C163 Waves on Homeward Journey(part Ii)

At midnight, in the hotel in the village.

"Phew. Finally, I can lie down and rest for a while." "Arthur finished his shower and went to bed.

Other than Eavan who was still standing guard outside, the others had long since fallen asleep. Arthur subconsciously touched his shoulder. The area where a piece of flesh had been bitten off by the Nightmare was now mostly healed, but the pain was far from over. Although it did not hinder the use of his arm, it still hurt when he tried to move his arm and pull at his nerves.

After a day of suffering, Bedivere and the others were already lying on the bed snoring in sleep.

Arthur then looked at Leopard Boy Toville who was nestled beside Bedivere. The child was already very familiar with Bedivere. Even when he was sleeping, he would always stick close to his like a kitten.

"In the end, there's still no way to figure out who this kid is." Arthur sighed, thinking, "Forget it." As long as Bedivere could gain his trust, allowing him to speak was just a matter of time. "

He looked at the Tear Light at the corner of Toville's eyes. Unconsciously, he reached out to wipe it away and covered the children with a blanket.

Then, he suddenly felt that his actions were extremely inconceivable. Why would Arthur, who had no feelings, care about such a stranger?

It's these people who make you weak. Arthur thought about Heavenly Stage Knight's words. He shook his head, turned off the hotel lamp, and climbed into bed to rest.

The next day. There were still two days left before the duel between Arthur and the Duke of Yoens.

"In other words, if we hadn't escaped from the nightmare then —" Tristan's eyes widened, the spoon in his hand fell into the Oatmeal s.

"That's right. Something will be taken away by the effects of its magic, usually hands, feet, or internal organs." The lost parts become photons, the food of the nightmares. Arthur said as he continued to eat his breakfast, acting as if nothing had happened.

"You want us to deal with such a horrible thing?!" Tristan shouted.

"Do you know now?" Hehe, what are you afraid of? It's not like you've lost anything. — — Oh, that's not right … "You were woken up by your own nightmare," Arthur said, trying to scare the Merman Boy. Be careful, it's very possible that some internal organs have already been taken away. "

"No!" The fool prince put down his cutlery and rubbed his belly to see if there was anything missing.

"Arthur..." Bedivere frowned as he looked at Arthur.

"Hmm, don't worry. Something that was really taken away by the curse will liquefy and spit out." You didn't spit out black blood, so you should be fine. Arthur explained.

Eavan could not help but lose his appetite.

"Is it all right as long as it's bodily fluids?" "Then..." Tristan asked doubtfully.

"No." Unless you were scared to the point of peeing, but you did something else … "Arthur laughed sinisterly, teasing Tristan.

"Oh, please!" "Eavan finally could not hold it in anymore. He put down the bread in his hand and scolded," It's breakfast time, can you please leave this disgusting topic for later? "

"It doesn't seem to affect some people's appetite." Arthur said, looking unrepentant.

He glanced at Toville who was wolfing down his food beside him. Leopard Boy didn't pay attention to the topic of nightmares at all and was enjoying his meal.

"Don't eat so fast. It's bad for your health." Bedivere said as he patted Toville's head.

"I …." I'm hungry. "No," the boy replied in unpracticed English, with a ring of Oatmeal at his lips.

"Meow …?" "Tristan froze for a moment, then erupted into laughter," Wahahahahaha! He actually said [Meow]! Too cute, little Kitty! "

"Wu Meow …" "After being mocked like that, Toville immediately blushed and snuggled up to Bedivere's side, looking like he was about to cry.

"Ignore him." "Arthur gave Tristan a heavy punch as a lesson," He is just an ignorant idiot, he didn't know that it is difficult to change the suffix words in the Beastman Language System when one is used to it. If you want to [Meow] come out boldly [Meow]. Other than this idiot who has no common sense, no one would make fun of you. "

"Ha ha-ha ha, and the suffix, boy, you're so funny!" — So Biddy should be saying everything at the end of the sentence, right? "

"No." "Werewolf Boy Bedivere's face reddened, and he retorted," Our language doesn't have any suffixes, do you think I'm a dog?! "

At this moment, the phone rang, interrupting everyone's conversation. Eavan picked up the phone and chatted with the others for a bit before he said to Arthur and the others, "Oyun, come and get me. I have to go now. Goodbye. "

He walked out of the hotel room. "By the way, be careful. I've seen some unfriendly shadows outside the village before, but they disappeared." The assassins who tried to assassinate Dad used such advanced penetration magic that even my eyes couldn't see them. If those guys come looking for trouble with you — In short, you take care of yourselves! "

"Got it." "Arthur waved goodbye." You be careful too. "

Arthur was not worried about the assassin. What he was concerned about was how to catch one alive.