C191 The Omen of War(part Ii)

Nine o'clock on the same night.

"Uncle Kaldor!" The boy ran over, greeting the knight as he did so.

"Constantine?" Why are you here? "Gaia Knight Cardor, who was still busy guarding the place, noticed the youth walking towards his and asked in surprise," "Shouldn't you be in the orphanage?"

"Grandpa asked me to come and help him. I'll stay here for a few days until I know the operation is successful." "Yes," the boy replied.

"Is the Duke Hall forcing you to help them again?" — — No, this is too much, I'll tell him. "

"No, Uncle!" "I'm fine, really." Although he was not used to it in the beginning and wanted to vomit whenever he saw blood, he was used to vomiting now. I knew this wasn't a game, but a real rescue. I can help, if someone is saved, Grandpa is happy, everyone is happy, that's good. "

"Are you happy?" That's not what your leg told me. ", this is not your old home. You don't need to look at the faces of others to live." If it's something you really don't want to do, reject it and tell us no. If you say it out loud, I think Duke Hall will understand.

— — No one here was a bad person, and no one would force a child to do what he didn't want to do. "

"I know, I know …" the boy whispered. He felt the warm hand of the knight gently pat his head a few times. Then, unable to hold back his tears, he cried, "Uncle …" I'm sorry about Renna. "

"It's not your fault." Renna was dead when you arrived. Even if you had the skill of a god, you wouldn't be able to bring the dead back to life. Kaldor said. "Moreover, I never intended for you to save her." That was not something a child should do. The responsibility of using both hands to save someone's life was too heavy for a child. It was definitely not something one should shoulder. "

"Uncle …." "

"Stop it. If you want to cry, just focus on crying." The knight comforted the boy, who had already treated him like a child. He looked at the kind-hearted boy, and his face was filled with the love of a father.

Constantine cried for a long time. When he finally finished crying, he focused his attention on the rabbit Ryder who was in the prison.

"Well, what about the rabbit?" he asked as he looked at Ryder who had curled up into a ball and a dull expression.

The rabbit-man was suspected of leaking information to the enemy. The Heavenly Stage Knight had instructed that before the truth was revealed, the rabbit must be strictly guarded. "

"That's not what I'm asking." "What I'm asking is, what's with his ears?" "

The rabbit man's left ear had only been sliced off by Arthur's sword the previous day. Only a day had passed, but his bandaged ear still continued to ooze blood from time to time. It looks -- it hurts.

"Wait a minute." Don't tell me that you want to … Gaia Knight Cardor suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Uncle, you really can't change." Constantine revealed a mischievous smile. "The Lord Arthur only said that you should guard him strictly. He never said that you can't treat him, right?" "

At the same time, in the freezer.

"Well, the ancients designed it so well." Merlin looked at the frozen organs, as well as the magic Incantation s that were emitting a faint light.

While absorbing the life force of the host to sustain the Incantation, he loaded the order to automatically transplant to the next host when the host died. There were only these two main instructions, and the other parts that he didn't understand should be the procedures used to activate the Universal Wall. "

"Are you confident about copying one?" Arthur asked.

"It must be difficult." It is possible for me to duplicate the original circuit from the beginning to the end with my talent. But such a perfect replication would not be of much use. What you want is a facade that will fool the foxes into checking the copies? This sort of thing should not exist. "They have studied this item for decades. Do you think that they would not notice us making a copy of it while we were in a hurry?" "

"Tut." Since there was no other way, he had to use another plan. Arthur said as he whispered a few words into Merlin's ears.

"Well, that seems more feasible." Merlin laughed.

"Hmm. Didn't you say you couldn't kill people?" This is no problem? Arthur asked tentatively.

"The idea came from you. You assembled it using the materials of this world." As long as it's not someone I kill directly, I think it's not a big problem. "Those people all died in accordance with their fate. I have not distorted any history." "

Arthur looked at Merlin with disdain. "Merlin, don't make yourself sound like a god that can change history as he pleases. "

Merlin smiled mysteriously. "Arthur, you will understand this in the future. "

When it was ten o'clock in the evening, Arthur decided to check on the condition of the human rabbit, Ryder, before going to sleep.

"Tomorrow we will exchange hostages with the orcs." Arthur said, "Don't you have anything to say?" "

Sitting alone in a corner, Bunny Ryder turned his head and coldly said, "I didn't make it. Let me go. "

"No way —" Arthur wanted to say more, but when he suddenly saw Ryder's left ear being pulled back, he flew into a rage.

Kaldor?! Arthur bellowed, "Weren't you always watching over us?!" Who did this? Who was the one who reconnected this damned rabbit's ears?! "

"…." Lord Arthur, I … I don't know. Would his ears grow back? the knight asked, trembling.

"Don't lie to me!" Gypsies don't have such a good regenerative ability! "Arthur scolded angrily. Then, he thought about it and understood what was going on." Where is Constantine? I have something to say to him. "

"The child …" At such a late hour, he was afraid that he had already gone to sleep. Gaia Knight Cardor replied.

"I'm here, Uncle Kaldor." "Lord Arthur, please do not blame Uncle Kaldor. I was the one who suggested this, if you want to beat me up, just curse me." "

Arthur looked at this naive and honest child. Half of his anger had dissipated, but he was still furious: "You know that this guy betrayed us and put my comrades, and even Duke Hall in danger. Didn't you respect and love your grandfather a lot, Duke Hall? You treated such a bastard, aren't you afraid that the Duke Hall will blame you?! "

"I don't know what kind of man he is, but I do know that the rabbit is not a bad man." "Lord Arthur, if you look seriously, you can see what's around him. "

Arthur turned his head and stared at Ryder suspiciously.

A small butterfly was resting on the rabbit man's injured ear, seemingly comforting the rabbit.

A few mice in the dungeon squatted at Ryder's feet, as if trying to bring some warmth to the rabbit in the cold night.

"Only a truly kind-hearted person would be so welcomed by a small animal." He was definitely not a bad person. Constantine replied.

"That must be the special ability of the Bunny Man Race …" Arthur said, "That doesn't mean anything." "

"Regardless of whether he betrayed me or not, I just don't want to see a good man suffer." Constantine said, "Lord Arthur, you just need to lock him up, is there a need to torture him to this extent? "

Arthur was speechless. He had not thought that he would be rendered speechless by such a child.

"Good." Kaldor, open the cell door. Arthur suddenly said.

"Lord Arthur?" Knight Gaia hesitated, not knowing what Arthur was planning to do.

"Do it." Arthur urged, his cold tone making it seem as if he wanted to kill someone.

Although he was afraid, Gaia Knight Cardor still unhesitantly opened the iron bars of the cell.

"Constantine, if you really have to speak up for this rabbit, go into the cage and say your fill. You can stay with him. Helping the enemy to heal without permission is a felony, depending on the circumstances, a minimum sentence of ten months or death. — — These are the rules of the Order. "

"Got it." The child walked in without hesitation and sat beside Ryder.

"You seem serious." Arthur replied.

"I've always been serious, Lord Arthur." "Please close the cell door, if you don't blame Uncle Kaldor, and if you don't hurt brother Ryder again. "

"…." Good. Arthur said, but he did not come over to lock the cell door. Instead, he turned around and said, "I'll leave the rabbit in your care, Kaldor. Since you believe him to be a good person, then there's no need for the cell. "

"Lord Arthur …." Thank you! "

"No, I'm not done yet!" "If Bedivere doesn't come back safely tomorrow, all three of you will die." If Bedivere were to lose an arm and a leg tomorrow, I will also take something from you guys. Be aware of it! "

The knight left without looking back.

"What a terrifying person …." Gaia Knight Cardor replied. Even after interacting with the Duke Hall for a long time and seeing the domineering attitude of the other Heavenly Stage Knight s, this was the first time that this knight had been intimidated by Arthur's angry appearance. In terms of aura alone, Arthur was Heavenly Stage Knight, or even higher.

Constantine heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head and said to the rabbit man Ryder, "... Well, will you come to my room and stay with me? This dirty cell is not good for your wounds, and you need more rest. Err … Big Brother Ryder? What's the matter with you? Did it hurt somewhere? "

"No …." Ryder covered his face, tears flowing out from the gaps between his palms.

"Don't do that." Don't be so kind to me. To you, I'm just a stranger! I'm not even human! "

Constantine did not speak, he only pulled the rabbit and quietly brought him out of the prison.