When Arthur flew back on his Steel Cavalry, almost reaching the base of Northernmost Knight Organization, it was already dusk.

"Then what is it?" Bedivere who was sitting in the backseat asked.

From afar, the Knight saw the base emitting thick smoke: A fleet of at least 60 ships was engaged in a fierce battle with the air defence cannons of the Northernmost Knight Organization base, both sides were fighting to the point of inseparable. The green and white Photobullet s shot out from the main cannons of the base cut through the sky one after another, forming a magnificent fire net together with the scarlet red Photobullet s on the Viking battleships.

Viking?" Arthur frowned, puzzled. He stepped on the Steel Cavalry's foot pedals and increased the speed of his Steel Cavalry by a level. "How strange, it's only been a little more than a week since the previous attack." They had clearly suffered a huge loss to the Viking last time, causing their vitality to be greatly damaged. Why did they immediately form such a huge fleet again?

The Werewolf Boy was very curious about how Northernmost Knight Organization had won the last battle. This kind of fleet could cause the Knights to suffer a lot, but why did the battle a week ago not leave many battle marks for the castle?

Carrying a lot of doubts, Bedivere asked softly: "Hmm, they are very rich? "

"Rich?" Arthur could not help but laugh disdainfully) — Hehe, Viking and the Huns are exactly the same, a group of paupers. If he was so rich, he wouldn't need to be a sea bandit and rob around. The biggest problem was that the Viking stayed in the Iceisland, which had almost no light stone or mineral deposits. All kinds of machines driven by Photon Reflector s, including battleships, flying ships, flying boats, artillery boats, the Viking s were unable to create them themselves. "

(Note: Light stone: a magnesium-tungsten alloy mixed in a fixed proportion.) The system can absorb free photons in the environment and reflect them at a fixed angle. It is the foundation of all photon-related systems, such as the light blade, the light cannon, the photon engine and so on. Due to the precision of the alloy mixing ratio to one in a million, humans are currently unable to rely on their own technology to accurately control the Mg-W alloy mixing smelting, all light stones can only be obtained by mining.)

"So the only possibility that they have such a large fleet is that other forces are financing them?" Bedivere held onto Arthur tightly, ready to receive the impact.

"Maybe." "Bang!" Arthur's Armoured Cavalry landed on the deck of the ship in a barrage of bullets. "Looks like I'll have to leave him alive for questioning." He quickly jumped off the Steel Cavalry and waved his sword to take care of the few Viking s who were rushing over.

Just when they discovered Arthur's master and servant, the Viking's fleet turned into a mess. A burst of Photobullet rain fell like a storm, Arthur immediately pushed Bedivere down to the ground, "You didn't bring protective gear, it's too dangerous here, I'll find a place to hide, so that you won't be killed by the stray bullets! "

"Is there nothing I can do?" Werewolf Boy shouted.

"There's one thing. Protect the Steel Cavalry until I return!" Arthur shouted, drawing his light sword, he rushed forward and started to fight with the incoming Viking.

A few rounds later, the Viking was cleared out. Under the onslaught of the intense battle and the rain of bullets, the battleship slowly sank into the sea while wreathed in thick smoke.

Arthur gasped for breath, and turned to look at the Viking's corpses that covered the ground. He was careless and forgot to leave any survivors.

"Still not strong enough for a long battle?" The Knight wiped the sweat from his brow and said to himself, "It seems necessary to reduce the amount of unnecessary movements." "

He couldn't conceal the unease in his heart, feeling that this battle was extremely strange.

When the knife sliced down, it did not feel like it was chopping at meat. The speed and angle of the blood splattering was also not right. It was like … Slashing the carrion of the dead.

Suddenly, the bodies on the deck began to emit green smoke.

The young knight quickly covered his nose. "..." Poisonous Fog? Dammit, a trap? "

In the darkness, a sinister voice said, "Ha ha-ha ha ha, you really fell for it?" How stupid was a knight? "

A woman walked out of the Poisonous Fog. She wore a black velvet robe and a terrifying skull mask. The terrifying snake tail, which couldn't even be hidden under the robe, was curled up into a ball, and was acting as a foot with its tail.

Arthur instantly recognized the cursed creature. "Damned Charm Demon!" "

These bewitching ancient Epic Tier Level beings were said to have existed long before humans were intelligent and possessed high levels of intelligence.

They can manipulate bodies by injecting their own inherent photons into them. As a result, the Charm Demon was often called by humans as "Necromancer", "Black Demon Woman", "Corpsemancer", "Lake Banshee", and so on, and they continued to hate them for thousands of generations.

No matter what the essence of the Charm Demon was, since humans were afraid of death, then it was natural for them to be afraid of Charm Demon, who could control death. They were probably one of the races with the worst reputation among all the Epic Tier Level Creatures.

The Black Demon Woman looked at the Knight, his pale face revealing an evil sneer. "Oh, you know it well, Knight! Since you know of our existence, you should also be clear that resistance is meaningless — no one can defeat death! Surrender quickly, maybe I will show great mercy and let you become my Jade Green Knight. Then you will have the power to truly transcend death. "

"And become your puppet, forever your lackey, right?" Arthur shrugged disdainfully, raising his light sword high. "Stop dreaming, Seductive Woman!" "

The green light emitted by the blade of the sword shone onto the face of the Black Demon Woman, causing her smile to appear even more terrifying. "Ha, such a cute kid — — making people want to see you more and more. It's fine if you don't want to. I'll come and revive you after you die. When you were killed and resurrected, where did you lose an arm, where did you lose a bone, don't blame me! "

Countless Dead Spirit Warrior s surged out from the Poisonous Fog and surrounded the Knight Arthur. These dead bodies of the Viking were driven by the magic of the Charm Demon. They were like puppets, constantly dancing and killing, never ending.

The green Poisonous Fog outside continued to expand, the thick smoke permeating with an evil purplish black, and the relatively weaker part was a strange pale green. This kind of terrifying Poisonous Fog not only robbed people of their stamina, it also made their surrounding vision extremely poor, making them unable to discern the Dead Spirit Warrior's ambush. The Poisonous Fog surrounded Arthur and the group of Dead Spirit Warrior, continuously reducing Arthur's movement space, making the battle situation more and more disadvantageous as time passed!

"Looks like I'll have to end this quickly." "Arthur suddenly rushed forward, with a few slashes, he chopped off all of the Dead Spirit Warrior's limbs, causing them to lose the ability to move.

"Useless!" The Charm Demon laughed. Under the driving force of some powerful magic, the dead spirits once again reattached their limbs and stood up as if nothing had happened. They had long since died and were therefore an existence that could not be killed.

The fact that their wounds could regenerate and their severed limbs could be rapidly reattached was also within expectations.

"Are you cheating?" Arthur shouted in dissatisfaction.