C162 Waves on Homeward Journey(part I)

At night, somewhere in the wilderness.

"What a stubborn kid." Let's go into the village! Arthur sat in front of the bonfire and said impatiently.

No!" [No means no!] "Are you going to let me run to the village in my bare ass and make a fool of myself?" Ahh@@

He took off his jacket to cover his lower body. He looked like a little girl in a skirt. Eavan was also washing his clothes beside him. Only Bedivere and Toville didn't care as they jumped into the water to play.

"I have no obligation to stay here with you!" When you've washed your clothes and dried them, we'll go into the village! Arthur shouted angrily as he played with the grilled fish beside the bonfire. He wanted to roast Tristan too.

"No!" What if there were traces left behind? Wouldn't it be too embarrassing!? Tristan shouted. "You clearly said that you had washed some clothes, why didn't you take them out quickly?!" "

"Malefic has hidden them all with the Space Magic. We won't be able to get them until we wake up. "Look at him now —" He pointed to the unconscious red dragon.

"Enough, stop arguing!" Eavan couldn't help but say, annoyed to death. "You have a change of clothes, what about me?" I don't even dare to call Oyun to come pick me up! What do you think I should do tonight!? "

"Idiot, you deserve it!" If you knew you might wet your pants, you could have gone into the cave in your bare ass at the beginning. Tristan sarcastically said.

"How can you do that!" Why don't you try? I will return your stupid words to you! Eavan was also furious.

"What did you say?!" "Are we going to fight?!"

"Come on, stop it!" "Arthur gave the two people who were quarreling a heavy punch to the head," When you're done, come and roast the fire immediately, don't catch a cold. "

"Damn it!" Tristan sat down on a rock beside the bonfire in displeasure, while holding his pants and roasting it beside the bonfire.

"Stop playing with those two idiots playing in the river. Come and warm up!" Arthur shouted.

Bedivere wagged his tail, as though he had not had enough fun, but he could only listen to Arthur's orders and go water to heat the fire.

"Hachoo!" Werewolf Boy sneezed, rubbed his nose, and then asked casually, "Is Malefic still not awake?" Do you want me to try this necklace again? "

"Stop using that stuff!" "Arthur said angrily," It's all because the mage gave you this strange thing that you messed up the trial! I haven't even figured out whether or not the trial had the desired effect when I killed the Nightmare Terror. I don't even have the chance to start the trial again. Look at what you've done! "

"Well, I didn't know —" Betty stuck out his tongue in protest.

"Necklace?" Eavan couldn't help but pick up the necklace in his arms. "I also have something similar, something my mother left behind." "In the previous trial, this thing was also glowing …"

Just as Eavan was about to pick up the necklace, the thing suddenly started glowing. The light beams converged into a straight line and shot towards Malefic who was still unconscious at the side.

"Muhou — muhou?!" "Malefic climbed up hurriedly, as if he had just woken up from a nightmare. He looked in the direction where the white light came from, and his gaze landed on Eavan's necklace.

"Kid, where did you get that necklace?" Answer me! Malefic shouted.

"Huh?" This, this is my mother's relic, what is it? Eavan was shocked by the sudden question. By this time the light of the necklace had completely faded.

"Malefic, what's wrong?" Arthur asked.

"That aura …." There was no mistake! Although it was very weak, there was no doubt that it was the breath of the Queen Mother! "That aura is coming from your necklace!" "

"What mother, are you asleep or not?" "Tristan asked," Why would a human's broken necklace be related to Dragon Race? This was completely illogical! "

The Malefic was silent for a while, so did Eavan.

"Maybe I did fall asleep." But — "the Malefic asked, still unwilling to give up." Tell me! Where did this necklace come from? How did he get it?! Has your mother ever mentioned anything to you before?! "

Eavan shook his head, "Mother didn't say anything about this necklace. The only thing it meant to me was [my mother's memento]. I had never heard of it having any special effect. "

"It can't have any special effect!" If there was anything out of the ordinary, this kid's eyes wouldn't be able to sense it, and he would definitely be able to sense it! Tristan continued his analysis.

Seeing that he could not think of anything, Malefic gave up. However, he still gave a grunt of indignation, and smacked his little foot on the stone.

Eavan had already noticed that there was some sort of unusual magic on the necklace. However, he was afraid that the Malefic would come and pester him again, so he pretended like nothing had happened.

"Don't say so many useless things!" Tristan hurriedly said, "Pants, quickly bring the pants over!" I don't want to be naked all night! "

"Hmph!" The Malefic was still in an awkward situation, as if he was unwilling to help. "Brat, your begging attitude is really problematic!" Can't you correct your attitude if you want my help? "

"Malefic, stop playing. "Arthur said coldly," Being at odds with an idiot like him is just a waste of time. "

"…." Humph! Malefic's face showed that he was unconvinced, as he muttered a few sentences (who knows if he was cursing or chanting). He performed a magic trick and took out the package that was compressed within the Subspace.

"Heh heh, finally …" The idiot Merman Prince hurriedly rummaged through his backpack and pulled on his pants.

Bedivere and Toville had also donned their pants, in the end there was nothing left of them but Eavan.

"Oh, that's great." "Eavan said helplessly," "Fortunately, my demand was not high, and my pants were pretty much done for."

"Boy." "Can you lend me your necklace for the time being?" "

"…." This is the only relic my mother left me. "I'm sorry, I can't --"

"Well, I don't think I asked." The Malefic said tiredly, "I'll be leaving first." I'll come back. "

The Red Fire Dragon jumped into the Subspace passage and left.

"Just ran away like that?" "I was planning to ask him to give us a lift —" Tristan said in dissatisfaction.

"He's tired today, too. Let him go." Arthur stood up and said, "Eavan, hurry and finish this. We'll go to a nearby village to find a place to stay for the night, then we'll really have to go to bed." "

"Tut, tut." Although his pants weren't completely dry yet, Eavan still reluctantly put them on. It was better than the situation where other people had pants to wear while they were naked.