C190 The Omen of War(part I)

On the same day, at around seven in the evening, at Coves's home.

"Come on, kid, get yourself something to eat tonight." The Leopard Man poured out the contents of a sack filled with fresh wild vegetables and even a small piece of meat.

Bedivere looked at it and bellowed: I'm not your chef! "

"If you don't cook, I'll cook." I'm not responsible for what I eat. Coves laughed coldly.

Recalling the terrifying bowl of wild vegetable porridge that Coves had cooked, Bedivere compromised.

As he picked up a carrot and was about to cut it, he suddenly thought of something. Where did you get all this stuff?! Are you going to be a pirate again, stealing human food?! "

"Are you being long-winded?" How did the food come in have anything to do with you?! The Leopard Man said unhappily.

"Of course it does!" This is stolen goods, how do you make people eat it?! Even a child knows that you can't steal from someone else, but someone as big as you doesn't even know it? Don't you know shame!? The Werewolf Boy scolded angrily, but at the same time, he …

Goo …

Hunger caused Bedivere's stomach to growl. His face reddened.

"You see, it makes so much sense that when you're hungry you're just as hungry." Coves sneered, "Don't eat, I'll eat everything when you're done." "

"Damn it!" I don't want to cook the stolen goods for you! "I — uh?!" "

A potato was stuffed into Bedivere's mouth, making him unable to make a sound.

"Eat, boy, eat?" So you ate the loot, too. Coves grabbed Bedivere's head and stuffed the potato into Bade's mouth. Biddy struggled, refusing to take a bite no matter what.

"Goo goo goo goo …" The growl in her stomach grew louder and louder, and she remembered that he'd been in the institute all day, and that he was actually very hungry.

Even the potatoes that smelled of soil seemed to be tasty.

One mouthful … Just one mouthful... Maybe it was better.

You were forced to eat it anyway, weren't you?

"No!" "In a moment of desperation, Bedivere used berserk mode, and then his gigantic body suddenly knocked Coves flying.

"Ugh." "Huff … Huff …" He sat down on the ground and looked at the scattered ingredients. He couldn't help but sigh.

"Kid, you're a bit stubborn." Coves crawled back up. "But a tough guy like you will suffer sooner or later." "

"You don't have to lecture me." He clutched his stomach, which was roaring with thunder.

"I'm an orphan. I've been a thief since I was five years old." "In those days, even the ordinary people of the village could not eat their fill. For a person like me who had no parents or parents, if I didn't steal food, sooner or later, I would have starved to death. So I went to the human world with other people like me to steal and rob. — To survive, I take it for granted. "

"Maybe it would be better if you starved to death then." A scum like you, you will be a disaster if you stay in this world! Bedivere replied.

"Maybe." That way, I would be able to relax and not think about such complicated things. "But did you know?" For us thieves to survive, we have to run fast. You can survive if you run fast. Those that couldn't escape would have a miserable ending.

I've seen a little guy my age killed by humans just because he stole a piece of bread.

I've also seen another thief with his legs broken, and then a human skin peeled off him alive.

Humans are cruel and selfish. They only know how to ask for it, but they don't know how to give it. They don't even want to leave us with what little space we have left. So I can't forgive humans. "

"Not everyone is so bad." There are humans who are not like that. "Arthur helped me to this day without even asking the reason." He also didn't have any reason to save Toville who was a slave trader. He treated him well and released him from his closed inner world.

He was doing all this not because of any interest, but out of pure goodwill. If you have interacted with Arthur before, you will know that there are still good people in this world. "

Coves looked at Bei Di in disbelief. Then he took it as a joke and waved his hand carelessly. "Come on." It seems that you have been domesticated by humans for too long. You are like a loyal dog that only knows how to protect the interests of humans. You have long since lost the glory of being an orc. "

"No!" Bedivere shouted angrily, but he was too hungry to roar.

"I don't want to tell you." Coves said, "You should hurry up and cook." "

"If you want me to eat what you stole — —"

They're not stolen goods. I just thought it was fun to tease you, so I didn't say it. Coves laughed coldly, "Those are all food that the clan leader bestowed upon me. I have to eat my fill so that I can go to the battlefield tomorrow to kill my enemies." "

Bedivere was startled when he thought about the hostages exchange tomorrow.

"You don't have to eat it, but don't forget, there will be a fierce battle tomorrow, and you'll probably die just like that." Do you want to die of hunger? Or do you want to die without regrets after eating a hearty meal? Choose for yourself. "

"I'm not going to die!" Arthur will save me. Bedivere picked up his kitchen knife and started cooking, "You should eat your fill, in case you have to fight with Arthur tomorrow due to hunger, and if you lose, find an excuse to say that Arthur is despicable. "

Coves let out a cold laugh, and ignored his. He was full of confidence. With his speed, he definitely wouldn't lose this time.

This time, he was going all out. In order to win, he even threw away his life.

Not long after they finished their meal, Leopard Man walked out of the bathroom. "The Bath Water is ready. You should quickly go and take a bath." "

"Huh?" Isn't the water here very precious? he asked.

"It's precious." But you're going to die tomorrow. I'll let you enjoy it for the last time. Wash yourself clean before you die. Coves replied.

"I'm not going to die!" Biddy said angrily. But he really hadn't bathed for two days, and his body began to itch, so he didn't refuse.

Of course, when he saw Coves also entering the bathroom, he began to regret.

"What are you doing?" I'm not interested in bathing with a middle-aged uncle! Bedivere protested, and quickly used a towel to cover his lower body.

"I don't care if you're interested or not?" I have no intention of letting you have this precious Bath Water for yourself! "Maybe I'll die tomorrow, too. How can I wash myself uncomfortably, have a good night's sleep, and enjoy myself?" "

"You'd better die in battle, hur hur." Bedivere washed his body with soap.

"..." If I die in battle, Hackett's clan head will agree to take care of Lavis, and Lavis's life will be guaranteed in the future. Coves said, "This might be a good thing." "

In that instant, the love and kindness that flashed across Coves's face was something that he had never seen before since he was young.

Never seen it.

Bedivere's own father had never smiled at him before, and even when he gave the key fragment to Bedi, he had never praised this [son of his]. Bedivere's father only knew how to smile and praise Papalov.

However, the Leopard Man in front of him … This kind of bastard, this Coves who existed as Arthur's sworn enemy, was actually someone who placed life and death outside the bounds of the heavens for his own son.

— — All sorts of mixed feelings exploded in Bedivere's heart.

"What are you pretending for, you hypocrite!" He gritted his teeth.

"What?" Coves asked as he washed his body.

"I mean you, you hypocrite!" Bedivere couldn't suppress his anger and roared, "You clearly treated Lavis so well, but you actually abandoned Toville."

— — Can't you give some of your love to Toville?!

— — On the one hand, they protected one son with all their might, but on the other hand, they were mercilessly abandoning the other son. They allowed him to suffer in the Fox Man Institute, allowing him to fall into the human world and become a slave! What the fuck is going on with you?! "

Coves was stunned by the roar for a long time. His face, however, was beginning to look terrible.

"Do you know that the bastard was born a monster?" "He turned into a monster when he was born, and attacked my wife in a frenzy." If I did not stop her in time, her wife would have died before she could even give birth to Lavis. "

"What?!" "

"That guy is an uncontrollable monster. I had to send him to the institute." "Coves tried his best to suppress his anger, but his face was full of grief and indignation.

"That bastard almost ruined my home." But this was still not enough, it was still pestering Lavis like it was a nightmare.

— — Lavis was only an innocent child, why did he have to be pestered by nightmares? Why was it that as long as he closed his eyes every day, he could see the illusion of being tortured in the research institute?

— — It was better to torture him with illusions. Why did that evil being escape from the research institute, kill my wife, make Lavis half dead, and even kill everyone in the entire village?! Tell me! "

"…." This is retribution, you abandoned Toville, and let him live an inhuman life. Karma's Reincarnation allowed him to return and seek revenge against you. "All of this is what you deserve. It is the reward for your sins." "

"Shut up!" "Coves slapped Bedivere's face," You don't have to say anything about my family matters! "

"You should shut up!" Toville is my friend, of course I'll scold you for him! He suddenly slapped Coves.


It hit. Bedivere himself felt that this was unbelievable. With Coves's skill, this slap could have completely dodged it. However, he did not move aside, as if he was deliberately enduring this slap.

"..." I can't be bothered with a kid like you! he said, rinsing the foam from his body and getting up to go out.

"Don't go." cried Becky suddenly.

"What?" Are you going to scold me somewhere else? Coves rolled his eyes at Bei Di and said.

"No, there's dirt on your back. I'll wipe it for you." said.

"You wipe my back?" "Coves looked at Bei Di and revealed a funny expression." You know, in my battle tomorrow, I probably have to face that of yours. Do you still want to help me wipe my back? "

"It's precisely because of this that I need to wash you, this smelly uncle, clean so that you won't disrespect Arthur and cause him trouble tomorrow. said.

"Puff …" You really don't know anything, do you? Coves laughed coldly.

"I don't care about the strange customs of your Leopard Man Race!" "Bedivere said," Didn't Toville often clean his back? What's the big deal! "

Coves went silent and sat down. Only now did he realize that the "dirty thing" was actually a protruding patch of hair on the scar on the Leopard Man's back.

This is a... Deep claw marks.

"The bastard caught it." Coves said coldly.

"…." At least he didn't grab very deeply. He didn't want you dead. Bedivere defended Toville.

"Whatever you say." That vile spawn is a vile spawn. The next time I see him, I will personally chop him to pieces. "

"No one was born a monster." "If he wants to become like that, it must be because of you and that dirty business of the foxes." Pandora's Plan, right? "

"Wh …" What [Pandora's Plan]? Coves appeared to be at a loss.

"You don't know …?" "Don't be a liar. You're on the same side as the foxes. How could you not know?" "

Coves stopped talking, and his expression became even more unsightly.