C84 Choose from the King(part Ii)

Evening, at the foreign guest reception hall.

All day long, he had been walking in circles with the diplomatic officials. He couldn't even see the emperor's face. How difficult was it to reach Emperor of Rome? Kaye sat down and sighed.

This also indicated whether the Emperor was in a position to be undecided or not. "We have at least taken the first step, so we can only wait patiently." "

"Yes, wait." Perhaps while you were waiting patiently, the Emperor and the Huns had already made an alliance. Kay said.

He had long since made up his mind to ally himself with the Huns. He didn't need a day or two. Eavan said. "Please, can't you calm down and stop shaking your damn legs?" "

"It's so noisy," Kaye said angrily. "Just how bored I am here, with no TV and no way to go out to the bar and pick up girls." "

"Rather, your life was so rotten." Eavan said.

"You want to fight, boy?" Since I have nothing better to do, I will accompany you to the end! Kaye shouted.

"Both of you shut up!" "Arthur said angrily," Since you are the representative of Pantolacken, then at least pretend to be mature. "

"There's no one else here." Kay said.

"That's not the point!" "Arthur replied. Forget it, there's no need to waste words with you. It's as if my IQ has dropped to the same level as yours. I'll go for a walk. "

"Aren't there a bunch of guards outside?" Kay said.

"It's okay." I'm just the reading room of the hotel where I used to be. They can't stop me from reading, can they? Arthur replied.

"I'll go too." It's so boring here. Bedivere said.

"The reading room isn't what you'd expect." "Speaking of which, the last time you borrowed one of mine, you still haven't returned it. Did you hide it well and get confiscated by Arthur?" "

Orc Teenager's face immediately flushed red: No way! The book was still hidden under the mattress! "

Kai immediately burst out laughing.

"We'll talk about this when we get back, Biddy." Arthur looked at Orc Teenager with a gloomy expression.

"I'm sorry …." Becky's face grew even redder.

When the knight came to the reading room, he found that he was not the only person there. A handsome young man with a scholarly aura was quietly reading a book. From the cover of the book, it seemed to be some sort of military book.

"Greetings to our future Roman His Majesty the Emperor." Arthur lowered his voice and said.

"The man?" How could that be? The future Emperor of Rome would not even bring a guard to read in this place? Bedivere asked softly.

"It's true." He was the adopted son of the Emperor of Rome, Justinian. His virtue and wisdom were already known by everyone, adding that the His Majesty the Emperor did not have a direct descendant, Justinian was practically the only candidate to be the next emperor. Arthur whispered.

"You flatter me, Silver Knight Arthur." Or perhaps, the future king of Pantolacken? "

Arthur's body trembled as if he had been electrocuted. It was not only because he and Bedivere's conversation had been heard, but also because of Justinian's own words.

"…." Your Excellency's ears are really sharp. But, what about the future king of Pantolacken … This kind of joke was a bit too big. Arthur pretended to be calm and replied.

"Isn't it?" I don't think my true magic would be wrong. The large and tranquil flowing light vein behind your esteemed self is the proof of being an emperor. I've only seen two people with such huge meridians in my life. One is my uncle, the other is you. "

"Light Vein …" Is it the natural flow of photons? Can that sort of thing decide a person's fate? Arthur said, "But I am very sorry, I am just a poor, ordinary person who came from a common background." The king or something... The king had not existed in Pantolacken for five centuries. "

"My uncle is a military man, too. He can't even see." But he went from an infantryman to a general, and was eventually elected emperor by the senate. What else was impossible in this world? "Don't limit your dreams by saying 'impossible'. The dream of man is limitless and never-ending. If there is magic in the world that can't be made possible, then this is and can only be 'dream.' "

"But, sir..." "

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited." Originally, I wanted to have Belisha stay and meet with you all, but I was very curious. I wanted to know what kind of person this Knight Arthur, who was highly praised by Belisha, was, so I came to meet you all directly. I didn't expect that I would actually see a great figure of Pantolacken in the future. "

"Sir …." "

"From the looks of it, there should be no problem with the duel." However, I will still give you the information of the other party so that you can prepare more fully. Justinian said as he handed the data tray over to Arthur.

"Anyway, thank you …" Arthur replied. Just as he was about to take the data disc away, Justinian suddenly grabbed his hand fiercely. Arthur could vaguely see the other party's dagger emitting a cold light from his sleeves, and couldn't help but become nervous.

"I'm wondering if I should get rid of you now, Knight Arthur." "You will be a great being, a fatal threat to the future of the Roman Empire." Maybe getting rid of you right now is the best choice. However, my intuition told me that you are an indispensable existence for the world. So I decided to believe that I would rather be your friend than your enemy. I just hope my instincts are right. "

Then, he shook hands with Arthur, as if he was greeting friends normally.

"I also hope it's your friend and not your enemy, sir." "My instincts also tell me that in the future, you will definitely be a difficult emperor to deal with." "

"Hum, hum, hum, hum. We're in the same boat." "Then excuse me, my friend." If there is anything you need to prepare for the duel, just contact Belisaere. If there is anything Rome can help you with, it will be prepared. Good luck. "

After Justinian left, Bedivere said in a low voice, "Such a oppressing person." Before he spoke, he had looked like a weak scholar. "

"We pay our respects to our future Emperor of Rome, Justinian the First. Arthur repeated his previous words, "On the surface, you seem to be fawning on me, but you actually prepared to stab me a few times in the back." What a sly old fox. "

"Can he really believe it?" Bedivere's face was filled with unease.

Arthur laughed disapprovingly, "At least, we have the same interests at hand. If I can make use of their resources, I will try my best to make use of them. "