Chapter 35: New rules

Chapter 35: New rules

It didn't take too long for the disciples to learn from their friends that remained what transpired.

What the new arrivals heard shook them to no end.

Apparently, the violence had escalated even further in the village during the last week. After Wei Muchen's breakthrough, his lackeys had broken limit after limit.

Most of the still neutral disciples had by now either joined a camp or stayed hidden in the woods. However, Wei Muchen's side grew more as a result of his recent dominant showing at the rankings and his breakthrough to the 3rd stage of body strengthening.

One day, that group learned that Yu Tao had been brought out of the 1st year's village by an elder to cultivate.

It was enough to launch an all-out war. This sudden and total attack of hundreds of disciples completely overwhelmed the Collective of Order. They were caught unprepared. Moreover, how could they try to arrest every other disciple? The only ones that could have stopped this whole situation, the elders, didn't appear too.

As a result, hundreds of disciples fought each other, houses were robbed and burned down, many were beaten down and badly injured.

7 died.

Those that had killed, be it knowingly or by accident, had disappeared. Rumor had it that they were used as test subjects in some secret part of the sect.

Yu Tao's protector's militia had mostly crumbled. Some of its leaders had been made captive for a time before the Collective of order found the site and punished those found at the place.

The protector's members, now an outmatched minority laid low since the big fight. Nearly all the resources they had accumulated had been lost.

Now the group of Muchen supporters changed their name from 'The new fighters' to 'The new rulers'. They paraded the streets with their head high and tried to sweep the forest for other disciples.

They imposed a new rule. Pay 10 crystals every month or be beaten every day.

They had soon faced a problem though. Most of the disciples still at the village were of the same group, their own. The New Rulers thus separated themselves into different ranks of different privileges.

However, because Wei Muchen only stayed in contact with a couple of his lackeys, the group soon had some intense internal conflicts.

And now 400 disciples just came back.

Some members of the self-proclaimed 'new rulers' saw it as golden geese ready to lay eggs and cement the new rulers back. Others thought it was a collective threat.

The disciples grouped around the sword maidens, Wang Yimo and the trio. Will they present a united front against the new rulers?

"I think we have an important responsibility here. We can't cultivate with those punks bossing everyone around." Yang Haoyu stated.

"It seems that our warnings have been forgotten." Qin Mei added.

"I can't believe some went so far. It's disturbing to think back at how some harmless brothers transformed so rapidly."

"This madness can't go on. There have even been deaths!" Shen Lin agreed.

"I'll take care of it." A gentle voice interrupted the discussion.

Two days later, all disciples were summoned through their badge to the plaza. The elders even picked up some still cowering in the woods.

"From now on, playtime is over. Fights are now forbidden and the elders will be enforcing the rule. If you have a grudge with someone, you can head to the punishment hall where an elder will supervise the battle at the arena. The rules of the duel have to be discussed and accepted by both parties. Those matches won't affect rankings.

If the grudge cannot be resolved and has reached a certain point of no return, the disciples can have a life and death battle. Once again, that is only if both disciples agree. A gong will announce every life and death match.

That is all."

Some frictions still remained. After violent fights and even 7 deaths, some grudges between factions had become quite deep.

However, the 1st years village soon went back to its original state, at least in appearance. The disciples came back to their homes, and the classes regained their usual attendance. But all this felt very different for most of the 1st year disciples.

In the end, as days passed, cultivation began occupying everyone's mind once again.

This was exacerbated by a string of breakthroughs. Just two days after coming back, Qin Mei became the first 4th grade talent to reach the 3rd stage of body strengthening.

Most of the 4th grade talents would breakthrough in the following week.

Han Lingyun had broken through one day after Qin Mei. Two days prior, he had taken another trip to market road to buy the rainbow pills for the first two stages. He still remembered how he had to face Elder Guguai when purchasing the pills.

"Where did you get all those Ps?"

Han Lingyun remained stoic. He started to circulate his blackbird art to the maximum and responded calmly. "By my own means."

Elder Guguai observed him closely for a moment. Then silently pocketed the Ps and went back to his usual posture, eyes closed.

Han Lingyun had remembered that this Elder had a thing for "elites". He had to show his worth if he wanted those pills.

This 10 000 Ps loss strained his finances somewhat. He only had 3000 Ps left on his badge. The 610 Ps he had obtained collecting herbs weren't totally useless after all.

That was just Han Lingyun being Han Lingyun with his rich problems though. He was now pocketing at least 6000 Ps per week through missions. And his true net worth was higher if you remember that 10 000 of his Ps were currently blocked as mission rewards!

Anyway, Han Lingyun consumed the first rainbow pill as soon as he got back into his number 5 house. The pill had a mild effect: it melted in his mouth and felt as if someone was caressing his skin from all sides.

Han Lingyun waited to be at the point where he sensed his breakthrough coming to eat the second rainbow pill.

This one felt absolutely wonderful. Just like the description stated, he felt as if he was breathing the purest air there was. He also felt once again the caresses on his skin. For a moment, Han Lingyun felt like he just discovered what breathing truly meant and he had been blind to it all along.

Just like for his first breakthrough, the second one went without a hitch. Well, that's if you don't mention the putrid black gu that oozed of his pores once again.

Han Lingyun felt the boundless strength of the 3rd step calling him, his muscles twitching with excitement after the first qi baptism.

Making progress was probably the best feeling in the world!