C201 Probing for Suspected Clouds(part Ii)

Late at night.

Seeing that the Knight Kaldor had fallen asleep on the sofa, Constantine crawled out of bed. Borrowing the weak moonlight, he whispered to the human rabbit Ryder, "Big Brother Ryder, are you asleep? "

There was no answer. The rabbit did not move.

Seeing that no one was listening, the youth gathered up his courage and whispered, "Like you, neither of my parents is a good person." Dad is a jobless homeless people, drunk all day, Mom is a junk picker. Dad beat me and my mom all day. That was hell. I hate them. "

But one day, Mom couldn't help herself. She killed her father with a knife, and then she committed suicide. It was a cold winter night, and there were two people missing from the house … It became very cold.

At that time, I was still young and didn't know anything. I only knew that my parents were lying motionless on the ground and that their wounds were continuously bleeding.

I thought stitching their wounds together would bring them back to life. But their bodies kept getting colder until they were as cold as ice.

It had been cold all night, growing colder and colder to the point where it was unbearable. Then I remembered the warmth of the house when they were there.

I know they won't get better. They were dead. And then I thought...

Even those parents, I still love them.

I still...

"Love them!"

Rabbits Ryder listened to Constantine's soft sobbing in the darkness. He closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be asleep.

2 in the morning.

A figure was walking in the corridor.

A nightingale flew in from the window, folded its wings, and landed on the back of the figure.

The mysterious figure took something out of his pocket and was about to hand it over to the bird.

A hand grabbed the figure.

"Got you." Arthur said, his sword already at the opponent's throat. The golden colored Excess Light released by the Excalibur illuminated the human figure's face.

Rabbit man Ryder looked at Arthur gloomily. His eyes were red.

"I don't believe it." It's not true. Bedivere said as he walked out of the darkness.

Ryder did not speak, and the trembling of his body was transmitted from the hand Arthur used to grab him to Arthur.

Dozens of night birds flew in from the window and pounced towards Arthur. Arthur had no choice but to let go of Ryder's hand and drive the bird away.

"Woo!" "After he dismissed the birds that were disturbing him, Ryder had already run far away.

"Chase!" Don't let him escape! Arthur shouted.

This kind of shout was unnecessary because Bedivere had already rushed out and was chasing after the rabbit man, Ryder, relentlessly.

The rabbit, however, had unimaginable speed. He was dashing through the castle of Southermost Knight Organization using his high speed bounce, dashing left and right on the complicated road of the castle. He exhausted the advantage of the terrain and slowly began to throw away Bedivere's pursuit.

"You're useless!" "Arthur also caught up. As he ran, he took off his armor, and with his own speed, closed the distance.

"What on earth is he trying to do?!" Bedivere asked anxiously.

"Probably want to destroy the reserve Barrier Builder!" Arthur replied.

Arthur's guess was right. The rabbit-man soon reached the spare room. Before the guard could react, B.Rabbit had already stepped on the guard's face. While the guard lost his balance and fell, B.Rabbit had also jumped into the engine room. He planned to throw the item in his hand at the reserve Barrier Builder!

"Damn it!" "Arthur rushed forward recklessly and sent Ryder's arm flying with his sword. But it was too late! The thing in the rabbit man's hands had already left his hands and was flying towards the Barrier Builder!

Bedivere rushed over and kicked the little thing. That thing immediately flew in a beautiful arc out of the window!

BOOM! Just as the bomb flew out of the window, it exploded. The loud explosion reverberated in the silent night and disturbed the entire Southermost Knight Organization's peaceful sleep.

The rabbit lost its balance after losing its right arm. It fell onto the ground with a thud, as Arthur stepped on Ryder's back, trying to stop him from moving.

"Biddy, come and help —"

Before he could finish his sentence, Arthur was flipped over on the ground by the huge rabbit. The hare man's originally white fur had turned black, and his eyes shone with a terrifying blood-red light. Ryder turned to look at Bedivere. "Bebe... "

"Lai, Ryder?" Bedivere looked at the rabbit. Was this black monster really the Ryder that he knew in the past?

While he was still hesitating, the rabbit man had already grabbed Bedivere with one hand and jumped out the window with him!

"Betty!" Only then did Arthur get up and chase after him.

The rabbit-man jumped down from the tenth floor. Arthur was unable to chase them, with his human body, he couldn't jump down so high without getting hurt. Even if he drank the dragon blood now, it would be too late when the dragon blood took effect and he could use his wings!

"Arthur!" Tristan who was rushing over shouted.

"Foot!" Arthur shouted briefly, and without hesitation, he jumped out of the window.

Tristan knew what Arthur was planning to do, so he quickly shot out a Ice Arrow! Arthur somersaulted in the air, adjusted his position and stepped on the Ice Arrow, then used the Ice Arrow's speed to fly out!

"Whoosh!" The Ice Arrow caught up with the rabbit-man, who was sprinting through the jungle.

"Stop!" Arthur warned as he ran. He pulled out his crossbow and shot at the rabbit's legs!

The power of the crossbow was not strong to begin with. When it hit the berserker, it felt like it was scratching at his body. It could not even slow him down a little!

"Tut!" "Seeing that he was about to be thrown further and further away, Arthur had no other choice!

(If he takes Bedivere away like this, everything would be over!)

(The war will be lost!)

Bedivere will die! will lose him forever!)

A ray of silver light, under the light of the moon, quickly descended in front of Ryder!

Bang! A huge crater was formed on the ground by the impact, and the wind pressure from the impact stunned the running Bunny!

The silver Draconians Demonic Statue stood in front of the rabbit.

"Betty!" "Arthur also rushed over. Arthur and the Draconic Demonic Statue attacked the rabbit from the front and back.

"Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuu …" The rabbit man let out a low cry like a monster.

"Ryder!" Let me go! Bedivere struggled, but the rabbit's hand was like a thousand pound pincer, unable to break free no matter how hard he struggled.

"Ryder!" Don't do that! Are you still the gentle Ryder from before?! Bedivere shouted.

The rabbit didn't listen at all. His severed right arm was currently releasing a kind of black qi, which eventually formed into the shape of an arm. He planned to use this to fight against Arthur and the Draconians Demonic Statue.

"I'll control the sky. Take care of the ground, don't give him a chance to escape!" He spread his wings, ready to soar into the sky at any moment.

"Roar!" "The monster threw Bedivere away and rushed towards Arthur!

A big black hand slapped towards Arthur. Arthur saw that the black thing was in a bad mood and immediately rolled over and dodged it. The black hand slapped the ground and immediately created a huge pit!

After the Draconians Demonic Statue caught Bedivere, it placed him aside and said, "Hide yourself well. Immediately. "

He rushed forward. "I will seize that black hand, and you can take the opportunity to deal with him!" "

"What?!" "Don't —" Arthur wanted to stop her, but he knew it was too late. The Draconians Demonic Statue grabbed onto the human rabbit's big black hand.

But he was not corroded. The metal on his body was obviously very resistant to corrosion.

"Woo!" "Wu?!" "The monster wanted to break free from the Draconians Demonic Statue, but the statue was too heavy. It was like a shackle that came from a giant shot ball. It couldn't break free or move at all!"

Arthur had already rushed over when the rabbit man was hesitating, and slashed the rabbit man's waist with his sword!

Pow! The monster collapsed to the ground, and the black gas surrounding its body dissipated, returning to its original form.