Chapter 186: Guardian Beast

Chapter 186: Guardian Beast

Part 1

A postponement of one month was granted.

During this time I had things that had to be done.

Even so, the time of one month was short, there were few things that could be done.

I could not get carried away just because I had Orsted's backing.

Though it may have been said in the heat of the moment, he seemed to think that even if we failed this time, there will be a next time.

Maybe he was even thinking of developing a magic to return to the past after reading my diary.

...Alternatively he may have already experienced a time slip himself.

In hindsight, when Orsted used the word [next time], he made a face as if saying [damn it].

Not just once or twice, the possibility existed that he repeatedly time slip'd.

If that was true, why didn't he reveal it to me.

Even so, the me, who has kept various things hidden from my family, could somehow understand.

Things that were hard to explain would be hidden underneath lies and deception.

...In fact, he may be hiding unfavorable things from me because he still doubted me, so even if he was betrayed, I could not do anything about it in the current situation.

For now I wished to conduct myself in a way to not be hated by him.

Thus let's first forget his secrets.

Even if Orsted had a next time, I did not have that.

You only get one life.

Though I said that, it wasn't very convincing.

I have listened to the story of the me who came from the future and in the end read the diary.

I could feel with my skin that it was a life filled with regret.

I did not have the feeling that as long as I could redo, it was fine.

...Or rather.

If I thought that way, I felt like I would betray everything I have done so far.

So let's put forth as much effort as possible.

Exactly what to do in specific terms.

Strengthening the body.

Training your magic.

After that, continuing with what I have always done.

It was not as if by increasing the amount of training, I would suddenly get stronger.

Continuing would become strength.

Let's do what I have always done.

Apart from that, it was agreed to have mock battles.

Until now I have thought that something was missing.

Although practice and training were important, to learn how to effectively use the trained techniques, mock battles were necessary after all.

In sports it would be called sparring.

An outdoor match called a fighting game.

Although it was only a simulation, such a thing will become combat experience.

The opponent was Eris.

Eris was a Sword King and in close combat she was already overwhelmingly stronger than me, there was nothing to complain about.

Well, there may be some dissatisfaction with me being Eris's opponent.

By having Eris frequently fight against tricks like quagmire and dense fog, I thought I would give my best to have them become her experience.

She seemed to be somewhat weak against tricks.

By the way, she had almost forgotten everything that she was taught a long time ago.

Though she was still able to use simple beginner magic and could also speak Demon God language.

But language, mathematics, science and etiquette in society did not remain in her head.

In the end there were only things she liked to learn, so to say.

Though I thought it was enough to have at least one Merit[Sword Technique].

Anyway, training proceeded in that way.

It would be terrible to be attacked when taking a bath in the bathroom, because holding mock battles with Eris was very tiring, but for now there was no problem.

But still, Eris was a mysterious woman.

Even though she herself would excessively touch me, when I was touching her, I would get hit for some reason.

It was illogical.

Regarding equipment, I asked Zanoba and Cliff to repair and improve the magic armor.

Like miniaturizing and making it more efficient.

Performance-wise it would be detuned.

Although it would not be completed within a month, I will look at it in the long-term.

There was also some talk about Orsted providing some technology, they will somehow manage it within a few years.

For this job in Asura Kingdom I will wear the equipment Orsted had prepared and given to me.

Surely I will be wearing equipment that was enough to cause the downfall of a country.

It was not as if I disliked the robe Sylphy selected, but I was a boy after all.

My heart was dancing at the thought of new equipment.

Well then, training and equipment were continuously reinforced...

Regarding the other matter.

To do things that needed to be done in a short amount of time, a schedule was needed.

For that, this month's schedule was put up.

On the first day I was thinking of calling the guardian magical beast.

And then to see for a week whether the guardian magical beast was useful or not.

If it was all right, then I would contact Cliff next.

In addition to improving the equipment, there was one more thing I wanted to ask him.

It was mainly about curses...something like experiments.

While that was being prepared, I'd use Sylphy's connection to introduce Ghyslaine and Ariel.

During that time, use some excuse and then lead the topic into helping Ariel.

Then take one or two weeks to persuade Perugius.

It would be good to run that parallel with the request to Cliff.

For now I planned to move according to this schedule.

Although the main event, Ariel's matter, turned out to be the last...since both the guardian beast and Cliff seemed to be all right, if I go in a winding way it should be fine.

Thus the first matter was the summoning of the guardian magical beast.

Part 2

The next day after I was called by Orsted to hear the future plan of action.

The entire family was brought together in the garden.

The ones who were usually in the house, Aisha, Lilia, Zenith and Eris, who recently became family.

Roxy and Norn went without saying, but even Jirou and Beat were there.

Lucy, who recently became able to walk, was in Sylphy's arm.

"I will now begin the summoning of our house's guardian magical beast. Applause please."


Thunderous applause from everyone assembled.

Tonight it will become a legendary live event.

Oh my, why are Jirou-kun and Beat-kun not applauding.

That is not good.

We are going to summon a fellow comrade of yours?

"Regarding this time's summon, it is unknown exactly what will be called forth. But there is no doubt that we are going to summon something powerful. That being will then protect the safety of the family."

"Hey, since Orsted made it, will it be all right? It won't devour everyone in the family when Rudi goes out?"

Sylphy's anxious voice.

What a scary imagination.

But wait, wasn't such a thing written in a book I once read.

Summoning an uncontrollable magical beast and being devoured, something like that.

"No, but. The magic circle itself is guaranteed by Dragon God."

"That's why I'm worried."

Is that so.

However, I did not think that Orsted would use such indirect methods.

A strategic move for a later betrayal...?

But I thought that there was a rather low chance.

"Understood. For now I will call it. If it is dangerous, everyone will help defeat it and then we'll make an objection to Orsted."


The one who replied cheerfully was Eris.

She spiritedly drew out her sword, making a sound.

By the way, the demon sword I received the other day, Yubi Ori[Prominent], was at Eris' hip.

Two she originally possessed were at her left, one was at her right hip.

I wondered if it was heavy.

"In that case, let us fight against Orsted together this time!"

We're not going to fight.

Only to complain.

If we fight, we may be wiped out this time.

Or rather, Eris seemed to be quite happy.

Was she looking for an excuse to fight against Orsted?

"Though we are no longer fighting against Orsted, there are opportunities to fight together with him from now on. Until then, please keep storing your energy."

Being told so, Eris was making a face as if saying [How boring].

It was fine if you wanted to fight anyone else, but Orsted was off-limits.

I never want to fight such a hopeless battle a second time.

At that time I may piss myself.

"Regardless, will that magic circle really be all right? Wouldn't it be better to show it to Perugius-sama and get confirmation first?"

Roxy's words.

She was probably wary because Orsted was the one who made it.

The curse Orsted was under was truly powerful.

I could easily conclude that the curse was authentic, judging from the too sensitive reaction of the surroundings.

Let's take another look at it.


From the looks of it, it was a normal summoning magic circle.

The summoning conditions were written using a technique that I didn't know of.

But I didn't feel anything strange about those.

It would be good to show them to Nanahoshi.

No, in the first place Orsted drew this summoning magic circle up because I couldn't.

Or rather my magic, I guess.

Or it could have been both.

Both may only be small embers, but combining both together create a fire.

Anyway, I pulled myself together and tried once more.

According to Perugius's advice, rather than using ambiguous images like splendor, omniscience or omnipotent, it would be better to use images of animals.

That Orsted, I wish you had said something like this from the start.

Surprisingly he may say something like having Arumanfi was fine.

"Then, once more."

I looked at the surroundings and put my hand on the magic circle.

Let's go with a clear image this time.

A strong, proud animal.

A lion.

While I didn't know whether lions existed in this world, but I heard the word lion, it was surely somewhere.

The king of beasts.

Imagining the strongest animal amongst beasts.

Ah, but when considering loyalty, rather than a cat, a dog would be better.

No, it already had absolute obedience, let's focus more on its strength.

The greatest animal in this world.

I gathered all my body's magic in my right hand.

I opened my eyes and poured magic into the magic circle as if I was slamming it in.



The magic circle released dazzling lights.

Just as the last time, colorful lights were overflowing.

This time there was no feeling that something was out of place.

Something has responded to my call from the smooth flow of magic.

A feeling like a hand was reaching out and I grabbed and pulled it.

I was certain that it succeeded.

"All right, come forth!"


When I unintentionally called out, something let out a howl.

The howl gradually became stronger, resounding in my earlobe.

At the time as the summoning took place, a question emerged whether some voice must always be raised.

Ah well, either way was fine.

While I was thinking about that, the light subsided.

A white lion was there.

The size was about 2 metres.

Because there was no mane, it was likely female.

Incidentally its lips were long and when comparing both, it resembled a dog more than a cat.

Or rather, this wasn't a lion.

It was a dog.

And from the short limbs, it was a puppy.

Finally its fur wasn't white, but silver.

It was like a large-sized Mame Shiba.


Guess another failure.

"Wa~, so cute!"

"But isn't it a little unreliable as a guardian magical beast?"

Aisha and Norn let out a shrill and a discontented voice respectively.

"But for a puppy it has a pretty good look to it?"

"At the very least a pure presence can be felt you wouldn't expect from a magical beast."

Sylphy's and Roxy's reaction were fairly well.

Lilia wore a poker face so I couldn't tell, but she wasn't frowning.

Zenith was as usual.

I couldn't very well tell Beat's, but Jirou was already showing his belly and making a pose of obedience.

The first impression of the family wasn't bad.

But still, haven't I seen this puppy somewhere.

"Hey, wasn't this the one who took a liking to Rudeus in the Dorudia village?"


Being told by Eris, I remembered.

How did Beast God language go again.

Ehm, like this.

"Are you by chance Holy Beast-sama?"


Being asked, the brutish dog seemed to nod and licked my face.

This damn beast~.

Sheet, I was being made a fool...

But I got it now.

"I see."

It was Holy Beast-sama.

The one in the innermost part of the Dorudia village and was taken very, very good care of, that Holy Beast-sama.

E~...what should I do.

If I said that he was summoned and put to work, wouldn't everyone in the beast-tribe be extremely angry?

Wouldn't it be dangerous to become a wanted criminal of the beast-tribe.

Can I also change this...

But if this contract was also annulled, wouldn't it be another annoyance to Perugius or Orsted.

In addition, even if it was changed, there wasn't a guarantee that a better guy will come.


"Holy Beast-sama, do you possess the strength to protect this family from disasters?"


A reply like [Leave it to me].

It was full of motivation.

But wasn't this guy also kidnapped.

I wonder if it will be all right.

There was also a feeling that Orsted said that Human God wouldn't be able to meddle that much with my family.


While I was indecisive, Holy Beast-sama jumped off from the small table, rubbed my body and licked my face.

Ah, so soft.

Fur conditioner was definitely used.

If he became our guardian magical beast, I would be able to enjoy this coat of fur every day.

(No, we're mistaken. He wasn't Holy Beast-sama.)


This wasn't a Holy Beast.

It was definitely not the guardian deity of the Dorudia-tribe.

There was no way Holy Beast-sama would come to a place like this.

It was a similar looking dog.

Yes, this was a lion.

It was a lion cub I called forth from one of the countless worlds.

Yes, it was decided.

It had now become so.

Or rather, they were going to become angry after today's summon.

If it couldn't be done no matter what, I will ask Perugius-sama for help and change it.

Until then, he was employed for now.

"Good, your name from now on will be Leo."

When I held out my hand, Holy Beast-sama was licking and let out a snort from his nose.

And raised his face as if he suddenly noticed something.

In his line of sight was Roxy.

Leo trotted towards her...and dived inside her skirt.

"Wa! Wait! What are you doing."

Roxy was lightly hitting Holy Beast-sama with her staff, the ero dog let out a sigh from his nose and licked Roxy's feet.

Then he lay down his massive body as if to embrace Roxy's feet.

"Ehm, Rudi...what to do."

A flustered Roxy.

I didn't quite understand what was going on, but it would be right to say it took a liking towards Roxy.

Oh well.

"Leo. Since you have been summoned this way, you are now my servant and your duty is to protect my family here. Understood?"


Asking him, Holy Beast Leo replied energetically.

I don't know how helpful this damn dog would be.

But now that he has been summoned, he is the guardian magical beast.

Surely it would be useful.

"Leo, I will explain the employment details mentioned earlier. You may have lived a carefree lifestyle previously, but such selfishness will not be allowed here. You will be attached to a collar and live in the dog house. If suspicious persons come bark, bite and take their ability to resist. In the case the opponent was strong, I don't mind if you kill him. You will have three meals a day. You can freely take naps. If you desire it, you will also be taken for a walk. If those sound fine with you, bark wan."


Great, a good reply.

The message certainly came through.

The talk was in Beast God language, right?

"Needless to say, in the case you yourself harm the family...


Leo let out an offended sound from his throat.

"Good. The contract is complete then. Paw."

I held out my hand with the palm facing upwards.

When doing so, Leo put his front paw on top of it.

Part 4

Thus the pets in our house increased by one.