The MageTower, or the Ivory Tower, as the commoners called it, was the holy land of magicians.

In the old days, when the church burned down magicians under the name of 'heresy', magicians used this place as their last fortress, using countless illusions to hide it, using spatial distortions to move the whole tower from one place to another, and using defensive arrays to reinforce the tower's outer walls until they were almost indestructible.

In short, he had used all the means at his disposal to protect his [homeland], so much so that even today, two thousand years later, this pure white Tower could still stand tall.

Oh, did I say it was "standing up straight"? That wasn't true either. If "standing still" corresponds only to the buildings built by the common folk on the ground, then we cannot use it to describe this Tower.

Because, the entire Tower, along with its foundation, had long been affected by a kind of permanent floating magic and was floating one kilometer above the ground. A set of verdant aerial gardens and semi-permanent floating stone steps that only open to welcome visitors. Unless one grasped an extremely high level teleportation spell, nobody could penetrate the powerful protective barrier of the Tower of Mages and forcibly enter this mage's Saint realm.

— — From History of Magic: Volume I, Library of Pantolacken, Library No. M-100187, by R. D. Orrel, Historian.

Ten minutes later, the Steel Cavalry landed in the courtyard above the Great Magister's tower.

This was the first time a Knight had come to this place since Great Magister Merlin left a method of communication. In order to act cool in front of the little servant, he intentionally made Bedivere sigh for him.

"Oh, are you here?" "Great Magister Merlin is already waiting for them in the courtyard. He was dressed in a dark gray velvet robe, the simple materials used in the robe were surprisingly exquisite, the white velvet halo shone against Merlin's silver hair and white skin, making the Mage look like a ghost.

Light stones that had been purified and crystallized (Magic Crystals) covered the entire courtyard, giving off an incredible Excess Light, contrasting with the emerald glow of the glowing plants. And these beautiful sights were but a drop in the bucket.

Bedivere was dizzy from the car sickness, but at the same time, the miraculous scene in front of him made him even more dizzy, to the point of vomiting. But Werewolf Boy tried his best to endure it. He was unwilling to puke in such a beautiful place, afraid that he would sully this sacred ground.

"Arthur, I think I can't take it anymore. Werewolf Boy felt his legs go weak, and he was about to faint. He had been holding back from vomiting, which would hurt his body more.

Oh, don't faint yet!" Merlin appeared out of nowhere behind Orc Teenager, using his body to support the teenager, and used his hands to cover the teenager's ears.

After a series of buzzing sounds, Bedivere's dizziness suddenly disappeared, the disgusting feeling of being car sick also disappeared.

Bedivere's eyes widened in disbelief. "This is … What was going on? I feel better? "

"The Orcs are seasick because of the multiple helical structures of the inner ear," the mage explained, tapping the Werewolf Boy's hairy ears. "That was originally designed to improve the hearing sensitivity, but because the structure is so complex, it prevents the left and right sides from growing in perfect symmetry." "

Werewolf Boy was shocked: Wait, you used a technique to change my body?! "

"Yes." What's wrong? The Sorcerer Merlin looked disapproving. "This is a harmless modification, isn't it good?" Change back, then? "

"Don't forget to ride on the Iron Cavalry on the way back." Arthur added coldly.

"But … but …." "Bedivere felt uneasy that his own body had been modified so easily.

"I promise there won't be any aftereffects." "It's much easier than restoring all the shattered bones in your body. I still have to put your bones back together, piece by piece." "Even though I couldn't find the missing pair of ribs in the end, I had to fill them up with pork ribs."

"Ah?!" Bedivere subconsciously touched his chest.

"Ha ha-ha ha, this kid is so cute, why would he believe such a joke!" "

Werewolf Boy Bedivere knew that he had been tricked, and his face was completely red with shame.

"Merlin, this joke is a bit too much. Arthur shook his head, then turned to Werewolf Boy and said: "Also, Bedivere, did you forget to say something? Whose blessing is it that you can walk on your own? "

"Thank you …." Werewolf Boy's face was still red as he whispered.

"Well, good boy." "However, Arthur, you probably didn't come here just to let this child thank me, right?" What's your plan? "

"There are many people here." Let's talk about it in your lab. Arthur replied.

"No, we're here." Just as Merlin had finished speaking, the scenery around them had already changed. In the blink of an eye, the courtyard in the sky had turned into a dark and ancient room with books piled up like a mountain.

"So that's how it is." Universal Wall? "Indeed, I have also tried to go to the other side of the wall, but there is a force on the other side that keeps pushing me backwards." That power is filled with an evil and filthy aura, I think your argument is correct, the Universal Wall should not be opened. "

"I didn't think the ancients built the big exaggerated walls for fun." They must have their reasons for doing so. Arthur analyzed, "But, is there really no compromise? A method to prevent the Huns from being affected by the shadows of Universal Wall, and not having to open their Universal Wall? "

"There are many ways, but there is only one way." Separate the continent of Europe out, and drag it all the way to the west, out of the ocean, to let the entire Dark Domain leave the projection area of the Universal Wall. This way, the sunshine in the Dark Domain could probably extend to ten hours. Merlin said.

"Are you serious?" Arthur said coldly.

"Can't you?" Hmm, a large scale change in the earth's crust would indeed cause many people to die, but it would allow them to seek refuge in advance. Well, the buildings on the land would inevitably all be destroyed. Just build it up again. "

"Forget it, I didn't ask you." the knight said, covering his head.

"Has he always been this crazy?" The Werewolf Boy asked his master in a low voice.

He did this occasionally. Once he was out of line, he couldn't keep it. I think magicians are all freaks like that. Arthur replied softly.

"Ah, there's another way." "Dig out the land of Dark Domain and fill it up in the sea. Then, the Beastmen will move to the new filling area. "

"Okay, I will go back and discuss it with Grand Duke Lyons. Arthur said half-heartedly. "I should go too." "

"Then …" All right. I await your news. I haven't been able to make any progress with my investigation these days, and I'm going to die of boredom. "Also, before leaving, let me have a word with this child first." "

"Suit yourself." Arthur walked out.

"How..." What's wrong …? "Facing this crazy Mage alone, Bedivere couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"That, isn't it painful?" The mage pointed at Werewolf Boy's chest. "Do you want me to help you take it out?" "

Werewolf Boy was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and rejected, "No, no need, thank you. "

"Is that a Incantation Stripe formed by complicated magic?" Even if it was the Beastmen, they would place that kind of burden on their bodies if they kept it engraved in their hearts, right? Furthermore, you are not even an adult yet, so the burden that Incantation Stripe place on your body will continue to increase as you grow. I think even your breath will feel painful right now? As expected, it was better to take it off. "

"No, no." "Bedivere persisted, the sky blue eyes of the Werewolf Boy revealed a faint determination and awareness beyond his own age:

"If this is the fate I should bear, then let me bear it." "

"In that case, I won't ask you about the whole thing." "The Sorcerer Merlin gave the teenager a necklace, and the pearly white stone necklace looked like it had some sort of magic attached to it." But if you wear this, it will at least lighten the burden on your body. "

Bedivere took the necklace and bowed gratefully. "Thank you again, Sir Mage." "