Chapter 108: Dramatic

Chapter 108: Dramatic

Part 1

The Kingdom of Ranoa, Magic City Sharia.

It's a city with many students, and in one of its corners was a house that has a certain problem. Built 100 years ago, the Rudeus Mansion. The problem that it had was that it was...

『A haunted mansion』

Though its appearance was simply that of an aged Western-styled mansion, it was overrun with moss and withered vines, and to describe it in one word, it was 'unsettling'.

The one who thought to live in this house was a client by the name of Rudeus Greyrat. He was a former A ranked adventurer, and is now a student at the Magic University. Although he bought the house because he was getting married, he was dissatisfied with the appearance.

What kind of problems did this house have?

The moment you took a step into the premises, you'd see a garden that lacked maintenance. An entrance that was broken. A ceiling and walls with various stains left about. A leaking roof. A fireplace whose functionality was questionable... It was something that brought to mind the word 'abandoned'.

"Because of some magical components it's been aging well, but as expected there's still a feeling of aging to it. As a home for newlyweds, the atmosphere is a bit much, huh?"

He wanted a nice clean home suitable for a pair of newlyweds. A single man accepted this client's request.

He was a craftsman who did renovations, 『Balda of the Great Cave』. A first class architect belonging to the Basherant Dukedom's Magic Guild. He could take care of things from the planning, all the way to the construction and was a veteran of 30 years.

With the construction techniques he learned in the Holy Kingdom of Milis as a base, he had many accomplishments, such as the Magic University's school buildings.

Though he had a few stubborn parts, he was an agreeable person and his skill was assured. He always had a hammer hanging at his waist, and if strangers had something they didn't like about their houses, he'd fix it for them; he held the spirit of a true artisan. Whether it was his disciples or buildings, he'd fix it with a strike of his hammer. Because of this, he was called 『Balda of the Hammer』.

"Yo, you've come. So you're 『Quagmire』, huh, boy? I heard you were getting married!"

The person who had come to meet the craftsman was the client this time. He was known as 『Rudeus of the Quagmire』 on the streets, and was received sociably by the craftsman.

"Yes. I'll be in your care, Balda-san."

Balda knew of the name 'Rudeus'. He had an old friend named Talhand. He had heard about Rudeus from Talhand's companion, Elinalise.

"I was fine with buying a house for marriage, but the state of it is as you see."

"For now, can I have a look around the house and inside it?"

"Please go ahead."

When he made to enter the house, the craftsman immediately frowned.

"Oi, the hell happened? The door is in horrible shape. It looks like you tried to bloody tear it off."

"Because the door didn't fit well, there was no choice but to break it."

"Honestly, kids these days freaking breaking things without a thought, don't have enough respect for items."

"Yeah, they're horrible, huh?"

The client warded off the indignant craftsman's complaints in an unaffected attitude. His attitude was almost like he wasn't the one who had broken it.

The craftsman couldn't accept this attitude. However, he endured it. After all, he had heard that 『Rudeus of the Quagmire』 was a frightening person when angered.

"What are you gonna do about the door?"

"Um, what do you mean?"

"Like the materials, or the design. If you don't give me any specifics, I'll be going with what I judge best."

"Though I don't really mind about the materials, I'd like for you to make it firm. Also, please leave a doorknocker on it as well."

"Since it's the entrance, that much is obvious."

When the craftsman entered the house, he concealed a difficult expression.

"It's pretty worn out, huh."

"I, is that so?"

"Though the floors were done very well, at least compared to the walls and ceiling. It's almost as if the basement was the most important part, and everything else was just made as a bonus."

"Can you tell such a thing?"


The craftsman's eyes could immediately tell what parts were good, and what parts were bad. The floor, the stairs, upstairs, the dining room, the kitchen, the fireplace. These places were extremely well done. You could tell that a genius craftsman had spent 100 years using construction and magical techniques to create them. However, the walls and the roof were done by hand, which was strange.

"Still, I'll fix something like this in no time."

The craftsman spoke reassuring words. Having been reassured, the client entered the large dining room.

"It's a large room, huh? The lighting isn't bad either, huh."

"How is the fireplace?"

"Show me."

It was a fireplace with questionable functionality. The craftsman's eyes lit up.

"This is a good fireplace. It's a tad old, but it'd be better not to mess around with it."

"Is that okay?"

"Look, there's a signature carved here."

The craftsman's finger was pointed towards a crest that seemed familiar.

"This is the signature of a genius Magic Director that was here until 100 years ago. His name wasn't left behind though. In the Kingdom of Asla, magic tools with this signature fetch a really high price. Even if I say that, they're all just small items. To think that he had created a fireplace like this in this house..."


What came to the client's mind was a design drawn in the diary that he'd found the other day in this house. It was very similar to the design of this fireplace. It seemed that somehow or other, the first owner of this house had created it.

"So, what are you gonna do about this big room?"

"Let's see. What do people usually do?"

"Since it's a large room, they'd put a large table in it for use during parties. They'd also prepare another one too. That way if for some reason that room couldn't be used, they'd use this one instead."

"In other words, this wouldn't normally be used?"

"Normally, that is. But for people with lifestyles like us, one room is plenty."

"Right? ...In that case, I'll leave the other room as a leisure room."


A leisure room. Since that was requested, the craftsman and client moved to the next room.

"There are two kitchens, huh. But the other one has no stove."

"If there isn't a stove, then you can't use it, huh."

"If there's drainage, then you can probably use it for laundry or a bath, you know."

"...Oh, a bath!?"

The craftsman went to look at the kitchen and laundry. He checked for clogging in the drainage pipes or any other such flaws, then nodded.

"There's nothing in particular to fix."

"Mister, there's one thing I'd like to discuss with you."

The client suggested something, and then the craftsman's eyes lit up.

"You've come up with something pretty interesting, haven't you? But we don't have the materials, so it might be expensive you know."

"I'll create the materials with magic."

"So you'll manage it somehow, huh? ...That's pretty good. Alright, I'll make it work somehow."

The client's idea was entrusted to the craftsman.


The next day. 10 of Balda's subordinates gathered and began the renovations.


First Part – 『The Door』

Early in the morning, a large door was brought there. It was a door cut from high grade timber. It was a solid door with a lion-styled knocker attached to it, and there was a small magic circle on the side that functions as a burglar alarm.

"The magic square isn't anything great. If you force the door open, it makes a huge sound ring throughout the house."

"Alarm clocks are the same, aren't they?"

At the craftsman's idea, the client laughed boldly.


Second Part – 『The Laundry』

This room underwent a huge renovation at the hands of the craftsman. The room was split into two sections.

The section further from the door had tiles laid over its stone floor, and in the corner of the room a slanted ditch was dug.

Then in the corner of the room there was a stone box. It was large enough that three people could lay down in it. There was a slight indent left at the bottom of it.

Moreover, a small window was created near the ceiling. Just what was this supposed to be?


Third Part – 『The Basement』

The craftsman and the client were standing in a dark basement.

"It's a good basement, huh. Like this, there basically won't be mice."

"Yes. So, it's about this concealed door but... inside this room, I want you to make something like this."

"Why something like... Ah, no, I won't say anything. Though I'm of the Milis Faith, you were different huh, Quagmire."

At the request of the client, equipment was brought into the room, and the stain on the corner of the concealed door was cleaned off.


Two weeks later, the renovations were finished, and it was time to show it off.

The client had brought his bride with him.

"I wonder what it is that you wanted to show me~ I'm really looking forward to it~"

"You're speaking in monotone, Sylphy. Could it be that you've secretly gathered information and already knew in advance?"

"Ehhhh? What are you talking about? I have no idea."

While flirting with the girl who was speaking in extreme monotone, the client walked through the snow.

"While we were separated, that meek and obedient Sylphy had turned into a liar. Thinking about it, it might be something to be happy about. But if you can tell such a huge lie like this, I'm worried that you'll lie again in the future."

"Ye, yes."

Using keigo basically meant that it was an important discussion. Noticing this, Sylphy fixed her posture.

"Though we're getting married, honestly speaking, I have no idea what to do. Frankly speaking, though I bought a house, I can't help but feel that doing so was too forward."

"I, I don't think so. I'm really happy after all. This is such a wonderful place that on the contrary, I'm wondering if someone like me is fine..."

"Is that so? It's alright as long as there are no problems then, but what I wanted to talk about was basically what we'd be doing after this."

What we'd be doing after this. When I said that, Sylphy's face turned red and for some reason started to fidget.

"Umm, how many do you want, Rudi? But my elf blood runs strong, so it might be difficult to conceive but..."

"Y, yeah."

Those were some really arousing words. Since this isn't modern Japan, there's no aversion to having children due to economic reasons.

Mmn. I'm someone who follows his instincts. The instinct of living beings is, in other words, to reproduce. Reproducing is, in other words, making babies.

"But what are you going to do about your job as Ariel-sama's guard?"

However, the issue of Sylphy's job should've been easy to understand. Though I don't know what Ariel-sama is thinking, if Sylphy becomes pregnant she won't be able to continue as a guard. Well, if it was just that, me or someone else could replace her. My battle ability is pretty high after all. However, being a guard isn't just about battles.

"What do you mean by 'what'...?"

"Wouldn't it be difficult to do both?"

"Regarding that, I've discussed it with Ariel-sama."

It seems they've discussed it. I guess it's natural.

"We'll be in this country for another 2 years, and it's not like she'll be returning to the Kingdom of Asura the moment she graduated. She'll probably be here for another 5 years. That's why, umm..."

Sylphy doesn't seem to be planning on quitting her job as a guard. From the fact that she won't simply quit, you can feel the strength of her bonds with Ariel-sama and Luke.

If it were the old Sylphy who just depended on me, what would she have said? Would she have thrown everything else away and remained with me for the rest of her life? That would be nice in it's own way, but...

"Sorry... Thinking about it, I'm being rude to you, aren't I...? Even though you've bought us such a wonderful house, I won't really settle down because I'll be serving as Ariel-sama's guard... I'm not really qualified to be a bride like this, am I?"

With a melancholy expression, Sylphy lowered her gaze.

'The man goes to work, and the woman looks after the home.'

That kind of idea isn't really strong here. It might be because the men and women in this world don't have a large difference in strength. Even saying that, you could say that it's still an ideal here that the men work and the women stay at home.

"I might, really be no good, huh?"

Said Sylphy, with tears in her eyes. She seemed apologetic for some reason.

2 years of abstinence. Having regained my sexual desires, two, no, three years worth of white stuff erupted from me. It's been inputted into my mind that Sylphy = person that allowed me to do erotic stuff.

You could say that most of my good will towards Sylphy is sexual. This is already basically carved into me.

However, I don't think that this is bad in itself. To me, sexual desire is something important. Sylphy was the one who brought this important thing back to me, using her own body.

I'm such a massive sex beast that the Beast Race will draw away from me. If you feed someone like me an aphrodisiac, you'll be attacked. It was Sylphy's first time. Because I was so rough, I'm sure that she was scared. Even though that was the case, she completely hid it. When I woke up in the morning, she even looked at me with a smile.

Because of that, I was able to regain my confidence. If Sylphy is no good, then who on earth would be? If right now for some reason I didn't marry Sylphy, and then Sylphy was taken by some other guy... I'd probably regret it for the rest of my life. If she were taken from me... Right, Sylphy is already my belonging.

"You're mine, Sylphy."

"Fue!? Ah, yes. I'm yours, Rudi."

"So please marry me."

Thinking about it, this is the first time I've said it directly to Sylphy.


While her cheeks turned red, Sylphy nodded. I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll try my best with the house, so please don't worry about your job as a guard. It's fine just to do as you like, Sylphy."


"Well, if possible, I'd like to sleep with you once every few days though~ That's about all I want."


My desires leaked out.

"...By sleeping, you mean 'that kind of sleeping, right?"

"No, no, of course I won't force you. When you don't want to, I'll be happy just being allowed to rub your tiny chest."

"Umm... I'll try my best? I don't plan on making you endure, you know?"

"It's not good to force yourself. You have to properly rest up after a tired day at work. I'll take care of things myself as long as you let me touch you a little before bed for example, or in the morning."

My desires are completely overflowing. No, even if I try and put on an act, it's meaningless in front of Sylphy. I was this sort of person from the beginning.

"Do you really like my boobs that much?"

"I love them."

"But Luke said that my chest has no charm at all..."

"The words of a whippersnapper like him have zero credibility."

The younger you are, the more you fuss over whether they're large or small. However, what's truly important isn't that. It's heart. Right, Oppai-sennin?

"But you know, it's not really that different to yours, Rudi?"

"No, these huge, iron-forged pecs of mine are different from that beautiful flatchest of yours. If you want, how about having a touch?"

"Ah, mn."

Saying that, I push my chest forward and Sylphy softly touches me.

"It really is completely different, huh... It's hard..."



When I got carried away and flexed, Sylphy moved her hand away in a panic.

"Since these pecs belong to you, feel free to touch them whenever you want, okay?"

"...A, although I'm yours, Rudi, keep in mind the time and location, okay?"

"How about now?"

"R, right now is, um, we're in the middle of an important discussion aren't we?"

Oop, that's right. We got off topic.

"In other words I should get to the point, huh. So that our married life goes smoothly from now on, we should properly discuss what expectations we have of each other, what we're dissatisfied about, and things like that. That's basically what I want to say."

After I tried my best to summarise what I wanted to say, Sylphy nodded.

"Mn, that's right."

"For now, is there anything that you think you should say to me?"

After thinking for a while, Sylphy looks downwards. Then in a melancholy smile, she spoke.

"Don't suddenly disappear, okay?"


That's right, huh. It'd be rough if I suddenly went away somewhere.

"I've got it. I won't suddenly disappear."

We made a promise. I think I understand the pain of having someone you love disappear on you.



It seems that the important stuff is over with. There are a number of other things that we have to discuss but, we'll get through those one by one.

"...So then, can I?"

"G, go ahead."

With a nervous expression, Sylphy pushed out her thin chest. I immediately made to rub them but... I endured it.

The same as last time, I was about to turn into a beast. This time let's prioritise treating her gently over lust.

I gently embraced Sylphy. Like that, I slowly pushed her down onto the bed.

"...A, aren't you going to rub them?"

"That's for morning and night."

"M, mn."

We look at each other up close. My face is reflected in Sylphy's moist eyes. She gently closed them. While caressing her head, we clumsily kissed.

Part 3

That night. I raised my sluggish body and descended to the basement.

Since I had just moved in, right now there was nothing in the underground cellar. There were just a small number of shelves left around, and it was a pretty sorry state.

I walked towards the back of the room, and reached out my hand towards the concealed door that the craftsman had fixed.


A door that would creak 'kii kii' when opened.

Though it was meant to be a concealed door, there were stains around it, and its existence became obvious once there was some light.


The metal parts responsible for opening and closing were new and properly oiled, so the door opened without a single sound.

The cellar walls were also of new material, and noone would be able to tell that there was a door there.

The door quietly opened to reveal a space. Quietly sitting inside was a household shrine. It was a small shrine made of unpainted wood. The altar was made of lustrous, black stone, and a holy relic was enshrined there.

That filthy workshop had been cleaned up, and transformed into a sublime, and divine space.

In the night when everything else had fallen asleep, in this newly consecrated holy ground, I offered my prayers to god.