C159 Disillusionment with Nightmare(part Ii)

It was formed from a black reef and was located in a small island in the sea north of the Pantolacken. At high tide, the island was only half an acre above the water, with only a small cave.

However, this unremarkable island was covered with layers upon layers of powerful enchantments. Under the layers of seals, Bedivere could still vaguely feel the thick ominous aura coming from the cave. All the signs indicated that there were extremely powerful monsters sealed on this island.

Malefic Red Fire Dragon flapped his huge wings and slowly landed on the small island.

While everyone was jumping down from the Dragon Back, Guinevere had already arrived on her Steel Cavalry.

"That's right on time." "The moment Guinevere came up, he said," What, has the number of people training increased again? "

"Thanks to someone's little trick." "Arthur glared at Tristan and asked," Can you handle it? "

"The Black Island is protected by a barrier. Those who enter to train will be automatically teleported out of the cave when their lives are in danger." Therefore... Generally, people wouldn't die. "Guinevere laughed coldly," "However, if there is anyone who has been eaten by organs or something like that, and there are too many of them, I'm afraid there might be some deaths if I don't give them first aid."

Bedivere and the others broke out in a cold sweat.

"Hehe, it's fine now. With the advanced medical technology, even if your liver and kidneys were eaten, it would still be able to keep you alive. At most, you would just have to live a little more miserably in the future." Guinevere laughed sinisterly.

The youngsters looked at Guinevere with hidden bitterness, not saying a word.

"Stop scaring them, Guinevere." Arthur interrupted, "Alright, there's no point in talking any further. It's time for you guys to go in." Leave all your weapons behind. "

"Scared?" "What?!" "There's such a horrible monster inside, and you want us to deal with it with our bare hands?" Why don't you tell us to just jump into the monster's mouth, genius! "

"Believe me, it's useless for you to hold a weapon in your hand." The thing in the cave was not something that could be dealt with by force. On the contrary, with weapons in your hands, you will only be in greater danger. You will only be able to hack at your comrades in panic, or even injure yourselves. Arthur explained.

"Nonsense!" No matter what, I am someone who has seen a big scene before, so I wouldn't be so flustered! Tristan protested.

"Oh, you will, you really will." "Let's not talk about weapons. Originally, we recommended the Knights to go in naked." That thing was too terrifying. How many people who went in to take the trial were so scared that they ran out? "Either you wear a diaper or you take off your clothes."

"Oh, Guinevere!" "Arthur interrupted her hurriedly." Please, you are a lady, don't casually say you want a man to strip naked in front of you! These kind of rude words! — — "Arthur turned around and said to Tristan and the others," Don't worry, all your clothes have been prepared for you guys. Even if you're scared to the point of peeing, there's nothing to worry about. "

"Damn it!" Don't look down on others! I'm not afraid of the monster in here! At most, he would just look a little ugly! Humph! Tristan shouted angrily.

"Mm …" No. "Arthur thought for a while," "Tristan, maybe you really should wear a diaper instead."

Uhh!" Damn it! Damn it! I'm not telling you! Tristan was so angry that his face turned red, and he walked into the cave by himself.

"Wait for us, Tristan!" It was too dangerous to travel alone! Bedivere shouted as he chased after his.

Toville silently followed him. Although he looked to be afraid, he appeared to be very obedient.

"I can't do anything to you." Eavan also followed him in.

"Well, we'll start preparing, too." Guinevere took out all kinds of medical equipment and prepared to undergo emergency treatment.

"That thing in there should be a nightmare, right?" At this time, Malefic Red Fire Dragon could not help but ask. It had become the size of a fist, and squatted on Arthur's shoulder to rest.

"Yes, a nightmare." Arthur replied.

"You know it's a nightmare, but you're still sending those kids into the cave?" Arthur, you have a really bad heart. Malefic snickered sinisterly, pretending to reprimand his.

"This is one of the trials for the Knights of Northernmost Knight Organization to be promoted to Knight Gaia," Guinevere said. "I've said it before, the cave is already protected by a barrier. "

"Whew, whew, whew." Even so, it was still too cruel for a bunch of kids who had never seen the world to face a nightmare. Malefic Red Fire Dragon said with a smile.

"So you're still staying here to watch the show?" "Don't worry, they aren't as weak as you think they are. "

"Want a bet?" "I bet none of them will be able to get out of the cave unscathed." All right. Even if he wasn't missing an arm or a leg, his pants would still be soaked. "

"Humph, can I bet on that too?" Guinevere interjected.

"I'm not sure about the others, but Eavan and Bedivere might succeed. Arthur said, "Shall we wait and see?" "

The four youths entered the cave in the dark. It looked like a small cave, but it was only a small part of it. There was only one tunnel in the cave, but it was winding and it kept on spiraling towards the ground. By the time Bedivere realized this, the group of people had already gone deep into the ground.

"You can't see the end of that deep cave." Everyone, be careful. This cave is filled with barriers which are severely affecting my detection abilities. Right now, I can't see anything at all, it's about the same as your vision. Eavan replied.

"Oh, and the hawk eyes you were so proud of didn't work either?" Great. "What do we do now?" It was so dark that he could barely see the road ahead. If that monster comes, are we going to fight it in the dark? "

"No weapons are the biggest problem …" He could only act according to the circumstances. said as he pulled Toville's hand. "Don't be afraid, Toville. I will protect you. "

Leopard Boy nodded, but he still held onto Werewolf Boy's hand tightly, transmitting his trembling to the other party. It was like saying, "It's impossible to not be afraid."

But he still believed in Bedivere. He did not run, but followed the others obediently. Even Bedivere felt that this fellow's obedient attitude was unfathomable.

What happened to you?

Are you so submissive as to not resist the orders of others?

(Is it even okay to be ravaged by fate?)

While they were still walking forward, they suddenly arrived at the finish line.

Or rather, the end had found them.

At the end of this pitch-black cave, there was a black creature shrouded in black mist. From its appearance, it looked very similar to a horse, but it emanated an evil aura.

What surprised Bedivere the most was that he could actually see such a pure black creature clearly in this pitch black cave, where he could barely even see her fingers. Even the black gas surrounding the creature was vivid. It was a sight to behold.

In the next moment, he had the thought that the shape of this object was not captured by his own vision at all, but rather some sort of special image that was projected directly into the observer's mind. Even if it was pitch black, even if he closed his eyes, he would still be able to clearly see the monster's form.

"Everyone be careful, it's —" Bedivere was just about to remind the others, but he suddenly realized that his head was spinning. It was as if an invisible force had grabbed him by the throat, causing him to feel a sense of suffocation.

The next moment, Bedivere only felt his head spinning, and then he fell flat on his face.

Only then did he realize that the others had already fallen to the ground, presumably [some kind of magic] like him.

In less than ten seconds, the four youths were lying on the ground unconscious. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the entire team had been wiped out.