

This time, Baolan didn't break down. He just pointed to Mata with an E. E skill flies to Mata with Baolan, and then a Q [dawn shield] continues to control, making Mata continue to stand in place.

The first time a Shui drops a barrage of bullets (E), and then turns on w [big step meteor] is a kind of mindless mania a!

Mata is an old greasy boy. Just now when Baolan put e, Mata can actually hide by flashing. But Mata saw that she would be in front of the tower, and Xiao Ge had not appeared yet. If she could stay for a while, she must stay for a while.

But when a Shui and Bao Lan broke out, directly reducing Mata's blood to one third. At the same time, Xiao GE's prince also rushed out of the river, Mata felt some regret for not having flashed at the first time.

"Treat me! Treat me! The prince linked me up. I will be charged to death directly! "

Mata made a clear judgment of the situation at the first time. Judging from his current blood, once he was connected by Xiao Ge Er, he would be directly killed if he didn't even have a chance to cross flash. So he can only call Teddy's treatment so that he can hold on to the end of Ig control."Drink!"

As soon as Mata's voice fell, the prince's flag (E) had fallen to his feet. But the control of Dawning goddess still has a little time to end, that is to say, the next EQ company of the prince will certainly be able to connect Mata two.

Teddy didn't hesitate to help Mata point out the treatment. But after the treatment, Xiao GE's second company didn't follow!

Xiao GE's this meal, let his two even serious disjointed, let both sides of the road double group all Leng for a while. The most important thing is that Mata, who was controlled by Baolan before, has got out of control!

And Mata, who is out of control, no longer dares to save skills and runs to the bottom of the tower. Because if he doesn't flash again, without Xiao GE's control, a shuiguangping a can kill him.

However, just as Mata was about to flash, Xiao Ge, who just seemed to be stuck, finally caught up with Q skills and triggered his own EQ company.

This wave of operation of Xiao Ge is like a prince who wants to rob his head. He is going to wait until Tam has no blood and then rob his head. It's just that Mata has flashed out before Xiao GE's hand , the fastest update of the webnovel!