C216 To be Lost to Treason(part Ii)

Two in the afternoon.

"Okay, okay." "Guinevere trembled as she held the surgical saw in her hands. She was afraid that after she cut through the werewolves' skulls, the mechanical spiders would appear again." I did it. I don't care what happens. "

"Let's do it." Arthur raised his sword to defend. This time, he was prepared. He planned to kill the Mechanical Spider before it could fully accelerate.

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss. The saw cut through the skull of the first werewolf with precision and care.

The mechanical spider did not jump out. Guinevere dared to grab the Mechanical Spider with her hand, and threw it to the side.

"..." "Arthur stepped on the Mechanical Spider until it shattered into pieces without a word!

"…." Interesting, you're not going to attack us this time? Guinevere replied.

"I'm afraid these machines are remotely controlled. We just blew up the entire research facility, probably the remote control room or the source of the signal." "In short, I am lucky enough not to have to deal with these things again." "

"Don't relax." Open their skulls and take out the Mechanical Spider. Arthur said again.

Thus, Guinevere went to open the skull of the other werewolf, while Constantine was already responsible for suturing the skull. They worked methodically, and soon enough, fifteen werewolves underwent craniotomy, and all of them took out the mechanical spiders that controlled the werewolves.

Only after Arthur destroyed all the Mechanical Spiders one by one did he finally heave a sigh of relief.

"The operation went even better than I thought." Guinevere replied.

"I'm so tired," Constantine said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "

Just then, a mechanical spider that was trampled to pieces by Arthur suddenly jumped up, and landed on Constantine's hand!

"No--!" "Arthur wanted to rush over to slap the spider away, but it was already too late!

The spider exploded in a burst of light!

It was not a powerful explosion. However, such a zero-distance explosion was enough to turn a defenseless child's hand into a bloody mess!

AHH!" The child cried out in pain.

"Damn it!" "Guinevere rushed over to hug Constantine," I can see the bones now! Don't move, I'll treat your wounds immediately! "

She injected the Analgesic and immediately placed the child on the operating table. "Although I don't have as good an operating talent as you, but don't be afraid, I will sew your hand back together!" "

"Wuu ~ ~ ~" Constantine lost consciousness.

"Check again to see if all the spiders are dead!" Arthur was so angry that he stomped on the spiders again.

Rabbit man Ryder was locked in the iron cage again. Arthur was afraid that Ryder would try to trick him again, so he specially tied up Ryder's hands and feet, and then locked them up in that small cage. He had even specially cut off the magic bag that was sewn onto Ryder's abdomen, along with a part of Ryder's skin and flesh.

Ryder, whose abdomen was still bleeding, was at a loss.

Bedivere looked at Ryder in such a manner. He had wanted to forgive Xiao Bai, but this time, Xiao Bai had almost caused the death of his clan members … Ryder really couldn't forgive him!

"I just want to ask you." Bedivere asked. "Why?" Was it to exact revenge on me?! If you want revenge, just find a chance to kill me. Why did you drag my clansmen into this?! "

"That's the only way to hurt you the most." Ryder said coldly, "This kind of injury is far from enough compared to the pain that I have endured." "

"…." I'm disappointed in you. said. "I thought we were friends …" "

"Friends or something--" The rabbit-man closed his eyes. "I don't want any more." "

Around six in the night, Great Magister Merlin broke out from the stone statue. The Draconians Demonic Statue, Bols, was waiting.

"Welcome back, Great Master Magician. Bols replied.

"Well, I'm so hungry. I have to find something to eat right away." Merlin replied.

"Come, Merlin," Arthur said as he entered the room. "The Duke Hall has held a banquet for us. "

"Great." said happily, he looked like he was really hungry, "Bols, are you coming too?" "

"The conversion of ordinary food into photon grade fuel would be very inefficient."

"Eating is not just for the effect, but to enjoy the process!" Merlin replied.

Within the banquet hall.

"So," laughed the Duke Hall, raising a large glass of beer, "you blew up another fox institute, ruined their plan to study the Super Soldiers, and killed the Patriarch of Foxman Race." What a rich battle result! As a result, the number of worrying factors was reduced by a lot. Here's to you! "

"Cheers!" They drank the juice and beer.

"Eat up," said Hall. "You can't go home tonight without getting drunk!" "

Arthur looked at Hall in bewilderment. He and Hall were going to duel tomorrow, yet they were still having a banquet here tonight …

Arthur looked at the Persian cat, Wallace, beside Hall. The damn cat was sitting on the table, pretending to be noble, eating the grilled fish slowly with its paws. With such a noble and elegant demeanor, people couldn't help but have the urge to roast him to eat him.

Arthur looked at the Palamedes beside him, whose entire body was wrapped in thick bandages. His injuries were not light at first, but he should have been lying on the sickbed. The damnable Leopard Man drank a whole stomach of beer and was already drunk enough to talk nonsense to its sons.

Arthur looked at Constantine who had his left arm wrapped up in a cast, and Guinevere who had unintentionally revealed a worried expression on her face while pretending to be unconcerned. Constantine's hand was severely injured, so he was afraid that his Divine Hand could no longer be used. Guinevere was most likely secretly sighing in her heart about the fall of a giant star.

Arthur looked at Bedivere, who was pretending to be happy but seemed to be sad between his brows. Ryder's betrayal was most likely a huge blow to Bedivere.

Just as everyone held their banquets with their own emotions, Arthur also hurriedly filled his stomach. Using fruit juice in place of wine, he toasted with the Duke Hall a few times, then found an excuse to leave the banquet hall.

He quietly went into the cell and looked at the terrified Ryder as he unsheathed his sword.

"Are you here to kill me?" "Ryder resigned to his fate and sighed." Let's do it. Even if I die now, no one will pity me. "

Arthur's sword slashed down.

Ryder thought that he would be hacked to death, he had already made up his mind. However, he heard the sound of the iron cage breaking apart, and the sound of the cage falling to the ground.

B.Rabbit opened his eyes and saw Arthur untied him.

"To..." What? Ryder asked in disbelief.

"You're no longer of use to us." "Get lost, don't ever appear in front of Bedivere again. The next time you appear, I will really kill you. "

"But--but I've betrayed you time and time again!" Ryder said, "Aren't you going to kill me?!" Are you not afraid that I will come back to avenge myself on Beville? "

"No." Arthur said coldly as he placed the rabbit on the ground, "If you dare to come again, I will chop you into pieces again, it's that simple." "

Ryder didn't speak. He held back a face full of tears, though it was unknown whether it was because of regret or shame.

"…." You'll regret it. Ryder said while wiping his tears.

"I won't." "Arthur left the rabbit's magic bag and another bag of gold," Bedivere chose to believe you in the end, but I also want to believe you once … One last time. "

"From here to the east, all the way to the end of the corridor, and from there you can jump into a river." Now that everyone is busy with the banquet, if you move quickly, you will definitely be able to escape. Arthur said, "Then, goodbye... No, don't see me again! "

Ryder ran without looking back. He quietly disappeared into the night.