C160 Disillusionment with Nightmare(part Iii)

— — Man is always swallowed by the abyss he creates.

Arthur subconsciously looked at the words carved on the reef in front of the cave. That seemingly warning sign had already become difficult to make out after being eroded by the ocean tides for a long time.

"Almost there?" No one was crying as they tried to escape. The Malefic sneered.

"When you encounter a nightmare, you won't be able to escape it in the first place." "It will first use the 'dream' magic to force its way into your consciousness. "

"Then create in your consciousness the illusions that most frighten you. Guinevere replied.

"Fear?" Arthur shook his head. "No. Not just fear. The worst part of the nightmare is that it allows you to see your sins. "

"Sin?" This was something she had never heard of before. Guinevere replied.

"Didn't you go in?" "

"Of course not." It's been a lot of work here, but you want me to go in? No thanks. I'm not interested in the title of Knight Gaia, and I don't want to see those disgusting creatures. "

"Very wise." Malefic said.

"Cough, cough." Arthur cleared his throat. "The Knights of Northernmost Knight Organization have always been pure and clean, and have never committed any terrible crimes, so they shouldn't have met each other." The appearance of the Nightmare Terror [fear] and [evil] varied from person to person. Some people shouldn't be able to see the [evil]. "

"What's the difference?" "

"Big difference." To see [fear], one must have enough courage to overcome it. But the person who sees [the evil], the sin of his own past, will be consumed by guilt and guilt. In order to overcome one's own evildoers, what is needed is not courage, but... Something else. "

"Damn it!" Don't keep me in suspense, tell me quickly! The Malefic shouted in anger.

"I'm sorry, that's impossible." It takes personal experience to understand that what is needed [that thing] is not something that can be expressed in words. "Arthur laughed coldly," If you want to know, it's very simple. If you go into the cave and have a nightmare, then you will personally experience it. "

"Trying to lure me in?" It won't be that easy! "Well, I'll ask them when they come out." "

"On the premise that some of them do manage to overcome [the evil]." Guinevere laughed coldly.

Arthur shrugged and did not speak further. He was still a little worried for Bedivere in his heart. Papalov's matter could very well become an insurmountable evil spirit, which would destroy the child in the end.

In order to overcome [the evil], what was needed was to face the darkness of one's past and cross it.

What is needed is to be able to cross unflinchingly in the face of one's own sins, [faith].

To a man, the sins of the past are the most difficult to overcome. However, if he could cross this threshold, he could truly grow up.

In the heart of a person, only with such power would one have the qualifications to be promoted to Knight Gaia.

The trials of the Pantolacken as a Knight had always been this harsh.

Werewolf Boy sneered.

The other White Bear Boy, who was around one to two years older than his younger brother, was currently trapped in a pit that his younger brother had prepared beforehand, unable to escape.

It was not the first time that his brother had tried to harm his brother. However, this time, he had almost killed his brother.

"Bebe?" Is it the Bebe? Stop playing, please let me out! It was almost dark, if he didn't go back now, his mother would worry. White Bear Boy shouted.

Bedevile did not respond. Of course not. If he replied, wouldn't that mean that he was admitting that this was his prank?

Werewolf Boy did not know that his brother had lost his leg when he fell into the pit, and his bones were still exposed, bleeding profusely. No matter how good the White Bear Man's regeneration ability was, the sharp bone fragments still cut open the skin of his legs, unable to successfully regenerate them.

Werewolf Boy did not know that when his brother was discovered by the adults, it was already the next morning. The entire village went out to find a child trapped in the wilderness for a whole night.

All he knew was that when he saw his brother again, he was lying weakly on the bed, dying. The strong vitality of the White Bear Man saved Papalov from death, but he still lied down for a whole week.

"I know you did it." "Bebe, why did you do this? Why can't you treat your brother better?" You have the love of your father and mother, but he has nothing. Why can't you give him some of this love? "

Bedivere, who was only a child at the time, couldn't understand.

He only remembered that his parents doted on him more than they doted on him.

He only remembered being beaten by his father for all kinds of small things, but his father had never hit his brother.

He only remembered that this time, he had received a solid slap on his father's face. Even now, his face was still burning with pain.

At night, when he couldn't sleep, he could hear their conversation through the crack in his parents' door as he slipped out of his room and went to the bathroom.

"What should we do?" "If the Dragon God Official is unable to sleep soundly —" His mother's voice rang out.

"Don't worry, he'll get through it." The best doctor has been invited, and the best medicine has been used … He could survive. Dad's voice said.

"But, the Bebe, he —" His mother's voice questioned.

"I've already taught him a good lesson, so he won't dare offend the Dragon God." This ignorant brat … If there is a next time, I must personally break his arms and legs. Dad's voice was angry.

The Werewolf Boy did not make a sound, he just quietly went back to his room.

He looked at his brother who was on the verge of death in bed. At this moment, however, he suddenly had a terrifying thought.

He climbed onto his brother's bed and, without warning, clasped his hands around his brother's neck.

White Bear Man, who was originally on the verge of death, revealed a painful expression. He was unable to breathe, and gradually, he started to suffocate.

Bedivere cried quietly, but he squeezed harder and harder. His eyes were calm and filled with killing intent as he stared at his brother's face that was twisted with pain.

"Just a little bit more and he'll be dead." If I die, I will disappear from my life forever. I will no longer fight over the love my parents gave me. "As long as we use more strength, we can kill him," the Werewolf Boy thought. I can do it, I will. "

"I'll be happy if he dies." "

However, as if he was protecting his little brother, White Bear Man hugged Bedivere gently with both of his arms.

"Don't cry, Bebe." "

It was tears that fell on his brother's face, waking him from his coma. The older brother immediately knew that he was being held by his younger brother's small hands and was being strangled.

But he had never hated his brother. He just tenderly hugged his brother, who was about to kill him, wanting his brother to stop crying.

He could not speak, but at this moment he prayed sincerely.

If killing me makes it easier, then kill me.

In the end, however, he let go. Papalov hugged his brother, who was trembling from crying, and also cried.

"I'm sorry." And, thank you. "

At that moment, the village was on fire.

The older brother stood in front of the attacker to give the younger brother a chance to escape.

The younger brother ran away without looking back.

In the next moment, a black Undead Bird swept past the two of them.

His arm was burned, the pain was so intense that it tore at Bedivere's heart. When he regained his senses once again, his brother Papalov had already been burnt to a crisp in order to protect him.

"I'm sorry, Bebe. His brother's voice echoed around Bedivere. "Now I'm finally going to disappear." Are you finally happy? "

"No, brother!" Werewolf Boy stretched out his hand to catch his brother's figure as he continued to run away.

However, his hand had already been burnt, and the flesh on his arm had been peeled off, revealing the bones underneath. The bones were also burnt to ashes by the flames, scattering to the ground.

At this time, his older brother, who seemed to be very close to him, had already turned into ashes. With the lingering heat of the flames, he disappeared into the wind.

"Brother!" No! Wait for me! Bedivere shouted. "Don't go!" I've got a lot to say to you, and I haven't apologized yet! "

"My happiness is all right!" I only want to exchange it for your life — if only for a moment — to come back to life! "

"I just want to tell you that I still love you!" "

No matter how he shouted, what awaited the Werewolf Boy was nothingness and darkness.

"Big brother is indeed dead, he won't come back."

(All of this was caused by me.)

It's all my fault.

The darkness was like thick ink, covering Bedivere's body completely. From head to toe, from inside to outside. Then he began to sink deeper into the sea of darkness.

(All of this is meaningless now.)

Brother is dead and will never return.

(I'm the only one left in this world.)

(Rather than continue to linger like this, I might as well disappear into the darkness as well.)

(Give up thinking, stop breathing, and let your mind and body be swallowed by darkness.)

(If it turns out it doesn't exist anymore, it might actually be a relief.)

(I really want to die.)

Just as Bedivere was about to sink into the sea of darkness, a hand grabbed him.

Bedivere was pulled out of the dark ocean once again, and the owner of the glowing hand was none other than White Bear Man Papalov.

"Big brother …?" "

In the dim light, Papalov did not say anything, he only smiled at Bedivere and shook his head.

That hand was so warm, with a hint of moisture unique to White Bear Man.

This kind of warm feeling was similar to the feeling of being hugged by his older brother.

"It doesn't matter, does it?" "

"Even if I'm not here, you're not alone." In your world, there are already countless lights. These lights will illuminate your life. "

Bedivere looked over. Behind his older brother, there were many familiar and unfamiliar faces. Each and every one of them was emitting a weak light, as if they were illuminating the path that Bedivere took. These lights, continued to extend into the endless distance, all the way until the future.

Arthur who was standing at the front extended his hand out to Bedivere.

"Follow me." Arthur's voice resonated in the darkness, trying to repel the cold and darkness.

Feeling Papalov push him from the back, Werewolf Boy fell forward and subconsciously reached out his hand towards Arthur.

Bedivere regained his senses and realized that he was still in the cave, holding onto his necklace, and the white stone on the necklace was still faintly glowing.

It took him about a second to remember why he was in this dark cave.

Then he understood. Everything he saw was an illusion, an illusion created by the magic of the nightmare.

That evil thing was still watching from not too far away. It didn't have any intention of attacking or escaping.

No, rather than saying that it didn't attack or flee, it was more accurate to say that it couldn't move at all. This kind of spiritual attack magic would consume a lot of spiritual energy and require a high degree of concentration. It can't move during this process.

As for the other youngsters, they lay on the ground moaning incessantly, still tormented by the nightmares they had created. Right now, the only one who had woken up was Bedivere.

"Tristan, wake up!" Bedivere shouted as he slapped Merman Boy's face a few times in an attempt to wake him up.

"No, don't come!" Damn spider! Tristan cried like he was dreaming.

Bedivere saw that no matter how he shook, he could not wake Tristan up, so he turned to check on Toville's situation. Leopard Boy huddled together and muttered in pain:

"No." So painful. "Please, let me go, let me go, let me go, meow!"

"Cheer up!" Toville, what you saw was not real! Bedivere tried to wake the Leopard Boy up.

"No!" Daddy! Don't look at me like that! The child could not stop talking.

"It's not that I want to become such a monstrosity." Leopard Boy cried.