Early in the morning.

Tristan opened his eyes as he felt pain all over his body.

"Bertie...?" Only now did he realise that Bedivere was grabbing onto his hand. Bedyville hung from a shrub growing out from a cliff and maintained a delicate balance.

Merman Boy looked down.

Beneath the abyss was Ice Sea. Above the Ice Sea were countless sharp stalagmites formed by Volcanic Rock and eroded by the ocean tide. If he were to fall, he would definitely be smashed to smithereens, dying without a burial ground.

Merman Boy raised his head and looked again.

The small tree on the cliff seemed unable to support the weight of the two men, and most of the roots had already been pulled out into the air.

It was only a matter of time before he fell.

Therefore, Tristan summoned up his courage and put on a threatening attitude: "Let go of me, Biddy. "

"No..." Release! Bedivere stubbornly replied. He was also covered in injuries. When he was being swept away by the avalanche, he must have bumped into various rocks and cliffs. It was a miracle that he was able to stop another person from falling after such an injury.

Werewolf Boy's blood dripped onto Tristan's face.

"Let go!" If this goes on, we'll both fall! "

"If you say so, then so be it!" "The Werewolf Boy said," Arthur will definitely come to save us. I'm definitely going to last until the end. If that still doesn't work, then let me fall down with you. We're friends, aren't we? "

He clearly knew how slim the chances were, but Bedivere would never give up until the very last moment.

Merman Boy's eyes became watery. The blood that dripped onto his face mixed with his tears and dripped down.

"Idiot." So what if he was saved? Do I still have to go back to the palace? He was going to be locked in a prison for his entire life?! No! If that's the case, then I'd rather die! "

"I won't leave you alone." "Bedivere said softly. He had already lost too much blood and was in a daze." Worse comes to worse, I can also stay. "

"You …." Idiot! Merman Boy cried.

"I was an idiot." Orc Teenager also cried.

"So, you fools," cried Arthur from the cliff, "can I help you up?" Or do you want to hang there for a while longer? "

Half an hour later, the sky was completely bright.

"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong." Tristan said with a wronged look on his face.

"What's the use of saying you know your wrongs!" You're hurting me! The Red Flame Dragon almost jumped on him to bite him.

"Stop arguing first!" "I can guess what you're thinking, but you went too far this time." "

"You don't understand!" Try to be locked in a palace ever since you were young, and never to go out!? You'll go crazy if you keep it locked up for too long! Merman Boy pursed his lips in a pitiful manner.

"All in all, it's because you're too weak." "If you're strong enough to survive on your own in the outside world, your mother wouldn't have to worry about your safety. At that time, wouldn't you be able to do whatever you want?" "

"No!" You have no idea! Tristan said, "What Queen Mother!" That woman wasn't my mother at all! I was brought to the palace when I was born. I don't even know who my own mother is!

These merfolk [Tristan pointed at Wen Dina], they had never seen him as a human! They just think I'm a rare animal, a precious thing, kept in that damn cage! Queen Mother, no, [that woman], she never loved me!

— — I'm just their toy! "

"No!" Her Highness the Queen actually... "Wen Dina wanted to say something, but -

"Don't say it, I don't want to hear it!" Merman Boy covered his ears and shouted.

"The Stinky Kid is stupid," said the White Frost Dragon. "It's no use telling him anything." They just need to tie him up and send him back. However, with this injury, it would be difficult for him to escape. "

"…." Anyway, take the gun back and trade it for a hostage. Wen Dina said. "But you can't go back so easily, Wen Dina, go and report this to my master. Have him bring Kai out there and trade him between your prince and my knight in the open sea." Isn't this fair? "

"You want me to leave Royal Highness here?!" No way! Wen Dina flatly refused.

Arthur was also unwilling to back down: "If you don't go, no one will go, and we will definitely not take another step into the Iceisland. If Her Majesty gets the holy spear, she will turn hostile, and all of us will die. "

"Humph." The court magician was still full of dissatisfaction. "If the prince is hurt again..." "

"It would trigger a war, but of course I'm not stupid enough to do that." Arthur continued to sneer disapprovingly, "Furthermore, Bedivere would not let me hurt his friends." "

Orc Teenager, who was bandaged like a mummy, waved his hand.

"Hmph …" Wait for my signal on the coast at noon. "No need," Wen Dina replied unwillingly, as her eyes swept across her Royal Highness once more. Then, with a belly full of unease and reluctance, she jumped into the sea.