As the two sides switch positions, the lineup of both sides will be more intuitive and clear. Red Square (Ig) vs blue square (SKT):

on the road: Jess vs the wing of demacia

wild: Olaf vs spider

on the Middle Road: enchantress vs akali

ad: Yasuo vs Lucian

auxiliary: wine barrel vs dawn goddess

you can see from the selection, the purpose of SKT sitting in the blue square is very simple, that is, I don't care who Ig chooses and what set you play Road, I just want to get the person I want to choose.

As long as I choose the person I want, then we'll open up our posture and have a fight. I'm going to win. Let's play game five. I'm going to lose, you go to the final, I get the team I want, there's no regret.

With this attitude, SKT selects a set of heroes that everyone wants to win. And Ig is almost see move, unexpectedly also stir up a set of needle to Mai Mang's lineup.

The two sides of the lineup are all standard mid-term lineup, take the lead to seize the early rhythm of the party, have the ability to play the inferior side breathless, and rolling snowball quickly end the game.

But one thing is that Ig has selected a team that looks very ordinary for two consecutive games, but it is not unusual for them at all. In the past, Ig is a routine, three days and three nights without heavy samples.

But this time, they have selected a standard lineup for two consecutive games. From their lineup, you can't see any trace of routine. They are all lineups and playing methods that show personal strength.

Xiao Song has said before, Ig has no routine, the next to fight with the opponent with a regular lineup. Is it true that Xiao Ge didn't lie this time, and Ig's routine has really run out?

But fortunately, the last game has proved that Ig is not the kind of team that can only play. When they take out the regular lineup, they are equally strong and terrible.

There has been a consensus before that the so-called conventional heroes are all the professional gods in all professional teams, as well as the strong heroes selected by the professionals behind the team.

Ig has been doing the opposite, choosing some popular heroes and relying on routine to win. But once they give up those routines and choose strong heroes to fight with you, will they be more powerful?

It turns out that Ig is still very strong when he takes out his heroes and lineup and doesn't play hard. In this case, it is also hard to guess who will win or lose.

It's just that SKT is replaced by Mata, which is a variable. Although Mata's last performance was not good, the strength of veterans is that you can never despise them, so the audience on the scene and in front of the screen are looking forward to Mata's performance.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Mata, who was appointed in the face of danger and had high hopes from SKT, pulled her crotch as soon as she came up.

The combination of Yasuo and wine barrel is difficult after six, but before six, it is relatively weak on the line. The combination of Lucian and the goddess of dawn is almost the most violent combination in the early stage.

Lucian's early damage is high, and the goddess of dawn is a control. As long as the dawning goddess e skill is the right person, Lucian's going up is a set of explosion, and if she meets crispy skin, a set of skills will go down, at least half pipe blood.

SKT, in fact, has the same idea as the second one in selecting the combination of Lucian and the goddess of dawn. It's all about seizing the point that Ig's next path is a breakthrough, and relying on personal ability to pierce Ig's next path.

So after the game started, SKT gave ashui and Baolan enough pressure. Under such a strong pressure, only four soldiers were made up for two waves in a row, and the rest were empty.

And Mata also shows the way an old player should have, with a good sense of rhythm and distance. Most of the time, he stands in a particularly tricky position, where one step forward can lead, and one step back can retreat.

On the other hand, Mata's position makes a Shui particularly uncomfortable. As long as he comes forward to eat soldiers, he will be driven by Mata, and then Lucian will come up to fight him.

In contrast to Baolan, he would only hide behind ah Shui, or stand in the grass and throw Q. Originally, Dawning goddess started, he could use the e of the barrel to fight back, but Baolan's e was hidden again.

In this way, after two waves of exchange transfusion, a Shui's state is not healthy. If he is beaten again, he will have to go back to the city even if he is not killed. Embarrassed is, now if you go back to the city, ah Shui's money can't buy anything.

At this time, what a Shui can do is to watch the soldiers eat experience from a distance. Once in a while, if he can make up for a small soldier within the safe range, he will earn money. In this way, ah Shui has no room for development.

This kind of situation is actually the most uncomfortable, because as long as the opponent continues to maintain this state, your development will be gradually pulled down, and in the end you will naturally be abandoned.

But fortunately, the military line as a whole is still pushed to the Ig side. As long as ah Shui has to bear the humiliation and let a few soldiers, the military line will soon be pushed. But what really makes ah Shui collapse is that at the critical moment, Baolan suddenly loses a Q, wants to fight and consume, but accidentally blows up a soldier.This time, the whole military line is useless. Water enough to stay in place for three seconds, just barely suppress the fire in the heart. Then, he went up to eat soldiers.

But as soon as he moved, Mata, who had been looking at the opportunity, pointed out a zenith blade (E). Just when Mata just flew into mid air, ah Shui flashed back to the bottom of the tower!

Because Teddy has been controlling the line all the time, the line is always outside, so when Mata is brought under the tower by a Shui, the defense tower immediately launches a fierce attack on him.

The most important thing is that Baolan didn't break down this time, and directly e-flash stunned Mata under the tower. Then with the help of the defense tower, the Ig Road, which has been regarded as a breakthrough, opened first, and ah Shui successfully got a blood!

This time, not only the audience, but also other Ig people are silly. In the second inning, a Shui and Bao Lan were killed by each other before they reached the sixth, which led to the final failure of Ig.

This Ig was taken to the next combination of Asoka and keg. I didn't expect that it was also opened before six. What's the saying about Asoka keg?

But no matter what it's said, it's a good thing to get the blood. And it's old Mata who gives one blood. It seems that SKT's choice of temporary replacement is wrong.

But just when Ig had a little bit of fantasy about their next combination, the situation quickly turned upside down , the fastest update of the webnovel!