556. Geography Bands16

“Excuse me.”

Someone spoke to me from the lobby of the building.

Turning around, she was the girl who borrowed the cigarette fire.

“Do you study here? ”

“No, what is it about? ”

“Don't you remember me? That cigarette. ”

A female student of the sixth sense turned her long hair back. The long, raw hair that touches my waist is particularly dazzling. Are you pretending to be pretty?

“You want to borrow another lighter? ”

“No, I was just looking forward to moving to lecture hall, and it was nice to see you earlier. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

The thick textbook cover in his hand had his name written on it, along with his class number.

Kim Joo Hee from 16th grade? I thought you said you specialized in costume design?

“Goodbye, then. ”

Ju-hee talks again as he tries to say hello and turn around.

“Hey · · · ·. ”

“Do you have something to say to me? ”

“Can I talk to you for a minute? ”

Hmm, what is it? ’

[You seem interested in the owner.]

‘I don't like women who blurt it out. ’

During lunch time, I felt bothered by Ju-hee's approach because she was planning to meet a democracy.

Although she looks good, there were many women of that level. Moreover, my slightly ugly impression was not my type. What do they call that face? Cat Statue? She's pretty, but she seems to have a personality.

I muttered, ticking my watch.

“Well, I'm busy. ”

“It'll only take a moment. ”

Ju-hee is surprisingly persistent, even though he picked up a bothersome tease.

Thanks to that passion, I finally accepted. Not because she's pretty.

“What brings you here? ”

“Actually, I've been watching you for a long time. ”



What are you, nuts? I'm a little embarrassed. It was the first time a woman had dashed first, so I had no idea that she was reflexive.



“No, why me · · · · ·. ”

“Well, can I be honest? ”

Are you tired of being in love at first sight?

I'm tired of being so handsome.

“My department is being selected for a university student start-up support project and is planning to build an internet shopping mall. ”

“Oh · ·, yes. ”

“I'm looking for a fitting model to dip into men's clothes. ”

“Fitting model? ”

[Hehe, master, you took your kimchi soup too early.]

‘Let go. What · · ·. ’

“You're embarrassed, aren't you? I was hesitant to tell you the truth. So I naturally wanted to ask you if you were related to the same couples. ”

It turned out that they wanted to hire me as an online mall fitting model I thought it was personal interest.

“I've never done anything like that. I'm not sure I can do it. ”

“It's okay. You can do anything for beginners. Especially · · · Dohun. It's you, right? I overheard you when you called. ”


“Dohun is tall and will fit well with our costume concept. ”


I was a little rusty, but there was something tempting about the unexpected offer. When I saw my reflection, Ju-hee was actively hung up.

“Of course, I think you can be sudden. If you don't feel comfortable responding right away, please consider reaching out to us later. Let me give you my cell number. ”


“010 · · ·. ”

Ju-hee disappeared, leaving a number. He didn't really follow me, but he happened to bump into me on the way to class.

‘Oh my, I thought it was a lot. · · · I thought I was gonna confess again, so I figured out how to say no. ’

[Heheh. You're quite the gentleman yourself.]

"Why do you mislead people? I'll tell you what I want to know from the start. ’

[Any thoughts?]

‘Well, I guess I'm not desperate enough to do anything about it. ’

[I don't have a lot of room in my account balance. We're almost out of vacation money.]

‘You know, you're gonna get a payday anyway. Then why haven't we been in touch? ’

[You're not being scammed, are you? It wasn't even a formal contract.]

Are you trying to get rid of me? It's probably not an official payment, so the accounting process may take some time. ’

[Anyway, the slower the payoff, the worse the financial position will be. I don't think short-term Alba is bad either.]


Fitting model, by the way. It's something I can't even dream about in Lee Jung-woo's past. I thought such things were done by tall, well-washed people.

Suddenly, my image flashed with a mirror installed in the lobby.

Over 180 keys.

A relatively small face.

I was standing there in a cotton swatch.

Instead of a typical bulk up body, it's an elongated body commonly called a fashion muscle.

Surprisingly, does the fitting model Alba look good? ’

[I know, and you know what else? New people, unfamiliar environments. It's the perfect condition for a mission, isn't it? We'll take care of the mission in no time.]

‘Well, I guess I'll have to consider that. Now that we have the contact information, let's think about the next time, and let's go to the democracy first. ’

* * *

Democracy, a gym assistant, has been busy all morning. It was because I had to tidy up my second grade practice credit that was due last week.

There is no online exchange system between high school and university, and we need to organize the materials that have flown by registered mail by hand.

Even the assistants went into the hospital, so the democracy who was able to handle all the work alone died Monday morning.

“Ugh, really. You're distracted. ”

When a democracy was working with iced coffee on its neck.

Someone walks through the door with a knock.

“Student, I'm in a bit of a rush right now, so could you come over this afternoon? I have to finish up and go to lunch. ”

The democracy buried in a pile of documents gives a toast without even looking at the target. It was as sudden as possible for the assistant teacher from the apple.

“You must be busy, should I come back later? ”


The democracy raises its head in a familiar voice, and a message stands at the door. Seeing the doctrine, a bewildered democracy stood up and replied.

“Degrees, lessons · · ·. No, Master!”

When he saw the title of the master, he decided that there were only two of them here. He turned the door sign back on when he came in, so he locked it as soon as he closed the school office door.

“Hey, we have a huge democracy. ”

“No, I think I'm a different undergraduate. ”

“If you're an undergraduate, can you kick me out like that? I'm gonna have to file a civil rights complaint because my assistant's having a seizure. ”

“Sorry, I have to close early in the morning. · · My assistant was sick, so I was taking care of it myself. ”

When he saw the practice report on his desk, he nodded his head.

“Yeah? I think you're busy. I'll talk to you later, then. ”

“Oh, no. How dare I. The master himself came to see me. Have a seat over here."

A democracy who stood up gave up his chair. Taun frowns on the chair with a fierce look on his face. At the same time, it was determined who is the A and who is the.

“Is it hot out there? Can I get you some iced tea? ”

“No, it's okay. ”

He picked up a practice report card that was rolling around on his desk, not counting cars.

“Woo Hyun-mi, Spectator Practice. What is that, a B +? ”

“Yes, I was just sorting out the public data. ”

“How many points do I get? ”

The democracy goes through the paperwork and finds material on the doctrine.

“You're an A +, of course. You're the only sophomore in gym and a student with a perfect score. ”

“It's worth the effort. ”

The democracy rubs his shoulders against the back of the doctrine sitting on the chair. It was not a student and assistant, but a president and a secretary. More harshly, he was closer to master and slave.

“You're amazing. You always work hard. ”

“Oh, be gentle. I worked out a lot yesterday, so my shoulders were a little tight. ”

“Yes, is it cool? ”

“Fair enough? Any midterm exam scores? ”

“Confectionery data is provided at the end of the semester. I tried to find out, but I didn't have access. ”

“Then I don't know yet. ”


He straightens his legs over the desk and commands you to snap your fingers.

“Squeeze my legs. ”

“Yes, my lord. ”

The democracy shifts in front of him and rubs his legs. He sat down and ruled like a king. His hand dug between the thighs of a stocking-wearing democracy.


“But it's a democracy. ”

Despite the startling democratic reaction, he continued to touch his legs as if he had no problem.


“I have one question for you. Can you be honest with me? ”

“No, of course not. I am your faithful servant. ”

His hand will dig into his skirt and rub his ass. Democracy flinched at the long overdue touch of doctrine.

“What if the dog bites the owner? ”

“· · · Yes? ”

The democracy was blinded by a sudden question.

“I just told you. If a dog tries to bite its owner, what should the owner do? ”

“You can't let that happen. We have to scold them so they don't do that again. ”

In response to democracy, Taun slowly nodded his head.

“Isn't that right? I should scold you, right? ”

His hand, which was patting his butt, dug through the valley below this time. The stationary finger, which pierced the perineum, rubbed the sensitive area of democracy forward from behind.

“Ha, ha, ha! State, sir. ”

I felt the strength in the hands of democracy that had rubbed his thighs.

Panties that had been wet since I touched my legs were already sticking to my skin.

“You said you haven't had lunch yet? ”

“· · Yes. ”

“Do you want some sausage? ”

“Cow, sausage? ”

“Yeah, unzip it. I hid the sausage. ”

He said, digging deep into the skirt of democracy.

In his words, a dying democracy zipped down a little puffed up doctrine.

A pair of pants protruding through the zipper popped out.

“Ah, so for my master's sake. ”

Democracy bent its waist in excitement over the epiphany of erectile doctrine.

“Take it out.”


Democratic expression pulls the object out of your panties. The object coming out of your trousers stands up like a cannon.

“I'm getting a little sweaty on the way here. Can you wash it off with your mouth? ”

“Of course I have to wash it. It's an honor."

He pulled his hand out of his skirt and spread his legs on the desk. Then the democracy crouches between his legs. She spread my cock all over her face.

The democracy snores and breathes deeply between the cock column and the balls.

“Slurp! It smells so good, my lord. ”

“Yes. Delicious sausages smell good, too. Lick it. ”


The democrat licks his balls with his tongue out.

I feel salty and sour in the egg of a smoked egg that has been swelled up like a bobble under my panties.

“How does it taste? ”

“The liver was cut well. ”

“I matured you well enough to eat. ”

“Thank you, my lord. ”

The democracy licks every nook and cranny of the egg while shaking the dish in one hand. I teased my tongue up and down as if I was going to wrinkle my balls, and it was also a suck on each side.

Taun prepares for an interrogation, feeling Cooper's liquid on the tip of the fence.

"Rossi, prepare the sound of your heart. ’


“But it's a democracy. ”


“You said that before. A dog that bites its owner needs a soul. ”


“Did you do anything wrong to me? ”


The democracy that was crouched between the legs opened its eyes wide.

{Wha, what's that sound? Did I do something wrong?}

I could feel democracy in my ears. The lesson entered a more specific question.

“Aren't you going to introduce me to a girl? ”

“Me? Me? ”

{Introduction? What's wrong with you?}

He looked into the mind of democracy clearly, but could not find any accusations. She didn't seem to have anything to do with it.

[I don't think that's the Democratic sheep.]

‘I see. You have no idea. Did I get it wrong? "

The lesson on the phantom leg falls apart. The object that was excited sank slightly. The high-tension object loses its strength slightly, and the democracy speaks in a sad voice.

“Ah, master. Sorry, I can't work hard. ”

“No, I must be mistaken. I'm sorry."

“My lord, don't be sorry for being so modest. ”

“What a miserable democracy we have. That's so nice.”

He strokes the head of democracy with all his might. Democracy was very impressed by the way she handled her dog.

“Ah, master. I'll do better.”

“You're still doing well enough. We should reward a well-listened puppy. Stand up.”

The crooked democracy rises to its feet.

“Pants down. ”

The democracy immediately lowered its pants. Her panties in the middle of pantalong stockings were covered in saliva.

“Well, let's have a sausage. ”

“Oh, you eat? ”

“Yes, with your mouth down. ”

He turned his back on democracy.

Then he grabbed democracy by the waist and forced it into a chair.


A thick object of discipline rushes into the moist hole of democracy.

“Ha 'ang, Lord, Master! ”

“Come on, run wherever you want. ”


Angry Fire Column