Chapter 187: Opening Move (Part 1)

Chapter 187: Opening Move (Part 1)

Part 1

One week has passed since the guardian magical beast has been summoned.

The big dog was given the name Leo, a genuine leather collar with his name on it and a big dog house.

The role of Leo in our house was that of a guard.

In the morning he was waiting in front of the entrance and met Eris and me, who were training.

Then for a while he waits in front of the entrance on guard duty and later on goes for a walk.

After coming back from the walk, he watches my family, who were inside the house.

He then patrols inside the house, checking whether there were any problems and if there were, he was told to resolve it.

If Lucy cried, he would calm her, if Aisha went out shopping, he would tag along as an escort.

He would travel to the magic university, seeing and picking up Norn if asked.

He was like a home guard.

Leo was extremely smart, he was properly following the instructions of the family.

He went to the toilet at the designated place.

The orders were wait, down, shake, beg, repeated until he barks three times.

He was very obedient towards the family, when Aisha and Norn were timidly patting his head, his tail was waving like an electric fan.

Especially towards Roxy he behaved like an extremely loyal knight.

Holy Beast Leo's favorite person seemed to be Roxy.

The attitude Leo showed towards Roxy was clearly different compared to others.

When Roxy woke up, his tail was wagging around in a circle and his face dived between her legs.

Although he fell silent and stopped when I became angry and said [The only one allowed to lick that place is me], he was doing it again the next day.

Furthermore, even though Roxy went to school on top of the armadillo Jirou, a scene could be seen that looked like Leo was telling something to Jirou while barking.

Not only was it unknown what he was telling Jirou, but also whether or not Jirou was carrying that out.

There were also the times when Roxy was going up and down the stairs, he was worriedly looking up the stairs to make sure she didn't lose her footings.

This overprotection was enough to make me, the husband, feel it was excessive.

Why did he go so far for Roxy...but I concluded it was because he was a dog.

His nose picked up who was the greatest person in this house.

Leo was showing subservient behavior towards Roxy, but his affinity with Eris was bad.

Though saying their affinity was bad, Leo gave off a feeling like he was aware that the other side, Eris, was difficult to deal with.

Eris was fond of dogs and cats.

She liked to bury her face into their soft fur with all her strength.

That was why maybe Eris has enjoyed Leo's fur to her heart's content when I wasn't looking.

The Mad Sword King's strength was extremely intense.

I also had experienced that, to be hugged by Eris with all her strength reminded me of feeling hugged by a bear.

I could feel the danger to my life.

Though I didn't hate to be hugged like that by Eris, it wasn't like I couldn't understand the reason Leo avoids Eris.

The only time Leo drew closer to Eris was during the time of the walk.

It was only during this time he wasn't keeping clear from Eris and went out together, confirming their territory.

The reason was likely physically related.

Leo's walking range was wide.

Its range was so wide that one might question whether the distance was one trip around the city.

Considering emergencies, to finish this in a short amount of time requires a fast pace, and the only ones having enough physical strength to run at that pace in our house are only Eris and me.

It was at a pace where Sylphy could also barely make it.

Anyway, Leo often chose Eris as the walk's partner.

Otherwise, to Leo, Eris may also belong in the same category, being in charge of security.

By the way, it appeared that everything in a 1 kilometre radius around our house became Leo's territory, stray cats no longer were around.

It seemed that Leo was serious in protecting the family.

Somehow a guardian magical beast allowed others to feel secure.

As expected, a dog was good.

The problem was that this dog was the guardian deity of the beast-tribe.

The one who said something like this was Ghyslaine who came to see Eris, but was surprised to see Leo.

"Though I can't understand Holy Beast-sama's words, it seems that Holy Beast-sama is here of his own will. Thus the Dorudia tribe can't complain either."

So it seemed it will be fine.

I thought it was about time to move to the next stage of the schedule.

Part 2

On the day I thought so.

Cliff made a visit.

"Hey Rudeus, if you are free tonight, want to have dinner outside? Me, you and Zanoba, the three of us."

An invitation to dinner.

The three of us, me, Cliff and Zanoba.

It may have been the first time with only men.

Usually Sylphy, Elinalize and others tag along.

Or rather, this time we might even go to a slightly pink shop.

Or it could be that it was a difficult topic to talk about when having women around.


Regardless of which, I agreed without a second thought.

There was no reason to refuse and I also wanted to ask Cliff for a favor, it was a godsend.

Part 3

At the time when the sun began to set down.

I went to the earlier appointed location and met up with Cliff and Zanoba.

The store we went to was more classy than usual.

When entering, I glanced at the store's signboard to confirm the name, apparently it was called [The Red Steller's Sea Eagle's Arbor].

In the Three Great Magic Nations, shops that used eagle in their name were restaurants, shops that used falcon in their name were liquor shops, shops that used bats in their name had girls, shop that used horses in their name were inns, and there were many shops that provided those.

However, saying that there were many did not always guarantee it to be so.

There were also patterns like a shop that originally provided good alcohol and before one knows the shopkeeper became better at cooking.

It was only a rule of thumb.

The [The Red Steller's Sea Eagle's Arbor] Cliff chose was a refined restaurant.

Customers seemed to be mainly lower class nobles and wealthy merchants.

When we continued, there was a high-class private room.

According to the waiter's explanation, it seemed to be the restaurant's third best room.

He apologized that if they had known that Rudeus-sama was visiting the store, they could have prepared an even better room.

This was almost like a traditional Japanese restaurant.

When I was told we were going out for dinner, I thought it would be like the usual dinner, but it seemed to be a dinner to the letter.

Each of us sat down at one end of the square table and were facing towards each other.

"Now then, Rudeus. Do you understand why such a place was prepared?"

Cliff said so with a very serious face.

Somehow I felt that you were angry.

Though I did have an idea.

"Today was Cliff-senpai's――birthday, right?"

"My birthday already passed by."

Cliff said so in an unamused manner.

Was Cliff now 20 or 21 years old.

In this world he was already a splendid adult.

It wouldn't be strange for people to have 2 or 3 children.

Though due to his baby face, Cliff looked like a 15 year old.

"That's not it."


I straightened myself.

It seemed like a serious talk.


Cliff's talk.

It was probably about Orsted.

When I reported back, I told them that we will talk about the details later and left it as it was.

It wouldn't be strange if they ran out of patience.

"For the time being, we think the name of Elinalize's child should be Clive if it was a boy, and Eleaclarice if it was a girl, what do you think?"


"...Leave it to us, Shishō. Until the next time, let us create a armor that even Julie could equip."

"Oh, I leave it to you."

Though I wouldn't allow Julie to fight, it is better to show at least that amount of spirit.

"And, I have a favor to ask of Cliff-senpai in particular."

"What was it?"

I put what I was going to ask him today into words.

Let's change the way of asking a bit.

Ehm, how to say it.

"Actually Orsted is being protected by a certain barrier."

"Barrier? As in a magical-based barrier?"

"No, as in curse-based."

Hearing the word curse, Cliff frowned.

"When seeing Orsted's figure, anyone's body will be inhibited and thus will be unable to bring out his usual strength."

"Was that so."

"Yes. I lost because of that. Even Zanoba, right."

"It felt like I myself was defeated by something I didn't know, but now that you mention it, there was definitely a feeling when my body couldn't move."

That was definitely his imagination, though I won't say it.

"I see, that curse seems to be difficult to deal with..."

"Eh. It already is difficult to deal with. Thus I want Cliff-senpai to do something against Orsted's curse."

"But my research is exclusively aimed at Elinalize. Whether that will lead to Orsted..."

"Well, if it doesn't lead to him, let us search for a different method. Since Elinalize-san is pregnant, research isn't possible. During this time, at least please give it a try whether the effect can be weakened or not."

Cliff was an expert regarding curses.

It wasn't perfect yet, but he succeeded in weakening Elinalize's curse.

If he was doing research in weakening Orsted's curse, it could be that the curse's fear might be mitigated.

Or so was the plan.

"But will Orsted agree to this research? How will we deceive him?"

"Orsted is a man who fights like he is a bloodthirsty wolf. In fact, he also laments about that curse a little bit."

"Are you sure? Doesn't that allow his fight to proceed in an advantageous manner?"

"He used to say this. For once he wishes to fight against someone at their full strength, not someone being inhibited by the curse."

It was a downright lie.

But sooner or later I would surely ask this of Cliff.

I'll tell him the real reason later.

The round wind is a yaku.

"Are you sure...?"

"Eh, I'm sure. That's why Cliff-senpai can research about Orsted without worries."

"Hm...all right. Although I feel ashamed to deceive people, if you insist on it, I will give it a try."


Cliff-senpai is fabulous.

Elinalize-san, please embrace him!

All right, let's convince Sylphy and the others using this way as well.

After all, making the dispelling of the curse come true was like this.


Somehow the sense of guilt was incredible...

I wonder why I was telling such a lie.

I wasn't trying to say that telling lies was bad.

In some cases, sometimes telling lies was better.

But Cliff, Zanoba, Sylphy, Roxy and Eris.

Everyone was seriously worried about me.

I feel like I was betraying them by telling them lies.

I didn't have any intention to hurt or trick anyone...

If one day Orsted's curse was solved, would I be able to turn this lie into a funny story...

"That's how it is. Zanoba, Cliff-senpai...I'll rely on you."

"Hm. I feel relieved that Shishō has a definite plan."

"Understood. It is an important task. Leave it to me."

When the two nodded, the meal arrived.

Part 4

The preparations for the dinner were complete, splendid dishes were lined on the table and the alcohol cups were distributed.

I raised the alcohol-filled cup.

"Right. The important talk was over! Make a toast, then let's eat."

"That's true."

Zanoba held a cup.

"What are we making a toast on?"

Cliff was also holding a cup and asked a question.

"Today there were no women around, to the friendship of what I was thinking, how about it?"

Was it too nauseating?

Oh well.

I knew about it.

Both Cliff and Zanoba would not betray me in times of emergency.

Even if it would turn him into an enemy of his home country, Cliff would help me.

Even if I turned into scum, Zanoba would not abandon me.

They were irreplaceable companions.

Though I lied this time, I thought that I wanted to be their ally until the the day I died.

While thinking this way, just for a little bit it felt like tears were coming out.

It was fine even if it was nauseating.

It wouldn't be weird for my body to already let out the distinctive body odour of the middle-aged and the elderly based on age.

Let's go with something appropriate for my age.

"Then to our friendship."

"To friendship."


When they clinked their cups, a little alcohol was spilled.

"But friendship of men...what are you supposed to talk about in such a time."

"Shall we talk about erotic stories?"

"Erotic huh, ah, speaking of which, Rudeus. You went and welcomed a new wife, haven't you."

"Yeah, for the time being that would make Eris my childhood friend."

"Eris-dono huh, how nostalgic, I wonder exactly how she became known as Mad Dog...when I greet her this time I will ask her."

Zanoba narrowed his eyes in nostalgia.

In Shirone Kingdom Zanoba didn't converse much with Eris.

But well, he still remembered that time.

It wasn't possible to forget about Eris's existence.

"...Hm? Thinking about it, Cliff-senpai knew of Eris, right? You were mentioned in the past."

"I, I just met her for a little while in the past. I don't have any lingering feelings left."

I see, a little, in the past.

...It was possible that Eris has forgotten about Cliff.

It was Eris, it couldn't be helped.

"Rather about that, it's about you, Rudeus. I said it before, but women aren't a collection. TO be waited upon by so many――――"

After this, Cliff-senpai's sermon continued.

When the three people were in a good drunken state, Zanoba began telling the erotic talk.

Initially it was about Zanoba's first marriage and his partner, but from the middle onward it became a horror story and in the end it became the kind of complaint about how women didn't understand dolls.

After that Cliff and I were talking.

How Eris and Elinalize were like beasts on the bed, we found a kindred spirit in each other.

But with us two talking, Zanoba was bored and changed the flow of the conversation to the magic armor.

Their eyes were shining when I talked about fighting Orsted while wearing the magic armor.

Giant Robots vs Large Monsters fights seemed to be interesting after all.

That night three men until they were dead drunk, and after the closing time of the shop, we purchased only alcohol, rented a room in the neighborhood and continued drinking.

Somehow it felt good to only have a drinking party with three men.

If there was another chance, I wanted to go drinking with three men again.