“My clothes? ”

“Yes · · ·. I think they're sticking together. ”

I thought you weren't interested because you didn't say anything, but you seemed to care. However, I was regretting that other girls would wear long sleeves even though it was hot.

“Well, I couldn't find my summer clothes. I guess I forgot to throw it all away on the way to the army. This is what's left of it, but it's not the right size. ”

“Ah, there you go · · ·. Do you want me to buy you a half-arm tee? ”

He wants to buy me anything. Seeing that I was coming home to save for coffee, I felt embarrassed that I had to buy another gift for myself.

“No, it's okay. He's trying to buy me something. I'm sorry about the other day. ”

“Still · · ·. ”

“You really don't have to do that. ”

“· · Yes. ”

I felt so grateful for the thought of me that I held her hand under my desk. Small, slender hands were firmly in my hands.

“Thank you for saying that. ”


Even after holding my hand, I felt ashamed and blushed my face.

“That cow is sweating a lot. ”

As the heartbeat tried to pull out, I couldn't let go any more.

“You're not sweating. It's dry and fuzzy.”

“Oh dear · · · ·. What are you going to do when someone sees you? ”

I carefully let go of my hand because I felt too anxious. In the meantime, the professor has told me when to rest.

“· · Anyway, I'll be giving you a group presentation by next week, so get ready for a group of four. I'm going to take a break.”

I missed the assignment while doing something different with tunes.

I asked Tae-young in the front seat.

“What are you talking about? What kind of assignment?”

“Hey, didn't you hear? Prepare to present in PPT a summary of 12 to 15 textbooks. ”

“In groups of four? ”

“Yes. I think we should just stick together. Including Seohyun.”

“But Seo Hyun didn't show up for class today. Is it okay? ”

I was worried about the tone.

“He's a geek. He'll do his own rehearsals. I'll let you know when I see you. ”

“Then I'll call ahead. I have to go to the bathroom. ”

After the tune disappeared, I dragged Taeyoung outside.

“You want to get some air? ”

“Yes, brother. ”

When I left the lecture hall and went to the study area, I sweated on the steam bin. I was impressed by the way the college girls who passed by in the intense sunlight were grinding with the iron file.

“Hey, it's really hot out here. ”

“I see.”

“That's what theoretical classes are like in this weather. ”

“Nowadays, they don't do it on the playground, but they do it in the gym. ”

“Oh, there was a gym, right? ”

“But when I sweat, I have no answers. After class, someone showers and changes clothes. ”

Tae Yeong doesn't smoke, but she followed me out in case I got bored. I was biting a cigarette in front of him for no reason.

“I'm sorry to ask you to come out with me when it's hot. ”

“No, I want you to follow me. ”


“Women keep staring at me. I'm alone. Who's gonna look me in the eye? Haha.”

“What's wrong with you? Don't worry about people.”

“Because it's true. You know what, bro? You smoke the same thing, and I hear the sound of smoke, and if you smoke, you're hot. ”

“What the fuck? ”

“It's fucking awesome. ”

“Oh, fuck. ”

He was a plain father, but he didn't feel bad.

Being handsome has the effect of lowering the world to Easy Mode. Even if I make the same mistake, I look better with a more tolerant treatment and the same results.

Especially when it comes to women.

Men are more competent than they look, but when they're young, they look like abilities.

“Hey · · · ·. ”

Suddenly, a girl came up to me and spoke. She was a very intuitive-looking college girl at first sight.

“I forgot my lighter. Can I borrow your light? ”

“Oh, yeah. Wait a minute."

As she took out the lighter, the girl shoved her cigarette in her mouth. The smell of a deep perfume and hook stimulates my olfactory senses. You want me to stick it to you? Ridiculous, but I pulled the lighter first.

“Thank you."

“Yeah, well. ”

“You just got out of class, right? ”

Turns out, the same class was a student who listened.


“You look like three people. Can you join me for the group assignment? ”

Taeyoung glanced at me and replied.

“You haven't saved the team yet? ”

“Yes, I'm a costume designer, and I'm the only one in my department who listens to this class. ”

“Sure, sure. ”

Tae-young was tempted by the body, and I felt like I shouldn't shout. I have to shut her down.

“All four of us are full. One of us couldn't make it because we had a situation today. ”

“Ahh · · ·. I see.”

The college girl stepped back with a sad face and said.

“Then next time you get a chance · · ·. ”


The college girl hesitates to see if she has any business left. After feeling my resolute attitude, she shrugged and retreated. When she disappeared, Taeyoung finished eating.

“Phew, that's too bad. It was respect · · ·. ”

“What else? ”

“Don't you see? I came here to seduce you. ”

“What? I'm just here for the cigarette fire. ”

“Oh, to you, of all people? ”

“I bet you look familiar in class together. ”

“I don't know you that well. It seemed to me that the reason I wanted to be in our group was to try to manipulate my brother. ”

“Oh, man, interpretation is better than dreams, man. ”

He said that, but in fact he had already noticed. I feel like the women who like healthy men are attracted to me because I am clothed in public.

[My Lord, what is it with you and women?]

‘I don't have a reward, but I don't want to get involved. ’

Wasn't it a precaution not to stop the coming woman?]

‘It's hard to keep up with the kids. ’

That was the excuse, but in fact, I was offended. It was honest to not want to hang out with other women as much as in front of her.

When I went back to lecture hall, I said with a worried expression.

“That guy. Seo Hyun seems to be hurting more than I thought. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“I just got off the phone with him. He's in the hospital. ”


“Yes, but · · · maybe · hospitalized. ”

“Huh? Hospitalized? ”

“Ahh · · ·. It's been hurting a lot since the weekend, and I think the hospital suspects acute pyelonephritis. ”

“Well, acute? ”

Taeyoung shuddered.

“Isn't that dangerous? ”

“Well, it's not that serious. I might need to be admitted. ”


“This is embarrassing. ”

I'm so embarrassed. Suddenly he's hospitalized, but if it's acute, he's gonna be in a lot of trouble. It's a very sophisticated situation, but it's too big to lie to avoid me.

‘Are you not Seo Hyun? ’


‘I suspected Seohyun was behind Seohyun. ’

[Why would you think that?]

‘There aren't many people at school who like me. I thought you were going to destroy it because you didn't have it. ’

Why introduce me to a girl when you broke it?]

"I don't know. I don't know what he was up to. ’

Taeyoung scratched his head and said with an embarrassing face.

“Isn't the assignment for the group going to be in hospital anyway? Should I hire someone else? ”

Then I think I was looking for a girl who borrowed a cigarette from the classroom earlier.

I can see right through you.

The tone objected.

“Still · · ·. Maybe he'll be discharged next week. ”

“Better a sure substitute than someone with uncertain participation. I think it'll be easier to save Joe now. ”

“Are you trying to pull Seo-hyun? ”

The tone of the voice raised the voice of the gesture. She doesn't seem to have the right attitude to immediately exclude the sick person.

“No. I'm not pulling out, I'm pulling out. How am I supposed to do my homework at the hospital if I don't know if I'm gonna be admitted today? ”

“I disagree. If Seo Hyun doesn't get the grades because he misses the class assignment, he will be very upset later. How can you not be loyal to one another? ”

Taeyoung was also fierce.

“Loyalty? This isn't about admission. As you may have seen in the textbook, there is a considerable amount to summarize. It's easy to split it up into four. But this... ”

I stepped out of here.

“Come on, don't fight. ”

“No, I don't want to fight. ”

“You know, this isn't real. ”

“You both have a point. It's hard to work with someone who's admitted today, like Tae-young said. ”

“You see, that's what he said. ”

When I supported her, Taeyoung shouted at the top of her lungs.

“But it's cruel to pull someone out of the same group like you said. Taeyoung, think about it. Wouldn't it be awful if you got admitted to the hospital in an accident, and you snuck out on the team right away? ”

“Right? That's what I'm talking about. ”


I concluded by calming the two of you down.

“When Seohyun posted his name. And I'll do everything for Seo-hyun. ”


“Why are you doing that? ”

“It's okay. I'll think about studying first anyway. It's not that hard. ”

“You look amazing. ”

“No, I'm just · · · · ·. ”

“Yes, Taeyoung is not saying anything to you. Maybe it's rational to think like you. But it was inevitably painful, so let's just understand a little bit. It's the same gym.”

“Phew · · ·. Yes.”

I couldn't complain anymore when I volunteered to carry the gun. The tune seemed to be very impressed with my decision.

[You don't have to be more visible to Miss Jung Yin. The likelihood level is already Max. You need to work hard.]

‘It's because I think of Seo Hyun, even though I have a conscience. ’

[Don't you feel bad for Miss Seo Hyun?]

‘He's obsessed, but he's not a bad kid. And this will give you a reason to approach it. ’

[Hoho. You're finally going to interrogate me.]

‘Yeah, but I think I need to check something weird to feel better about. ’

I also made a plan for a hospital visit.

“Shouldn't we go see her, anyway? Where's the hospital?”

“I didn't hear that. I'm not in the hospital yet, I'm asking you when it's done. ”

“Yes, but I have to go to the hospital to tell them that my nephew is sick. ”

“Yes. I'll come with you next time. ”

In the class that followed, I went through the assignments next week.

Since the material was so thick and difficult to organize, I thought it would take me a while to organize it by myself. Moreover, Seo Hyun had to do twice as much for others.

[Are you sure you're okay? This is going to take a while.]

‘There's nothing you can do. I have skills. ’

[Wise Time?]

‘Yeah, but the side effects are so severe, you have to do it alone. ’

[You really have a small skill set.]

‘Speaking of hospitals earlier, I remembered the watermelon nurse when I closed down. ’

Isn't Park Ji-ae an orthopedic hospital?]

That's right, is it Tenton Hospital? If he was hospitalized with acute pyelonephritis, he wouldn't be there. ’

[That would be a shame.]

‘It would be a shame. There's nurses everywhere. Oh, by the way, any of your achievements involve picking up a woman doctor? ’

["Tastier Special Occupations"? Waxing experts, women doctors, cheerleaders, missions to attack Idols.]

‘That's right. I was wondering if I'd kill one on the way to the hospital. ’

[As expected, waste of coincidence is not allowed precision! You're amazing.]

‘I hope Seo Hyun is admitted to a beautiful doctor. ’

From the second lesson, the destinations were different from each other.

Taeyoung's lips protruded more than Seohyun's free-rider.

“You're still sad. ”

“No, I was thinking about it for a second. ”

“Yes, Seo Hyun will return the favor later. ”

“Anyway, I'm going to go. ”

Taeyoung left with Jung Yin and only two others.

“I have a native speaking class. ”

“Yes. Yes. ”

“Are you · · · ·. No, it's not.”


The tune froze as it tried to say something. What did he want to talk about?

“See you later, then. ”


It was a shame to let it go on like that, but today is not the only day, so I decided to be patient. First, I needed to check out a few more guesses.

‘Kang democracy is a little suspicious. ’

[Democratic? Democratic is your loyal servant, isn't it?]

Yeah, but he's a little perverted. ’


"Democracy is a classic mezzo style. Last time I saw a video with Song Ji-hee, I was so excited. ’


‘Maybe this is also a strange psychological expression of wanting to give me a woman. ’

[Don't tell me · · · by airlifting a woman yourself.]

"Yes. In other words, Netorane tendency? When I see you with another woman, you get so agitated. Why did his sister's father send her away before? ’

[From what I hear, a democracy is a possibility.]

When I arrived at the Criminal Squad building, I went up to the academy office.


Angry Fire Column