C200 Probing for Suspected Clouds(part I)

Ten minutes later.

"Here it is." "The Knight led Arthur and the others into the Barrier Builder's engine room.

This was the first time Arthur saw a Barrier Builder so close to a castle.

It was made up of countless centrifuges that relied on the rotating electromagnetic fields to form a photonic barrier. As long as one adjusted their output power, they could create everything from the simplest [Prevent teleportation magic intrusion] to the most complicated [Shield] realm.

"Haven't you fixed it yet?" Arthur asked curiously when he saw that the centrifuge hadn't started moving.

"Now use the backup unit to create the barrier." This machine is a precision instrument, the repair needs to be meticulous detection, bit by bit check out the fault. The Knight who was in charge of the Barrier Builder explained.

"Becky, did you find anything?" Arthur asked.

Bedivere climbed into the centrifuge and took a careful sniff.

Bedivere's discovery made him extremely vexed and frustrated.

A small butterfly, dead on a centrifuge coil. It was this little thing that had shorted the coil and caused the failure of the machine.

There was only one person who could do this in the Southermost Knight Organization.

He knew it, but he pretended it was all right. "No, it's all right." I want... Probably a failure caused by the aging of the machine. "

He had lied to Arthur and felt ashamed of himself. He didn't even dare to face Arthur head on.

Arthur sensed something from Bedivere's halting tone, but he still maintained his composure.

Some friends are not worthy of your trust. Arthur planned to let Bedivere deeply understand this point. To achieve this goal, he had to teach this naive Werewolf Boy a lesson.

After a day of hard work, Guinevere soaked in her fragrant rosewood bath.

Suddenly, she looked uneasily at her cell phone.

His phone did not ring.

She sighed, combing her beautiful chestnut hair while feeling the comfort of hot water and scented water.

When she finally finished her shower and put on her bathrobe, her cell phone rang.

"You did too well, Arthur. "

"Uh, what?" Arthur was confused.

"You know how it is when I get out of the shower and then you call me and harass me." Guinevere replied.

In fact, it was only because Bedivere hid his phone really well when he was packing his luggage previously, that he spent an hour to search for it.

"…." Guinevere, can you really hear her heart? Can you tell if she's lying or not? Arthur asked.

"Yes, if the man doesn't know my ability." "If he knew, he'd probably think of all sorts of ways to suppress his emotions, and the results of the polygraph might not be accurate." "

"Understood …." Can you come? Arthur asked.

"Is it night?" I just finished showering? "You better have a suitable reason," Guinevere said unwillingly. "

"There's a suspect here who is suspected of attacking Southermost Knight Organization," Arthur said. Is that a good reason? "

An hour later, Guinevere arrived at Southermost Knight Organization on her Steel Cavalry. She did not expect the Duke Hall to welcome her personally.

"Good evening to the Grand Duke." — Where is the suspect, you say? Guinevere asked.

"Let's talk as we go." The Duke Hall said.

Rabbit man Ryder was locked up at the other side of the interrogation room. The magic glass in the middle of the interrogation room was transparent towards Guinevere and the rest, but towards the other side, it was a mirror.

Because they were worried about Ryder, Constantine and Knight Kaldor waited by his side.

They seemed to be waiting for someone.

"I don't understand. Who's the suspect?" That knight? Constantine? The rabbit? "

"The rabbit." Arthur replied.

"Huff, huff, huff …" Guinevere sneered, "He looks harmless, are you afraid of little rabbits?" "

"We'll find out soon enough." Arthur replied.

"All right." "I need to focus on listening to his voice in a bit, so don't make a sound." If he was telling the truth, I nodded or shook my head. "

Arthur nodded his head and quietly sat down. He tried his best not to make any sound to avoid affecting Guinevere.

Bedivere walked to the other side of the room.

"Ryder." "Do you know why you're here?" "

"Beville, are you going to interrogate me?" the rabbit asked.

"I don't want to, but you have to prove that you didn't betray us." Bedivere said in a serious tone, "I only want to ask you a few questions, I hope you can answer them truthfully." "

"…." All right. Ryder had dark circles under his eyes. He had not slept well for the past few days.

"First of all," Biddy demanded, "tell me, when you sold that [antidote], did you know in advance that it had no effect on us orcs?" "

Ryder shook his head, "I don't know. I thought the medicine would have the same effect on both humans and Beastmen. "

At this time, contrary to Arthur's expectations, Guinevere nodded at him.

(Is Ryder speaking the truth? How is this possible?)

"Okay," Bedivere continued. "Second question." We attacked the Foxes research institute three days ago. "

"No." I never did. Ryder replied.

Guinevere nodded again.

How is this possible?!

"Good." "Bedivere heaved a sigh of relief, and continued," Last question: were you involved in the Southermost Knight Organization attack this morning? "

Ryder similarly shook his head: "If being guarded by so many people would allow me to plan an attack on the Knights, then I would be a god. "

Guinevere continued to nod her head.

Arthur was already at a loss of what to do when he heard these words. This was not the answer he had been expecting at all.

"Thank you, Ryder." I'm done. However, he thought for a moment, then added, "Ryder, is there anything you're hiding from me?" "

Ryder looked embarrassed.

"Ryder?" The Werewolf Boy urged.

"I …" No. Ryder replied.

Guinevere shook her head.

"We're friends, right?" Bedivere asked again.

"Of course." "

Guinevere shook her head again. Arthur frowned.

"Then, since we're friends, shouldn't we be honest with each other?" Bedivere asked.

"…." It's because I'm friends that I can't tell you. Ryder replied.

"For example..." Did your parents sell you? Bedivere suddenly said.

Guinevere could clearly hear the heartbeat of the rabbit man Ryder. His heart had stopped beating for three seconds, especially when Beidi told him that Ryder had been sold by his parents.

"You …." How did you know?! Ryder asked in surprise.

"…." Sorry, you were talking in your sleep. Bedivere replied.

Rabbit man Ryder looked at Constantine and Knight Kaldor beside him, and then looked at Bedivere. Tears welled up in his eyes. "Bebe, you idiot! Why did he have to say such a thing here! You're asking me to pay you back, where would I have the face to meet you … His face was twisted with shame and pain, and he was crying.

Bedivere patted B.Rabbit's back lightly, "It's alright. This isn't Ryder's fault, no one here will look down on you. "

"What do you know!" "They — just for the sake of — three thousand gold — they sold it to me, and they hurt my body — here and there —" The rabbit-man said, his voice slurring almost unintelligibly as he wept.

"That's all in the past." It didn't matter anymore. Bedivere stroked the head of the rabbit.

"It isn't — the past!" This yoke will last -- until the future! -- forever! "

(Chains …) Is it?)

"Leave me alone!" Ryder cried.

Seeing that he could not persuade Ryder, Bedivere walked out of the room, walked around the interrogation room and looked for Arthur to see the results.

"Well?" he asked as soon as he came in.

"Well, it turned out..." Very strange. Arthur showed Bedivere his statement and his judgement at that time.

When she saw that Ryder was lying to her about "we are friends", her heart couldn't help but jump.

(Why would he lie?)

(I'm afraid … you hate me very much, don't you?)

(At his most desperate moment, this friend of mine couldn't help him at all.)

Bei Di whispered into Arthur's ears. Arthur shook his head: "If you do this, you will definitely regret it. "

"Please, this is my life's request!" Bedivere said.

What can I do for my friends?

(I could do almost nothing but stand by and watch.)

Is this considered friendship?

Arthur walked into the room and looked at Ryder who was still crying.

"Boy, look up." Arthur replied.

"What else do you want from me?" Ryder said, "Why don't you just kill me! "

"Shut up and look up!" Arthur ordered.

Ryder raised his head and looked at Arthur.

Arthur reached out and took off Ryder's collar.

"You're free." Go wherever you want to, just don't bother Bedivere anymore. "Arthur threw a bag of money to Ryder." This amount of money is enough for you to live a comfortable life in the Glorious Region s, and is also enough for you to pay for your journey back to Dark Domain. Go wherever you want. "

Ryder looked at Arthur resentfully, but he still reached for his money bag.

"Now, let's go." Arthur replied.

Ryder stood up and wanted to leave. Arthur suddenly said, "I cut one of your ears off in anger, sorry." "

Ryder did not speak, and walked out.

Constantine glared at Arthur and followed him out. "Big brother Ryder, it's getting late, it's not easy for you to find a hotel in the city. You can stay in my room for the night. "

Rabbit looked at the boy. "Are you trying to keep me?" "People like me --"

Okay, come with me. Constantine pulled the rabbit's hand and said.