C93 Reunion in a Showdown(part I)

"Papa, prepare to fight. "White Bear Man stood in front of Bedivere empty-handed. This White Bear Man was actually not as tall and big as Bedivere had imagined. Was it because he was young, or had he always been treated as a slave and suffered from chronic malnutrition?

"Who the hell are you?" Why was it that it kept emitting a smell similar to Papalov's? Bedivere whispered.

"Papa …." It's Papa, Slave Number 325. Papa was the name his master had given him. Sigh, something is wrong...? As he spoke, the Bear Man's face changed, and he began to hold his head in pain.

"No, that's not right." Papa... Which master gave this name? Remember... I can't remember … "

Bedivere was on guard, and even he could clearly feel the terrifying killing intent being emitted from the White Bear Man in front of him. White Bear Man's name didn't seem right, because at this moment, all of the hair on Papa's body started to turn red, just like when Elephant Man was changing color. However, this was an even more thorough Scarlet, red to the point that it seemed to be dyed in blood.

— — "The guy's probably brainwashed." "Yesterday night, Arthur analyzed to Bedivere.

"Brainwashing?" "

"Foxman Race's usual method is to brainwash the captured humans or beastmen, and these guys with no memory of their own will become very obedient, and become slaves that will never run away." "Thus, brainwashed [commodities] are better sold in the slave market. "

"But brainwashing can cause brain damage, and the White Bear Man you see is an example of brain damage. He estimated that he could only carry out simple orders, and complicated words were incomprehensible to his intelligence. "

"Pitiful." Oh no, if that was the case, would he be able to fight on stage? Bedivere asked.

"The answer is simple. Just medication." "The Dark Domain, especially in the territory of the Turkic people, contains all kinds of anesthetic that increases one's combat prowess. Although they were extremely addictive and toxic, there were some people who would risk their lives to get their strength at all costs. Not to mention a slave who didn't have to care about his life. That fellow didn't even need to care about the limits of the medicine and was fed a large amount of anesthetic before going on stage. Although he couldn't control himself, he would become a berserk wild beast that relied solely on its instincts to fight. "

"Listen, Becky." If that happened, that guy would be dead. He was just a killing machine. No one could stop him. Add to that the White Bear Man's fearsome regenerative abilities, you definitely won't be able to defeat him in a head-on battle. "

"There are only two ways to win." The first was to use ranged weapons to slowly grind him down. While carefully dodging, he would bleed him. The second was to waste time and wait for the effects of his medicine to wear off. Once the effects were over, his addiction would naturally cause him to cramp and lie on the ground, unable to continue fighting. "

I hope so.

The completely ferocious bear-man smashed over like a road roller, his target was Bedivere in front of him to be smashed into meat paste.

"What's my name?" Tell me! Tell me! Did you steal my name?! Kill you! Papa shouted hysterically as he attacked crazily.

As Bedivere dodged, his heart ached. This guy in front of him was terrifying, but he was also quite pitiful. What a sad life it must have been for a man to have been treated like this, without even a shred of humanity left.

Tears flew out of Werewolf Boy's eyes. He suppressed his emotions and tried his best to prevent the tears from blurring his eyes. On one side, he raised his Photon Bow and shot an arrow at Papa's feet.

After being compressed by the light sword's engine, the Photon Arrow's output power was absolutely different from the Optical Gun's. The Photon Arrow easily passed through the Bear Man's knee, leaving a large hole.

With a "pa", the charging bear-man fell to the ground. But by the time he got up again, his knee was completely recovered.

"Isn't this too exaggerated?!" Kay cried.

"Apart from the Charm Demon and the Deep Sea Giant Demon, the White Bear Man has the best regenerative abilities. "They are clearly just photons that are adapted to living beings. What made them reach a level that was almost equivalent to that of the Epic Tier Level Photon Creature?" This was an unsolvable mystery. "

"Ha, ha, ha, ha!" The Bear-man chased after Bedivere even more violently. Seeing that his body was being approached to an extremely dangerous level, Biddy hurriedly threw down his Smoke Bomb with one hand and then disappeared into the smoke.

"Useless, useless!" Papa knows what you smell like, Papa will always remember it! "Stop!" the bear-man shouted, and instantly appeared in front of Bedivere. His sharp claws were like the sharpest blade, leaving four deep wounds on Bedivere's chest.

"Wow!" Werewolf Boy retreated quickly and kept his distance from the bear-man. The smoke didn't give him any advantage, and he was scratched instead.

Waa!" "I know you!" It's you! It's you! "T.

"Recognize me?" "Bedivere hesitated for a moment, but just as he was hesitating, the other party had already caught up to him.

If he didn't do anything, his head would be chopped off! Bedivere raised his bow and blocked the attack, raising the attack up. The bear-man's claws did not miss, but instead, he grabbed a large piece of Werewolf Boy's right ear!

"Woo!" "Bedivere knew that he was in trouble, so he pulled back his bow and used a Photon Arrow close by to smash the Bear Man's face.

"Wu! Wu! Wu! Wu!" Papa painfully covered his face and shouted, "Why should I hate Papa? Why did you have to hit Papa!? Papa obviously will do as you say. Papa clearly wants you to treat Papa better! "

This guy, had he mixed up his memories with reality? Bedivere was surprised, but the pain in his ear made him not have time to hesitate. He quickly ran outside and tried to increase the distance between them as much as possible.

But with little success. The Bearman had been reborn too quickly, and it looked as if his body, apart from his face, felt little pain, and so did not flinch with pain. Was it due to the effects of the medicine, or was it because he was constantly being tortured as a slave and his body was used to it?

This was simply a monster that could not be killed even if one were to fight. It was an extremely vicious monster that could not be suppressed. The White Bear Man, especially the berserk White Bear Man, was indeed a precious combat power. This point, Bedivere could finally feel it for himself!