280. Want to go to MT with your brother? 20

[Oh! My Lord, fortunately, I have a tied achievement.]

I knew there was something there. '

[Your sixth sense is getting better every day. It seems that the enhanced skill of the info window has a big impact. Highly developed skills affect reality.]

What's the accomplishment of "I fucked a friend of a friend," by the way? '

[I loved a friend of a friend, an achievement contrary to an achievement.]

That's what happens when you fuck someone you know's girlfriend? '

[Correct. On the contrary, this achievement is achieved when attacking a friend of the target who considers you a lover.]

"Do you really think I'm a lover? '


Well, that feels good.

"Did you think so deeply of me? ’

[It's unlike other sex spartners. So liking 100 is also a powerful thing.]

But is something wrong? '

What do you mean?]

"If you're such a good friend, why wasn't this accomplishment open to the others? It's the same for Hee-joo and Hyo-min. '

[It's an Amity car.]


[College motivation is not everyone's best friend. Think back to your college days. Were they all friends because of motive?]

Do you mean you're a little distant from kids like Yeon-yeon and Yeon-yeon? '

[Women's relationships are much more complicated than they appear to be. because if men are one-dimensional, women are three-dimensional.]

‘what a girls. ’

[Obviously, the amount of green and the amount of lily is taking on a lot of yin and yang.]

‘Well, they didn't look so good the last time I saw them. I don't want to be picky. You little twerps. ’

[The other successors are the same. This must be the problem with your charms.]

‘Ha. I was wrong to hear that. It was all my fault for being so handsome. ’

[However, Kyunghee Yang is not interested in you, so there seems to be no other relationship formed. And there's a reason why we're more intimately aware of Miss Kyung Hee than other motivators in our personal preferences.]

‘Cause they're both sports girls? And then you have the same personality. ’

[It used to be a metaphor, right?]

Are you saying we play amongst ourselves?

It's a strange resemblance. Those two.

‘But according to the information window, Kyung-hee seems to have a lot of inferiority towards Jung Yin. You said no even though you were going to give me a lift. I'm embarrassed to see you. ’

[You seem to be feeling heavily competitive, apart from the intimacy of your friends. Do you admire a tune that is more athletic than you, but you have to overcome it at the same time?]

‘Hmm, there's a lot of trouble. Why do women have such complicated relationships? I just don't get it. ’

[That's because you're a man. They're too different to understand each other.]

So you know all this because you're a woman? ’

[No, I did an objective analysis. Artificial intelligence has no gender. If you choose, it's neutral.]

I keep thinking of her as a woman. ’

[You can change your voice at any time. If you're uncomfortable, should I switch back to masculine?]

‘No, I like the sound of this. ’

[Yes, then I'll keep going.]

Kyung-hee follows me around with a sore leg, even as I talk to Rossi.

Are we going to lose Kyung-hee now?

“Can I help you? ”

* * *

“Can I help you? ”

“No, it's okay. ”

“It's not that I'm afraid of you. It's that I'm frustrated to see you. When are you gonna get to the tent with that foot? ”

Kyung-hee is a little grumpy because of his chic reaction.

"What is this guy? Even if you say it · · · ·. Makes people feel bad. ’

“I'm gonna walk really fast, okay? ”

“Three stubbornness. ”

But did the painful leg become the root of the exaggeration? Kyung-hee folded her ankle again shortly and sat down completely. This time, a relatively large decibel screams.


“You okay?"

“Ugh, another injured leg. ”

“I'm helping you. ”

He chirps his tongue and raises Kyung-hee. However, Kyung-hee did not take a single step to make sure that the injury was worse than she thought.

“Well, that bothers me a lot. I can't. Get on your back. ”

In front of Kyung-hee, who sat down, he reached out his back. However, Kyung-hee who was offended by what he said did not want to be held back.

“That's enough.”

“Hey, I don't want to carry you, either. But you still need medical attention, don't you? Don't tell me you got hurt later. ”

‘Seed · · · ·. What a pretty thing to say. Motivational kids don't like that kind of brother. ’

Kyung-hee didn't understand.

It's true that he was handsome and tall, but he wasn't the charming type for her. She liked sports, but rather a well-educated nerd preferred style. He wears philosophical books on his side with horned glasses.

However, due to the nature of the Department of Sports and Education, it was difficult to find such a person. Most of the size is muscle to the brain. Among them, Taun was an exemplar of such muscles. Fit and athletic. There was no intellectual attraction to him at all.

In the meantime, he said something coldly, and finally, Jung-nami fell down.

“We don't have time. I said, get on your back!”

“Tsk. Stop looking at me. You can carry it.”

Kyung-hee was reluctant to endure the sacred stature of doctrine.

You're not misunderstanding me, are you? ’

Kyung-hee was worried. I didn't want to get mixed up with lessons that wouldn't interest anyone else.

Luckily, the first grade training area was far from the tent village, so the unpopular forest path continued to the headquarters tent.

‘Glad no one's watching. ’

Kyung-hee was carried away by her.

It was weird to be close to a man, though. Especially during the first run, I took off my awkward jamba and put on a fine piece of tea, and I rub my chest against the back plate of the doctrine.

‘Oh my, my clothes are so thin. · · ’

He was also checking Kyung-hee's chest on his back.

Full B? What about C? My baby has silver boobs. Feeling good · · ·. ’

I thought it was time to stimulate Kyonghee.

It was not more than the usual predecessor's liking of what he had learned through the information window or the attitude to react to him. This condition is difficult to target.

You said "flattering your tune at the target tip" would stimulate you. ’

The silent walking lessons suddenly asked me.

“What did you eat for lunch? ”

“First of all, I ate the kim rice that you gave me. ”

“You didn't take anything else, did you? Why is it so heavy? ”

“What, what? ”

“Ha. A tune would have been like a feather. ”

As soon as he raised the pill, a violent reaction popped out.

“He's heavier than he looks. ”

“How do you know? ”

“Then how do you know? Do you know how much you weigh? ”

“Of course not. But it's so thin. ”

‘Ha! Even though this brother is so pitiful. ’

“You want to bet with me? ”


“Which one of you weighs more? ”

“There you go. One thing at a time. ”

“No? It's because I'm carrying a strange burden. ”

“Really? Let's do it again, shall we? ”

He pushes his hand on his thigh all the way to the hidden place inside. Then the two of them got closer together.

"Hehe, where are you touching?" ’

Kyung-hee was slightly embarrassed and heard the sound of a lesson.

“Oh, it's true. I guess I wasn't holding it very well. Much better.”


“Uh, keep your head down like this. This is so much easier. ”

“· · Yes. ”

"You didn't touch her on purpose, did you? ’

Kyung-hee didn't think it was intentional because his attitude was so natural. However, fingers digging too deeply began to be a little irritating as they touched the important area between the jaws.

‘Hmmm. I can't tell you this. ’

He deliberately walked a crooked path through Kyunghee's vagina. On an uneven slope, Kyonghee's body continues to rot up and down. When her nipples close to the back plate are irritated, she plummets.

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“What's the matter? Does it hurt a lot?”

“Oh, no. ”

"Oh no, what should I do? I keep getting irritated. ’

He asked casually as he parted his way through Kyunghee's slightly rougher breathing.

“But are you not well with Jung Yin? ”

“Why? We're good. ”

“No, you said no when Jung Yin said it would help. ”

“I just thought I could walk by myself at the time. There are many classes that overlap with Jung Yin, and we talk often. I don't know, but I'm probably his best friend. ”

“Yeah? I misunderstood. ”

“Why the tune? Are you interested in Jeongyeon? ”

“No, it doesn't have to be. ”

Kyung-hee's attitude became more persistent as he was deliberately confused. She had a particular habit of obsessing over the tune.

“It's popular because you have a beautiful tune. ”

“Is it? You have a pretty face, too. ”

“· · · Yes? ”

Kyung-hee was embarrassed by the praise of the sudden doctrine. The punch that comes in one punch after being treated coldly has been quite heavy.

“I like a bit of a busybody girl. ”

“Yi, it's because I've been outside playing tennis. It's not usually black. ”

“Yes, the tanned woman. Those girls are hot. The tune is a little white. ”

"How strange is this brother? ’

However, Kyung-hee did not have a bad reaction to the teachings. Above all, I liked that you rated yourself highly relative to the tune.

“You didn't want me to find out? You're interested in the tune? ”

Kyung-hee once again checked his mind.

“No, actually, it's the opposite. I thought you were interested in me. ”


“Uh, don't tell anyone. ”

“Yes, I won't tell you. ”

“He texted me late the other day. ”

“Wow, that's amazing. ”

‘Jeongyeon, I'm sorry. I'm gonna sell you this one time. ’

While feeling guilty, he used his conscience to buy Kyung-hee's pleasure. Actually, I didn't say anything stupid. The tune was actually into him.

“Do you really like him? ”

“I don't know if I like it yet, but I definitely like it. ”

“Then why don't you take it? You have a nice ring to it. ”

“I don't mean to sound bad, but it's not just my style. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

Kyung-hee felt even better.

She was always obsessed with the idea that it was worse than the tune, so I liked her answer very much. Above all, I felt a little overwhelmed by the lessons that were loving and affectionate to me.

Do you think I'm going to seduce him? ’

Suddenly, the back panel felt cozy. In fact, he was slightly excited by the irritation of his continuously frictioned nipples and his intimate, sneaky grip.

I was in a bad mood without even knowing it.

“Almost there. Do you want to get off if you're uncomfortable seeing people? ”

“· · No. I can't walk yet. ”

Kyung-hee hugged him more tightly.

“Okay, then let's keep going. It's because I'm sick. ”


When the two of them headed to the headquarters tent, a third-grader who was preparing a meal nearby asked.

“Bro, what's going on? Are you hurt, Kyung-hee?”

“Yeah. I think I sprained my leg pretty bad on the first come and go. I can't walk. I can't walk. ”

“There should be an ambulance inside. Can I get you anything?”

“No, Kyung-hee, I don't think I'll get another MT anyway. I'm just gonna lay him down inside. ”


He entered the tent and carefully lowered Kyunghee. Then I opened the first aid kit and pulled out the spraying paste and compression bandages.

“Walk the churning. ”

“I'll do it. ”

“The bandage alone makes it loose, so it doesn't work. I'll do it for you.”

“But I'm sorry · · ·. ”

“Sorry for what? To you.”

“Thank you."

Kyunghee lifted up her churning pants, revealing her smooth calves. Kyung-hee's legs, chopped with years of exercise, had fallen flat without a single soldier.

"Oh, I was half-joking. Tanned skin is sexy. Very healthy. Yeah. ’

He sprayed spray pads on his swollen ankles and slowly wrapped the pressure bandages.

‘There are times when the paramedics you learned in the military are all in need. ’

On the other hand, Kyung-hee's gaze gradually changed to liking the thoughtful care of him.

‘You're a really nice person, even though you're cold. Is that why you're so popular with your comrades? ’

“It's done. ”

“Thank you.”

“Can you twist your ankle a little bit? ”

“Yes, ah! ”

“Hmm. Still no swelling. ”

He frowned and asked Kyung-hee.

“Do you want me to rub it for you? ”


“It's going to hurt like this until tonight. I'm supposed to be eating and drinking meat after practice, and you're just going to lie there? ”

“I hate that. ”

“It will be much better after the massage. ”

“But do you know how to do that? ”

“I learned a little hobby. ”

“Ahh · · ·. Just a little bit, then. ”

Kyung-hee was ashamed and gladly accepted his request.

Suddenly, the idea of wanting to get to know him grew up in her mind. At first it was a very conscious act of consciousness that I considered a rival, but apart from that, I began to learn to be a man.


Angry Fire Column