C217 To Fight to the Death of the Southern Emperor(part I)

Returning to his room, Arthur saw a Leopard Boy waiting there.

Was it Seifer, or was it Seglyde? Seglyde was unconscious for a very long time, and his body was extremely thin and weak, so … This scrawny one should be Seglyde?

"Arthur, tomorrow's the duel." I want to wash your back and bring you good luck. The Leopard Boy said.

Since he knew about this, was this really Seifer?

"…." Seifer? "I'm fine. Go back and accompany your drunk dad." "

"…." I am Toville Miaow. "Why did everyone call me Seifer Miaow when I woke up yesterday? How strange. "

"You …." Do you remember? Arthur was stunned.

"…." I didn't have a name. It was Arthur who gave me the name Meow. How could he forget about Meow? The Leopard Boy smiled shyly, "So..." When no one else is around, please call me Toville Miaow. "

The Fourth Miracle did not change Siefer's memories. A name that did not exist, did not exist from the very beginning. What a reasonable and paradoxical thing it was.

The Fourth Miracle was not omnipotent.

"So …" You want me to help Arthur brush his back? The Leopard Boy asked with a red face, "I just wanted to..." Help Arthur do something before Dad and I leave. "

"No, really." "Toville, if you really want to do something for me, please work hard to become stronger. Become strong, be able to be independent, live a wonderful life. "

"Then come back to me and tell me how happy you are." "This is what I want to hear the most." "

"Mm …" "Seifer tried her best to hold back the tears that were about to fall from her eyes." I promise. "

"And." "Arthur couldn't help but add," Hurry up and change the 'meow' suffix. It's really irritating to listen to you like this. "

Arthur could not help but think of another creature that meowed. That guy was the real irritating one.

The next morning. The day of the duel between Arthur and Heavenly Stage Knight.

"Wow, there's a lot of people." "Bedivere looked at the spectators outside the private box. The place where no one could escape to was even scarier than the two Heavenly Stage Knight's duels.

"Due to the nature of its work being to maintain peace within the Pantolacken, the Duke Hall enjoyed a very high level of popularity amongst the civilian population of the Pantolacken. Gaia Knight Cardor replied.

"Hey hey, why do you sound like I'm not popular at all?" "Come in," the Grand Duke Lyons said, stepping into the private box.

"Lord Grand Duke Lyons!" Kaldor immediately saluted.

"The old man came to join in the fun again?" Tristan said as he ate the popcorn.

"Heh heh, the guys in the Northernmost Knight Organization box are so stiff, it's hard to breathe." He came over and grabbed a handful of Tristan's popcorn to eat.

"Indeed," Heavenly Stage Knight Yoens also walked into the private box. "I also have a inflexible fellow on my side, hearing his lecture made my head hurt. He also grabbed a handful of popcorn.

"You, you're here to steal the popcorn, aren't you?" Tristan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw that there were only a few popcorn left in the pail.

"It's just some snacks. There's no need to be so stingy." Leo Dickens acted as if nothing had happened, as he looked at the rest of the people sitting at the side.

Palamedes was still dispirited from his hangover and was attended to by his two sons.

Merlin was there as well. His face was also pale white due to the hangover (Merlin's skin was originally very white).

Guinevere, who was sitting beside Constantine, purposely avoided her father's gaze, and so Leo Dickens sneered, "You guys are really going overboard. You didn't even call me for the banquet yesterday? Guinevere, you have stayed in the Southermost Knight Organization for an entire two days, and you are about to get familiar with this group of people? "

"I don't want to talk about that now, my lord father." Guinevere replied shyly, "They have a special situation on their side. There are a lot of injuries that they have to deal with." This is something that I have already reported to Northernmost Knight Organization before, have you not read it? "

"Not that I haven't seen it, but I haven't seen it yet." The Grand Duke Lyons sneered.

Everyone glanced at Leo Dickens.

"Anyway," the Grand Duke unceremoniously sat down. "Today, Hall and Arthur will fight, so let's just watch from the sidelines." The box of Southermost Knight Organization was so close, that no matter what happened, he would be able to immediately go and rescue it. "

"Why do you make it sound as if someone is going to be seriously injured and in need of immediate assistance?" Guinevere said worriedly.

"Don't you know?" "Hall laughed coldly and said with a mysterious tone," Hall is the instructor for me and Leon at the Wang Li Knight Academy. More than thirty years ago, when we were young kids, he was already as strong as a monster. "

"Plus, he's a Demon Instructor." Leo Dickens interrupted.

If he was to use his real strength, Arthur would not be as simple as having one or two hands broken. Yoens said, "Prepare the operation room." "

Guinevere felt uneasy as she looked towards the Arena that was not far away.

Duke Hall stood in front of Arthur, holding his pet Persian cat calmly.

"Playing with cats before the duel?" The Grand Duke was really in a good mood. Arthur replied.

"Heh heh." "Wallace likes you a lot." "

"Meow." The cat meowed.

"Well, the Grand Duke can still understand cat language?" Arthur mocked.

"No, not from his mouth, but from his chess game." "I played chess with Wallace all day yesterday, and he used a lot of your moves." "

"Mine?" "

"I've only played a game with you, and it's amazing how much he likes your game." "Hall said," Perhaps, the straightforward will that you have in chess has already reached Wallace's heart. He appreciates what you're doing. "

Being praised like this, Arthur was not happy at all.

The comparison was made by a cat. Furthermore, that damned cat was still sitting in Hall's embrace with its head held high and its chest puffed out.

It was clearly just a cat, what is he pretending for!

"En, in short, since Wallace likes you so much, it means that your character should be qualified. I only need to confirm the last thing. Hall looked at Arthur, and his smile disappeared, his expression becoming solemn.

"What I want to confirm is, as a king, do you have the power to guard Pantolacken? Hall replied.

Arthur was startled. Could Hall be any more stubborn? Do you still think that Arthur is chasing after the authority of a king?

He sighed. No, all this no longer mattered.

Since two days ago, Arthur had already made up his mind. He knew what he was going to do next.

"Duke Hall, about your question, this is my answer. "

The youth stuck the golden sword in his hand into the ground.

Heavenly Stage Knight was startled, "What do you mean? "

"Nothing else, all I'm saying is that I'm not going to fight this battle." Arthur replied.

The entire audience went into an uproar. Arthur's words were recorded by the Bee Demonic Sculpture flying around.

"What?" What exactly was Arthur thinking?! "No, I'll go outside and cheer him up." He hurried out of the box.

"I also …." Seifer looked to be in a hurry.

"Go on." Do something for Arthur. Palamedes replied.

Leopard Boy nodded and ran out.