281. Do you want to go to MT with your brother? 21

"Huhu, please warm up a bit. I think your voice is getting better." ’

He cheered himself on Kyunghee's positive reaction.

Contact elevates the feelings of men and women.

I felt a strange sensation even when I was close to the unknown reason, but the strange air currents that occurred while riding on my back and crossing the mountain path made it sticky between the two people.

“Do you want to lie down here? ”

“Who, lie down? ”

“That pose won't be comfortable extending your legs. ”

“Ahh · · ·. Yes.”

Kyung-hee lay on the floor mat with a nervous expression.

It was also a burdensome situation in a confined space, but in the meantime, it felt vague to lie down in front of a man.


‘Oh, my. What's wrong with me? I don't really care about you. ’

Kyung-hee lay down and taught me.

‘Hmm, he was handsome. ’

I thought I knew why my comrades were praising the doctrine.

The lesson I watched closely was definitely handsome. It was a long way from ideal, but objectively, it had elements that women would like.

The bright height of 185.

Muscles that don't look overwhelming, but look firm.

Eyebrows and crooked nosebleeds.

“If you hurt your ankle, you have to rub it up. ”

And a faint mid-tone voice.

“· · Yes. ”

He slowly began massaging Kyung-hee's legs across his knees. Kyung-hee's body started to heat up when she touched the hilt with a delicate gesture.

It was weak for massage and rather strong for compassion. However, the stroke of a man's bare hands on her calf itself made her nervous.

“Do you think it'll go away? ”

“Yes, it's cool. ”

“I bet you put your thighs together just to keep on running with your injured ankles. I'm gonna rub you up a little bit. ”

The position of rubbing is increasingly elevated, with a ridiculous excuse.

“Ah, ah · · · ·. ”

“Does it hurt?"

“Oh, no. It's okay."

“But you must have tanned the whole thing. He rides a lot of legs. ”

“No, just the calves. I'm wearing a tennis skirt. ”

“Really? So you're supposed to be on the white side? ”

“Well, well. It didn't burn like this. ”

He asked me playfully.

“I don't believe you. ”

“For real? The top of your thighs are naturally skin tone. Can I show you?”

“No, I don't think so. You have to believe that you are. ”

Kyung-hee was also disheartened when she spoke with a slightly sarcastic nuance.

"Tsk! You said you liked the tanned woman better. Hey, guys in my country like white kids. ’

Then I remembered that he mentioned that his tone skin was white.

You think I'm worse than you are? ’

“It's true, brother. ”

“Who said that? I said I believe you.”

“That's not a tone at all. You really want to see it? ”


“You can pull up more pants. ”

However, the churning trousers across the knees were no longer able to rise. After seeing Kyunghee kick her pants for a long time, he provoked her once more.

“Never mind. I'll just trust you. You're whiter than you sound. ”

"Ugh! Again with the pity! This brother is real! ’

Whenever he had a chance, he compared Jung Yin and Kyunghee. It was to touch Kyonghee's planting, which usually heats up Jung Yin.

“Wow, really! Should I take my pants off? ”

“What are you talking about? What's wrong with your pants?"

“Because you don't seem to believe me. ”

“I believe you, right? ”

“That's not a trusting attitude at all. ”

“I do. I do. You're more than sweet. ”


In comparison to the sinews, Kyunghee, who lost her restraint, suddenly lifts her butt and drops her pants. The lesson was deeply exacerbated by a more violent reaction than expected.

"Oh, he's so conscious. ’

Kyunghee's insides, which pull down her pants, glow white like she said. I looked curiously at the color difference that was clearly contrasted because the skirt tip was layered.

“Wow · · ·. You're always so white, aren't you? ”


Kyung-hee who was embarrassed then tried to pull up her pants again, but he stopped her hand.



“I think my joints are a little twisted. ”

“Yes? ”

He pressed down on the inguinal lymph node between the groin. I pressed the place close to the precipice hard, so it was bound to hurt.


“Does it hurt here? There's a lot of swelling in the lymph nodes. ”

“Why, why does it hurt so much? ”

“If you keep walking with your ankles clenched, your hips twist without even knowing it to ease the pain. I guess you're too tired to keep running when you're injured. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“I'm going to hurt my back later. I'll just let you go now. ”

“But this way · · · ·. ”

Kyung-hee looked embarrassed, covering her panties with both hands. I took my pants off myself, but I was too ashamed to keep missing my bottom.

“Then pull down your top. It's hard to massage with clothes on anyway. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

Kyung-hee quickly grabbed the hem of the statue to avoid embarrassment. The stretchy fabric stretches and closes over her panties.

"Ugh, how did this happen? I was so excited to hear you talk. ’

Kyung-hee regretted it, but his hands were already rubbing his thighs. Gyeonghee, who was embarrassed to refuse his favor, waited for the massage to be finished quickly.

‘Nobody's watching anyway. Are you gonna be okay?’

He rubbed Kyung-hee's insides to his heart's content as he learned. You can see the panties as you pull down the top, but the road is close to Chomini.

"Huh, looks like you're a little tight at the end. Because you touched me when I was on my back? ’

He slowly dug into his thighs, satisfied with his slightly wet panties.

“Must have hurt a lot when you were running. This place is huge. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Why didn't you tell me? Did you feel cold-blooded when you were injured? ”

“Oh, no. Like that."


“· · · I just don't want to lose. ”

“To whom?"

He asked me again, knowing clearly.

“· · · Anyone. I've hardly ever been pushed into sports among women. ”

Kyunghee was still angry that she had fallen from first come to last.

I drew it because it was a sports jam bottle famous for first grade admission to Seohyun, but her lack of excellence in practical classes made everyone wonder.

Especially, her pride was hurt by the tone of her voice that cheered her on the first come and go.

“Kyung-hee, come on! You can do it! ”

The more heartfelt I cheered, the more miserable I became.

The winner's weight.

It's just generosity that seems to feel an absolute advantage over a loser.

Kyunghee, who never wanted to admit that she was below a step, felt like an insurmountable wall.

So I went too far. I knew the twisted ankle wasn't normal, but I bit it tightly and foolishly ran.

“By the way, Kyung-hee, did you say you learned tennis? ”


“Elbow came and quit? ”

“It's all behind us. ”

I suddenly brought up the tennis story about where he heard it. It was both a glorious period and a bitter memory for Kyunghee.

Even if you hadn't been injured back then, Kyung-hee wouldn't be in the National Academy of Sports, she'd be in Taeyoung Athlete's Village.

“That must have been a shame. ”

“I used to wander around in high school. I lost my goal because I was frustrated by a professional player who I had dreamed about since I was a kid. ”

“Fair enough.”

“But you came back to your senses. I don't regret it now. ”

“Good thinking. Dreams can change. ”

“Then what was your dream? ”

Kyung-hee noticed that she was taking off her pants one day, and asked him. Talking to him, I felt like my fever with Jung Yin was fading.


“Do you play volleyball? I heard you're good at volleyball. ”

“No, not on my height. Volleyball started learning with the gentleman. ”

“Are you still that good? Last time I saw you and Nayeon practicing, you were a flying bird. ”

“I was in such a good mood that day. ”

“Then what was your dream? ”

His wish was to be a teacher. However, there is no normal answer in the department of fitness education like a teacher's dream.

While thinking about it for a moment, he remembered a novel that he had recently started writing.

“I'm a novelist. ”

“Wow, really? ”

Kyung-hee, who likes intelligent men, sparkled extraordinarily.

"Huh? I threw something, but it's surprisingly responsive." ’

“So you must have read a lot of books, too? ”

“That's right. I almost lived with it in college. ”

“What novelist do you like? ”

“I'm not good with novels. Rather, I enjoyed reading non-literature. ”

Kyung-hee doubted the lesson of avoiding the answer.

You lied to make it look like you didn't have to. ’

“Then give me a book recommendation. You should read it sometime. ”

But this time, Kyung-hee didn't get it right.

It was because Lee Jungwoo, who occupied the body of the disciple, was the true archetype of bookworm and nerd.

“What book? Anything?”


“If you like philosophy, [Kierkegore] deals with existential philosophy. Science deals with Richard Dawkins' [selfish gene] or [created god]. One of the most impressive humanities books I've read in recent years is Mihai Csikszentmihai's [immersion]? By the way, there are a lot of errors in the translation, so if possible

We should read to each other. ”

"Brother, you were real! ’

The title of the book, as well as the lesson of reciting alcohol to the author, was not blocked. Kyung-hee was surprised at the unexpected reversal.

“If you're a novelist, why did you come with us? ”

“Actually, my father is a novelist. Lee Chan Myung.”

“Oh! I've heard of you. ”

“Anyway, my dad said, Writing is hard and hard all your life, so I want you to do something like a safe government official. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“But the physically situated office didn't fit so well that it chose the right PE teacher. ”

“Wow · · ·. You look like someone else. ”

“Me? Why? ”

“No, I've only ever liked sports · ·. I thought so. ”

“I love sports, too. But writing books is still my hobby. Actually, I'm thinking of doing a piece for the Korean edition this time. A short novel.”

“You're really cool. ”

Kyung-hee was purely admired.

It turned out that he was the closest ideal man to whom he was wandering. Perhaps, just as handsome actors were devalued for their performance because of their appearance, Taun was an excellent physical and sexy brain.

‘You are a very attractive man, brother. ’

“Are you feeling better? ”

“Yes, very much. ”

Kyung-hee's voice changed vigorously.

“I think just one more rub will loosen all the muscles. · · ”

Kyung-hee asked as he hesitated.


“But I'm a little embarrassed because it's so inside. ”

“What do you think? It's just a massage. ”

Kyung-hee became bolder. I felt a strong appreciation for the intellectual charm of the lessons. The liking turned into a total trust in discipline.

“Are you sure you're okay? ”

“Yes, something like that. ”

‘In the yard with panties anyway · · ·. ’

“If so · · ·. ”

Kyunghee's hand pierces the deepest part of the groin. 1CM is close enough to push the corners even if you move further.


“Does it hurt?”

“Ah, ah, yes · · · ·. ”

“This is a very close-knit area. Hang in there."

“· · Yes. ”

"Where are you touching? You're not doing this on purpose, are you? ’

Kyung-hee was also embarrassed because it was so sensitive. But now you have to come and refuse yourself.

Meanwhile, his hands began to dig inward.


“What's the matter? Does it hurt a lot?"

“Oh, no. I'm a little ticklish.”

Kyung-hee's breath, stimulated by the palate, became slightly rougher. He insists on making fun of her, encompassing the entire groin area.

‘It's time to react · ·. ’

Do not be anxious when loving. For example, Clitoris feels pain rather than pleasure when he touches the clitoris with his bare hands. At the center of the surrounding area, you can send the Pokémon to a single room after catching the Pokémon at once.

That's the way he cares.

I pressed down near the bobbit, burned the soy sauce, but did not touch the center. I pretended that I didn't see Kyung-hee twitching like she was having a seizure.

“Hmmm, oh, brother. ”

“Yes? What's the matter? ”

“That feeling · · · ·. ”

He glanced underneath his panties. The condensed mouthwash was leaving a mark up to 500 won in size.

"Hehe, you're so cheap. But you never touch what you want. ’

“What are you feeling? ”

“Oh, no. Your body is hot. Aah! Aah! ”


“Joe, a little bit more. ”


“Oh, no, just a little bit more. ”

Kyung-hee excitedly wanted to touch the place where he was fretting because of the lessons. So he continued to teach without even knowing it.

“So · · · here? ”

He stabbed Jill's mouth on his panties.



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