C94 Reunion in a Showdown(part Ii)

Uhh!" "Papa's face was completely reborn, as if he had not been injured.

"Why do you hate Papa!? Is this the difference between Papa and you? The Bear Man was still screaming, as if the world in front of him didn't exist. He was still lost in the memories of the past.

"Papa is clearly an obedient child, but he has already done everything he can. What was not enough?! Answer me! Tell me! The Bear Man charged forward, his body growing larger as it absorbed large amounts of photons and went berserk.

Just being stepped on was enough to kill him.

"Sorry, Papa." The Werewolf Boy nocked his bow and aimed an arrow at the Bear Man's left eye.

Hit. The Bear Man's left eye was destroyed, but he still remained indifferent and continued to suppress!

Bedivere resisted the fear in his heart and pulled his bow again, shooting a second arrow at the beast's right eye.

Hit. The beast was completely blind. However, he still remained indifferent and continued to suppress them!

There was no time to hesitate! Bedivere saw the trajectory of Papa's charge and flew forward!

Werewolf Boy's body shrunk to the size of a wolf and then shrunk into a ball in midair. This ball of fur passed through the crotch of the huge beast, passing through the storm-like charge. It only passed through a tiny crack!

Waa!" The blind Giant Bear clawed wildly at the ground in front of him, but Bedivere was no longer there. Werewolf Boy turned back into his human form and stood firmly on the ground, immediately rolling on the ground.

"What is he doing?" the sage asked.

"Remove the smell." "That way, for the time being, it won't be noticed." "

"It doesn't help." How long would it take for him to exhaust himself? the sage asked.

"It's almost over." Arthur replied.

"Arthur?!" Are you awake?! Kay asked.

"I thought I slept for days." Why was it only for a short while? Arthur asked.

"Yes, but less than half an hour later." Sage Z said.

"Humph." It was time for Betty to finish. Arthur said.

Bedivere got up. His body was covered with dust from the ground, completely covering up the smell. While the completely blind Papa was still wildly clawing, he took up the flaming long spear.

-- "Cervical spine?" Bedivere recalled what Arthur said last night.

"That's right. Attacking that area could directly cut off the nerve center." Not only would it paralyze his lower limbs, but it would also stop the heart-lung machine. Arthur replied.

"What will happen to Papa?" "

"The Bearman's regenerative ability is good, but that's when the heart-lung machine is in good condition." If the heart stops, the blood stops flowing. Cells cannot continue to regenerate without more photons. Yes, he would die. "

— — He would die!

He died just like that.

Think about it, Bedivere. It's not cruel. Doing this would also be a type of release for Papa.

Let him be free. The time had come for him to be free from this life of inhumane dignity, used as a tool.

If he doesn't die, you'll die.

What's wrong with that? You saved him as much as you saved yourself.

And brother will be happy. This is your salvation.

With a single slash, it would all be over.

Raising his spear, he slowly approached the bear-man's back. Bedivere finally made up his mind to kill this pitiful creature in one blow.

However …

The moment he raised his spear to attack.

"Where are you?" Bebe? It's so dark here, I can't see anything! "Is this your prank again?" Have you lost your temper? Please, let me out. Mother, you have to worry now … "

Two streams of tears flowed down from the corners of Werewolf Boy's eyes.

Impossible. This was impossible!

How could he know my breast name!

"Brother." Bedivere dropped his weapon and hugged the bear-man from behind. "I'm sorry, brother." "

First, he felt someone hug him. Then, the Bear Man regained his calm. As if the anesthetic was no longer effective, Papa turned his head and said calmly: "Bebe? "

"I'm sorry, brother!" "No more pranks," the Werewolf Boy cried. Forgive me! Forgive me! "

"Forgive me or something …" "My brother was never angry." So don't ask me to forgive you... "

Wuuu, wuu, wuu, wuu, wuuu, wuuu!" The Werewolf Boy cried.

"What is this?" the sage asked, puzzled.

"I want to know, too." Arthur held his head and said helplessly, "Is this really happening in this world?" The probability was obviously infinitely close to zero … "

"There is no chance in this world." Everything was inevitable. Their fate would once again be dictated by Karma. said a voice.

Arthur turned his head. "You're finally here. I thought you'd be late. "

"Almost late." "I never thought that Rome would have a barrier set up at the border. It took me a while to get through that. "

"Through the absolute barrier of Rome?" "How is that possible? That's a barrier set up by the strongest magicians in the country!" "

"Hmm, don't be so rigid." Merlin said, "It was just a crack." Don't pursue the matter of illegal entry. "

Both sides had lost their will to fight, and the battle could not continue. This duel... A draw! the judge on the stage said. It looks like they won't be able to do justice to the situation.

"The worst is coming." Arthur replied.

As it was a draw, the final duel was marked by sudden death. The final victor of this duel will emerge victorious! "

"I protest!" "Why do we have to have two victories and we have to have a match like this with them?!" This was obviously unfair! "

The protest was null and void. "The final battle will be decided, and both sides will have half a chance of winning." This was the His Majesty the Emperor's decision. "

"Uncle just wants to watch an extra duel, that's all." That battle maniac. Sage Z said.

"Master Magician!" "Bedivere dragged the unconscious Papa back to the cultivation room." Please save your brother! "

"Why did you bring him here?!" Arthur asked.

"The Leopard Man said I could take my brother away." Let's not talk about this. Hurry up, big brother doesn't look good! "

"This is serious." "Merlin looked at White Bear Man, who was foaming at the mouth and unconscious, and said," You must have been given a huge amount of anesthetic. If this goes on, the internal organs will be exhausted to the point of death. "

Unfortunately, there was no saving him. Sage Z shook his head. "With the current skill of Rome, there's no way we can solve this problem." "Even if I have to use the Therapeutic Arts …"

"Young man, don't be in such a hurry to give up." Merlin laughed, "There is a way, but Arthur?" "

"Not even for a moment?" Arthur asked.

"It will die." It takes only five minutes to go from liver failure to death. If I go on stage, he'll die. He won't last that long. "

Bedivere kneeled down: "Arthur, I have never begged you like this before, but now, please let Great Magister save my brother. "If I lose the duel, I will take full responsibility. I will bear all the punishment."

"Idiot, if you want to take responsibility, you can just —"

"Special envoys of the Pantolacken, please send the candidates for the next round as soon as possible." If you continue to dilly-dally like this, you will be sentenced to lose! the referee urged.

"There was really no other way, I had to vote for it."

— — "I'll go on stage." Someone volunteered.