C46 Black Gold Chapter Beginning

The group waited on the boat, but the sky had already started to darken, and even at dusk, there were still no news of Wen Dina.

"Could the Queen Mother have killed the knight and failed to exchange hostages?" Tristan doubted. "The Queen Mother's torture is said to be severe." "

"Kay won't die so easily," he said. "He'll be alive even if he steps on his." Arthur said impatiently.

"Oh, I'm suddenly looking forward to it." Before he could finish speaking, Arthur had already placed his hand on the table.

"Could it be that they don't want to exchange hostages at all?" Am I free? Tristan asked again as he paced back and forth in the cabin.

"At that time, I will bring you back to Northernmost Knight Organization's base and imprison you. You are free." "Arthur became even more impatient, and interrupted Tristan's question," Stop dreaming, young man. It may be that it will take some time to convince the queen. Just a moment more. "

After getting cold water poured on his, Tristan became angry, "Seeing my injuries, that woman will definitely fall out with me. Prepare to fight with Merman Race, idiot! I'd better wait a year or so for my wounds to heal before exchanging hostages! "

You don't have to make excuses." You can wait a year and a half, but Kay can't wait a year and a half. If this went on, the fella would be toyed with to death. Arthur replied in frustration.

"Then there's no need to exchange hostages. Good!" "

Arthur gave Tristan a solid punch on the head. "Be quiet, will you? Shall I cover your mouth with tape?" "

"What's wrong? Can't you even talk?" Aren't you just as restless yourself! "

"Stop it!" Arthur immediately called out.

"What's wrong, I still haven't —" Tristan wanted to continue, but Arthur covered his mouth, "I told you not to make a scene, didn't you hear me? What was that sound!? "

Scratch, scratch, scratch.

Everyone quieted down. Everyone could clearly feel something scraping against the bottom of the boat, making a faint but ominous sound.

"Is there a rock in the sea around here?" Arthur lowered his voice and asked.

Tristan shook his head.

Arthur made a gesture: Prepare your weapons.

"Long!" Something hit the bottom of the boat. A large hole was made in the boat, and the water immediately gushed into the boat.

Tristan saw its tail the moment it smashed into the bottom of the boat, and immediately cried out: "Great Siren! "

"Stop joking, there are two landlubbers here!" Arthur asked anxiously, "Tristan, can you carry two people to the shore?" "

"One person can, one more speed will slow down, if you want to die you can try!" "

"Can you two fly me?" Arthur said to the red and white dragon brothers.

"Don't command me, human!" "Have you forgotten that you burned my wings?" the two dragons roared in unison.

"Damn it!" Arthur grabbed the two dragons and said, "They're about to jump, flap your wings hard for me!" "

The Great Siren attacked again, the boat was instantly smashed into smithereens. Arthur jumped into the air and tried to find a foothold, but he was still quite a distance away from the shore. He was about to fall down!

"Ha!" Little White Dragon spat out a mouthful of dragon breath. Although he had shrunk, his frost aura was still strong. Wherever he went, he saw a large chunk of ice on the surface of the sea and Arthur coincidentally landed on it.

"Well done!" "Arthur broke out in a cold sweat. Although the ice was slippery and the ice was swaying on the surface of the sea, he managed to stabilize himself by relying on his outstanding balance ability.

"Here we go again! Jump! Jump!" the little red dragon shouted.

Arthur flew up. It was so close, if they were even half a second slower, the Great Siren would have swallowed them together with the ice cubes.

"You owe me!" The white dragon spat out more dragon breath, and the sea ice formed a path wide enough to reach the shore.

"I'll treat you to a hearty meal when we get back." Arthur said as he jumped on the ice. After jumping dozens of times, he was finally close to land.

Bang! The Great Siren followed behind Arthur and flew out before Arthur could land, ready to bite him!

"Ha!" The little red dragon spat out a fireball. A fireball exploded inside the Great Siren's mouth, forcing it to take a step back.

Pata! When Arthur's military boots stepped on the ground, a clear sound of metal striking metal could be heard. At last they were safely landed.

Aoo …" "When the Great Siren was howling in the sea not far away, Tristan also carried Bedivere onto the shore.

"Are you sure you don't want to exchange hostages?" The Queen Mother doesn't want me anymore. She wants … Kill me?! The Merman Boy seemed to have been hit hard.

"No," Arthur looked at the Great Siren's blood-red eyes, "that thing is already dead." That was the Dead Spirit Warrior, controlled by the Charm Demon! "

"Arthur!" "Wen Dina rushed over at this time. She looked scarred, and the scales on her body lost their luster." Run! to bring the Royal Highness with them to escape! "

"What is it?" "

The mermaid fell to the ground, dying. "Crazy, crazy!" That group of Viking! They couldn't kill him... Her Majesty the Queen is in danger! Please, take care of... "

"Woo!" "Wen Dina spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"The Charm Demon's deadly poison. Arthur's back felt a chill, and he couldn't help but shiver. It was terrifying to think that it would not be long before he died like this, dying without honor.

"Must, must!" Tristan shouted, grabbing the golden trident with one hand. "We have to stop these monsters!" Otherwise, everyone would die! "

"It has nothing to do with me." "Arthur replied coldly," It's probably better for all the mermaids to die, there's one less threat from the Pantolacken. "

"Understood." I didn't expect you to help! "I'll go by myself!" "

"So what if we can stop these monsters?" It's just going back to the old life. Didn't you say you didn't want to go back to that cage? the knight asked in an intriguing tone. "Don't you hate this country?" "

Don't you want to be free?

"Even so!" "At this critical moment, Tristan did not care so much.

"This, is still my home!" The Merman Boy said resolutely.