C85 Choose from the King(part Iii)

"Is that so?" really is a His Majesty the Emperor talking to himself. "But what do we do?" "I don't know," I said. According to them, the other side has five people. If we were to fight a duel, we still need one more member. "

"Damn the council. They said they wanted me to bring four people to Rome." Arthur said, "Is it possible that the members of the council are not even aware of the matter regarding the duel?" "

"I don't think they're trying to understand the situation at all. They're trying to get you into trouble." Eavan said.

"It is not a good thing that Rome and the Huns have formed an alliance. Even if the Assembly were to make trouble for me, wouldn't it be too much trouble for themselves?" Arthur asked, puzzled.

Perhaps the Council had not intended to ally itself with Rome, but instead had hoped that Rome would ally itself with the Huns, and then kill them both in one fell swoop. Kay said.

"Can your human mind be any more sinister and complicated?" Bedivere could not help but reveal a look of disgust.

"There's nothing we can do about it now." Let's first consider how to win. Arthur said, "In short, before the problem of not enough people can be exposed, won't winning the duel be enough?" "

"Three wins before the fifth?" As long as it was that smooth. "Arthur and I are fine, but if these two kids were to go on stage, would they be able to guarantee a win?" "

"You make it sound like you're going to win." Eavan said coldly.

"Better than you, at least, boy." If you don't accept it, then let's go outside and fight? Kay challenged.

"You two shut up!" "Let me think about it." There will always be a way. "

In the morning of the second day, Emperor of Rome Justin I enjoyed the view of the hall.

"Oh, are you here?" No need to bow, get up. I was originally a boorish person who was born into the martial arts world, so etiquette was the most annoying thing to do. The Emperor of Rome said as he sat on his throne with his legs crossed. Although it was a very casual posture, his every move exuded an indescribable domineering aura.

"Greetings, His Majesty the Emperor." Arthur only bowed briefly, thinking that the aura of the Justinian from last night was far from that of the current Justin I. Was this the majesty of an emperor?

"Well, I suppose you understand the position of Rome, do you?" I am a person afraid of trouble. I have already asked the generals to contact you. You should have explained your actions clearly. Of course, this was also explained by the Beastmen side. "

The Beastmen probably said, "I support you in the dark, I hope you can win." Sly Emperor of Rome, Arthur thought.

In short, the duel was scheduled for tomorrow, in the Roman Arena. Basically, it was a one on one duel, five matches to determine the victor. said the Emperor. "Any questions?" "

"No problem, His Majesty the Emperor." Arthur replied.

"Greetings, His Majesty the Emperor." At that moment five orcs entered. They wore cloaks and did not show their faces, but from their steady steps and tall stature, it could be seen that they were all excellent warriors.

"There's no need to be so formal. Leave out the formalities." The tone of his voice was exactly the same as when he spoke with Arthur and the rest just now.

The Emperor used the language of the Huns and the Huns as a form of greeting, Arthur could roughly guess what he was talking about. Although it did not show off, Arthur could not help but curse Justin I in his heart, this old cunning fox who wanted to please both sides.

After seeing the Emperor of Rome, the envoys on both sides all retreated to the reception room, which started to reek of gunpowder.

"Oh, are these the envoys from Pantolacken?" The leader of the Hunchbacked Beast said. He spoke with an incomprehensible English, his tone sounding as if he was mocking Arthur and the rest.

"What a disappointment. Is Pantolacken not going to ally with Rome?" Are they all brats? Not enough people? In my opinion, why don't you just admit defeat during the duel? That way at least you won't have to suffer, little friend! The more the Tiger Man spoke, the more harsh her words became.

Kay stepped forward. "What did you say?" "Bastard!"

Arthur waved his hand to stop Kai from making any trouble. "Th — Your Excellency's superficial knowledge of humans is already at a level where one can only judge combat strength by appearance? "Don't worry, Your Excellency will not be disappointed. Tomorrow's duel will certainly make you happy." One person is indeed missing on this side, but this will not affect the outcome of the duel, because you will never have the chance to participate in the fifth duel, and you will lose in the first three matches. "

This time, it was the Beastmen's turn to launch an all-out attack. Three of the five envoys shouted together:

"Don't look down on me, son of a bitch!" "

"You want us to tear you into pieces right here and now?!" "

"Do you want to die now, boy?!" "

"Silence!" Then, he took off the Hood, revealing a familiar face. "We meet again, Arthur." Nameless. "

"Chetovia." Govis. Arthur replied.

"Yes, Coves!" Are you doing this on purpose?! Then, knowing he had lost his composure, he cleared his throat. "Cough, cough," he coughed. In short, I look forward to tomorrow's duel. I hope that you guys are really as strong as you said you are. Now, at least in terms of etiquette, let's introduce ourselves to each other. — — [The Wind Speaker], the Chetovia of Glick Race. Coves. "

"Pantolacken, Silver Knight Arthur. Kelton. Arthur said without emotion.

"[Dancer Ye], Tova of Glick Race." Calonus. The other Cat Man bowed.

"The same Pantolacken, Silver Knight, Kai. Akto. The Sir Kay said unwillingly.

"Humph …" The Tiger Man snorted. "Ferocious Tooth Race [Berserker], Rhys." Levi's. "

"I …" Under Arthur and Kai Wei's threatening eyes, Eavan said: "Pantolacken, Knight Gaia, Owen." Yoens. "

The Beastmen were all puzzled. This brat who looked the weakest was actually the one with the highest position in this group of Knights?

"[Earth-Shattering], the Lai of the Turkic. Paphos. The muscular Elephant Man said.

"The bronze knight of Pantolacken, Bei …" Belem. Lyle. A servant of the Knight Arthur. Bedivere said.

"Oh, servants?" The Knights had even hired Beastmen as servants. The Tiger Man swordsman Reeves asked suspiciously.

"I paid for the slaves. The Order can't ask me what I want to do with them." Arthur said coldly as he played with Bedivere's Face, as if he was showing off to the beastmen. "This is my possession, do you guys have it?" "Yes."

The Beastmen were vicious, but they were all stopped by Leopard Man.

"…." What are you still doing here, say something, idiot. Coves said to the last envoy.

The White Bear Man was in a daze. After staring for a long time, he finally opened his mouth and said: "Papa. Master Coves's servant. "

The Leopard Man frowned: "Can't you make it sound better? You Stupid Bear. "

"Yes, I'm sorry." "White Bear Man looked silly," Papa was too clumsy and did not know how to speak. "

The other Beastmen were laughing secretly as if even they looked down on this clumsy White Bear Man. But Bedivere's face was ashen.

"And make fun of your companion?" Bedivere could not help but ask.

"Comrade?" Don't misunderstand. "Indeed, the White Bear Man is a valuable fighting force. This is also why we brought him here." But this idiot was nothing but a fighter. He was just a tool. As slaves, you should know very well. Since when did you slaves have the same status as us? "

"See, even if I do this to him, he wouldn't dare to make a sound" The Tiger Man Reeves pulled out his dagger and slashed White Bear Man's arm. A deep bloody wound appeared on White Bear Man's arm, causing him to reveal a painful expression, but he did not say a word, he only gritted his teeth and endured.

In a few seconds, the cut on White Bear Man's arm healed, leaving behind only blood, as well as a painful expression of being humiliated in public on Papa's face.

"That's enough, Leavis." "Leopard Man, Coves stopped his companion," Then, let's meet tomorrow at Deathmatch. Knights of Pantolacken. "

Arthur held onto Bedivere's arm tightly, the pain made Bedivere maintain his rationality for the time being.