Chapter 34: Facing the beast

Chapter 34: Facing the beast

Han Lingyun was now alone with only a giant wolf facing him. The wolf seemed to understand that it couldn't survive with Captain Lacroix behind but perhaps it could at least take down a little human with him.

Han Lingyun tried to look into the eyes of the beast. There was boundless hunger and some hatred. Surprisingly Han Lingyun couldn't find much fear, this wasn't in line with the beast's instincts. Maybe seeing its entire pack getting slaughtered had led it to desperation. Maybe this magic beast was more intelligent than the typical wolf Han Lingyun knew.

This would be a huge test for himself and a great way to put in use his blackbird art. Even if such a combat would most likely never happen in the wild as wolves stayed in packs, this would be his first fight to the death.

Well, he still hoped that he would be saved if his life was threatened but he couldn't rely on it.

The wolf didn't immediately sprint forward like the previous one but slowly approached its prey. It could sense Han Lingyun's faint nervousness and inexperience. And that boy looked so delicious.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Han Lingyun calmed his heart and entered the mindset of the blackbird art. He would be the one toying with the wolf, not the other way round.

The wolf, probably sensing an increasing danger from the boy, or losing itself to its hunger couldn't stay collected anymore and accelerated toward its prey, coughing up saliva at every furious growl.

Han Lingyun coldly eyed the wolf and ducked behind a tree as the wolf's head brushed by. He slashed his sword at the wolf's back as its momentum brought it forward.

The wolf wasn't seriously injured: its flesh was surprisingly tough to cut through. It stopped in its tracks and briefly turned around to try to bite off that child again but another attack cut cleanly its leg as it moved.

The cry of pain it let out didn't distract it from leaping to the side to avoid the sword and jump forward another time.

This round, Han Lingyun saw the teeth from up close, he dodged to land another big cut in the wolf's neck but a paw managed to scratch his right hip.

Han Lingyun was caught off guard and his heart tensed. He didn't pay any attention to the stinging sensation as his brain pumped adrenaline. The wolf was now desperate as well after being injured several times so it tried to fall on the boy in a last-ditch effort as its breath was leaving it.

Han Lingyun decided to avoid contacts for the time being; he knew that time was in his favor. He weaved and used precise movements to keep the giant wolf from landing an attack. He had to use all his strength on every foot as the wolf's large size and agility made this exercise way harder. Whenever the wolf used too much force and missed Han Lingyun, he tried to inflict another cut.

The wolf began to slow down considerably but Han Lingyun remained on his guard. Never underestimate a wounded beast backed into a corner. Indeed, the wolf suddenly bolted with a greater speed than ever before.

A typical rookie disciple would have been taken by surprise but Han Lingyun only displayed a faint grin. This was his chance to end it once and for all. Just as the beast was going to chomp him, Han Lingyun plunged his sword into the wolf's gaping mouth with all the strength he could muster while he leapt above the wolf with his momentum.

The beast violently crashed down with a sword piecing its brain. It didn't wake up.

Han Lingyun and his friends heaved a sigh of relief.

The other disciples felt even more terrified by that intense combat. In comparison, they became more impressed by Wang Yimo who seemed to have killed one wolf so effortlessly while it felt like a tough and brutal fight for Han Lingyun.

So, by the next day at noon, the disciple didn't look in the best of shape. One thing had greatly motivated them though: their war cry and sect song.

It wasn't quite clear who was the first to come up with the idea but soon every quarter of an hour or so the sect song followed by a war cry resonated in the forest. One bulky disciple called Shao Zhengzhong with a particularly loud voice was soon designated as the lead voice.

Shao Zhengzhong: "I am a White?"

Everyone: "TIGER!"

Shao Zhengzhong: "We will triumph!"

Everyone: "CONQUER!"

Shao Zhengzhong: "Leave our comrades?"

Everyone: "NEVER!"

Shao Zhengzhong: We will grow!

Everyone: "STRONGER!"

Shao Zhengzhong: "We! Are! The!"

Everyone: "WHITE TIGERS!"

Captain Lacroix didn't stop this initiative. In fact, she too enjoyed watching these young lads' enthusiasm. The group also realized that the war cry scared away some beasts!

Finally, in the middle of the afternoon of the second day, the group reached the bottom of the mountain range of the White Tiger Sect.

The disciples had walked and ran for 2 days without sleep, a minimum amount of food, and had to carry the heavy harvest. By this point, most 2nd grade talents were spent, they didn't have the stamina of the 2nd level of body strengthening. So, most of the lifting was done by the others.

Surprisingly for most disciples, the climb felt easier than last time, even with their sorry conditions.

As the 400 disciples made their way to the 1st year's village, full of pride of their performance during the expedition outside the sect, they couldn't help but notice the dark and gloomy atmosphere that permeated the settlement.

Just what had happened here during the last 5 days?