Chapter 107: Things to Prepare Before Marriage(Part 2)

Chapter 107: Things to Prepare Before Marriage(Part 2)

Part 1

We will take turns keeping watch at night.

Two people sleep while the other is the lookout.

If there is an abnormality, we wake up the two remaining people immediately.

It's such an arrangement.

That said, I'll wake them up by all means if there's a particular "Kirikiri" sound.

The room we are sleeping in is the same one in which the previous resident was cruelly murdered.

It's a room at the end of the hall on the upper floor.

It may be related to the place that a demon appears.

I can't really think of this kind of thing being caused by some sort of homeless thief, but if it is then it would ease my mind.

If the opponent is a human, dealing with them is easy.

There might even be a reward for catching them, which will help the wedding fund.

If the opponent is a demon, it's simpler.

Search and destroy.

It is really simple.

Part 2

"Wake up Rudeus! There's a sound!"

It was Cliff who woke me up.

I sprang up immediately.

Zanoba is still sleeping.

We had rotating guard shifts for about two hours to allow each other to get a shallow sleep.

Since we don't know the exact time, we used an hourglass.

It is the second shift now.

In the middle of the night.

It's just the right time for a demon to come out.

"Please wake up Zanoba."

I briefly told Cliff and moved to the door.

And I listen carefully.

Kiri ... Kiri ...

... Kata ... Kata ...

...... Kyi ... Kyi ...

Hm, this is dangerous.

It sounds real.

It's very clear.

The sound is like a chair creaking.


I was able to see with foresight eyes.

"Afu ~a ..."

Zanoba while rubbing his eyes, yawned greatly.

I confirm it and put my hand on the doorknob.

Then, I open the door slowly, so as not to make a noise.

I look at the hallway.


Just in case, I also look at the other side.


The top, the bottom. Nothing.

I listen carefully.

I hear nothing.

The sound has already stopped.

Zanoba got up.

"What's up?"

"There's nothing there."

We can either search inside the house or wait until there is a change in this room.

The former resident thought that he misheard the sound, left it unattended, and died.

The thing is, if we wait here... and there is some kind of threat...

No, even the previous resident, if he heard a sound that clear he would have gone to investigate.

Do I imitate him?

"I will search for the enemy."

"All right. Is the formation the same as before?"

"Oh, be careful."

"If Shishō protects the back, it would be a relief."

Zanoba has a stone club.

Cliff filled with tension, followed.

"Cliff-sempai, do you remember what to do?"

"I'll cast Exorcism magic."

"That's right. Thank you"

So it's okay.

Zanoba is the tank while Cliff uses Exorcism magic, and if that doesn't work I'll use a rock bullet.

All right.

"Zanoba, go."

A night search began.

Part 3

I know where the rooms are since we examined the house once already during the day.

The search operation went smoothly.

First, I examine all the rooms upstairs.

Nothing unusual.

Then, we carefully went down to the ground floor.

We check out the rooms one by one, such as the stove or fireplace, and other places something might be hidden.

Nothing unusual.

The rooms are all beautiful.

"Shishō, only the basement is left."


We move to the basement.

The door behind the stairs.

The stairs to the basement.

It's dark. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

There seems to be some strange sense from the basement.

It seems I'm also tense.

I could hear my heart thumping.

A single deep breath.

While paying attention at the back, we descended the stairs.

I feel like I'm descending into hell.

We arrived at the basement.

"What's up?"

"There is nothing."

Zanoba answered so.

I also tried to light up the surroundings with a lamp.

I try to look carefully at the corner.

But, there's nothing there.

However, the former resident would have examined the basement too.

It's the most suspicious place.

However, there was nothing to be found even if you look at a glance.

"For the time being, let's prepare for a surprise attack once we return to the room."

I heard the sound.

Then the enemy will come.

Alternatively, it may wait to attack until after we fall fast asleep...

Well, we can also try to pretend to be asleep until tomorrow.

We carefully leave the basement.

And go up to the second floor.

We walked to the hallway and came back to the room we waited in.

"Zanoba, please be careful when opening the door, It is also possible that it is lurking in the room where we slept."

"I understand."

Zanoba slowly reached the doorknob while grasping his stone club.

It opened.

Nothing happens.


"...seems to be all right."


No attack.

"Fu ~u..."

A sigh.

Let's see if it attacks the place again while we are sleeping

Or, for example, if it attacks while using the toilet.

That reminds me, I didn't examine the garden.

When tomorrow comes, I guess I should also investigate the garden.


Then, suddenly.

I looked back.

There it is.

Down the hall.

Lowering its posture as if to crawl.

The upper body part peeped out from the stairs.

It tilts his head looking at me.

I wonder if it's human.

There was an eye. There was a nose. There was a mouth.

There was no hair. There were no ears.

And I didn't feel its life either.


In the dark, while the pale silhouette rose, the guy was looking at me.

For several seconds, we stared at each other.


The moment I was about to say something.

That fellow moved.

It raised its upper body as if about to leap, then jumped to the second floor.

There were four hands.

There were also four feet.

In the dark, that person while brandishing a kind of stake in his hand, while moving four feet, without a sound, ran over here with tremendous speed.


I lost my balance.

I shot a Rock Bullet at once while falling on my backside.

It crosses my mind, my concern is that it might break the house.

Hesitation weakened the power of Rock Bullet.

The Rock Bullet crushed the shoulder of the guy and it staggered.

However, the guy doesn't stop.

He raises a stake toward me.

Then I try to avoid it with foresight eye.


Zanoba jumped in front of me.

A stake was swung down swiftly into Zanoba.

The stake struck an inch from his heart.


It didn't stick.

Zanoba's Touki stopped the stake.

Is, it's Zanoba indeed!

Nothing serious!

Zanoba grabbed the guy's face with one hand.

It thrashed its 8 limbs in a frenzy, pounding on Zanoba.

"Then our God gives grace to the Mother Earth!

I do it against the law of nature, and give the foolish person Heaven's vengeance!

[Exorcist Rate] !"

Cliff started chanting while half of his body was still inside the room.

White light shot out from his staff and hit the guy.

However that guy's movements don't stop.

It isn't a ghost?

I aimed my hand at the guy.

Rock Bullet.

Next I'll hit him in the face.

But in this position, I'll hit Zanoba.

"Zanoba, step aside, I'll use a Rock Bullet!"

"Shishō, please wait!"

Zanoba didn't move.

Even though his clothes were tattered from being continuously struck with the stake, he didn't flinch.


"It's fine, move! I'll do it!"

"Please wait! Shishō! Thank you!"

Zanoba hugged him.

As if to protect it from me.

It continued to struggle in a frenzy.

And there a little storage drawer opened.

The ninja village that I visited on a field trip during my elementary school days.

There was a hidden door there.

I remember the feeling and try to push the left edge.

A [Giii], sound let out.

However, it does not open. Heavy.

"Zanoba, try pressing here."


I let Zanoba push it.

And then, the door made a [kiririkiki] sort of creaking sound as it rose and opened.

The sound in the middle of the night, was this sound?

On the interior side of the hidden door there was a doorknob. Probably to make closing it from the inside easy.

"I do not think there's a trap... but there might be something, so please be careful."

I went inside while saying so and lighted up the inside with a lamp.

The possibility of a trap or a surprise attack ended as imaginary fears.

There was a small room.

One desk, a single wooden pedestal.

That's all.

On the desk, several books and ink pots were placed.

As for the pot, the cover is broken, and the contents have evaporated.

On the pedestal side I'm not sure what words would be good to describe it.

It might be similar to a coffin.

It's like a lump of wood the size of that.

I have the feeling that the surface is dented in the form of the doll.

After looking closely, in the place where the head goes... in the part where the eyes would set there are transparent stones embedded.

I felt intuitively that the doll in question had slept here.

Most likely, that doll lays down here and recharges... no, it probably supplies magic power.

"Cliff, do you know what this pedestal is?"

"No, this is the first time I've seen it."

Cliff shook his head.

I touch the pedestal timidly.

I don't think it will suddenly shut on me but...

I stretch out a hand to a certain book disregarded on a desk.

I understood that it was left unattended for a considerably long time, but, fortunately, there was no trace of being worm-eaten.

Would the doll in question do the insect extermination?

The cover had a title and a crest.

The title isn't readable.

When I open it, the text is also not readable.

If it's in letters that I can't read then that means it's either Heavenly God language, or Sea God language.

Or else it might be written in some other minor language.

But I have a feeling that I have read both the crest and the letter somewhere.

Where was it?

Was it at the Magic University Library?

I turn the page.

Then there were some figures.

The figure of a human body, it's a figure of the magic formation.

Furthermore, the human figure where there are four hands and feet appeared when I turned up a page.



Zanoba who was waiting at the entrance, came towards me.

"I think, this is what was written in the doll, but what do you think?"

"I can't read it. However, perhaps this is it without doubt."

"How, show me."

After hearing such an exchange, Cliff had also stuck his head in.

While turning the pages lightly we looked through the book as a group.

The string binding together the pages is considerably old and, despite the paper, seemed like it would come loose at any moment.

A figure, an arrow, and a letter.

Even if a commentary or an explanatory note is written, I wouldn't understand it at all.

Illustrations of the parts of the arms, magic circles, indicators, and some kind of notes.

These sorts of notes are written in the margins in various ways.

"If you're simply looking at the figure, it resembles the magic formation of a magic tool."

Cliff said it alone.

"Is that so?"

"Oh, I understand it because I studied it recently, I have seen similar magic formations. Perhaps, that doll would be a magic tool."

"I see."

I try to hypothesize.

The previous former resident.

No, perhaps the first resident here, had probably studied the doll.

This magic circle might have touched upon some sort of taboo, so it was done secretly.

I think the doll was trying to protect this house, like the role of a security guard.

And the first resident half-completed it.

Going off the looks of that doll, it seems there were still a number of problems remaining, but they succeeded up to the point of making it able to move around inside of the estate and fight.

However, the first resident disappeared.

Whether he moved away with things left half finished or it was exposed and he was caught, I don't know.

It is very likely that he died of an unexpected accident, and the result of the research remains.

Probably... the doll at first might have been sleeping on this pedestal all the time.

However, it started up for some reason.

It moved around while cleaning in the house, and started to act to fight off the intruder.

Perhaps, it was programmed that if it finished cleaning, to return to this pedestal and charge.

Unfortunately I think the person who was murdered was recognized to be [an intruder] by the doll.

However, if it goes out to the garden then, it wouldn't have been surprising if someone had witnessed it, but...

No, the door of the entrance was broken like that wasn't it.

Come to think of it, in the building, only that door was broken.

The former resident might have changed it. For security or something.

Since the shape of the door is changed, it wasn't able to open it.

Originally it was programmed to patrol the garden, but it gave up because the door couldn't be opened.

However, the door was broken open when we entered.

Therefore, according to the program, it went around the garden.

And we passed each other.

After we returned to the upper floor, it caught up.

It doesn't seem strange to think that.

"Anyway, there doesn't seem to be any more dolls."

I mean that, this case is closed.

Part 7

As a precaution, I further search the house carefully,

and checked on its state for a few more days.

I also don't hear the sound in the middle of the night.

It is safe.

I went to the real estate agent and finished the formal agreement to buy the property.

As for the identity of the evil spirit, we said it was an evil demon that was hiding in the basement.

A supplier becomes available from the next day and will do the repair work and cleaning.

I was asked if I wanted to buy everything including furniture from them, but I decided to go with just the bare minimum of things.

As such, it would be better to look around together with Sylphy.

That is to say, is it a Japanese-like sense?

Since there were a few parts where I wanted to help out on myself, the time when we would actually be able to move in would be about half a month later.

From now on, the smiling face of Sylphy floats on my eyes.

["You see, this is our home!"

"Kyaa, Rudi it's lovely."

"There's a large number of rooms after all, no matter how many children we have it'll be alright!"

"Thinking about the future as well, amazing, embrace me!"

"Of course honey, the bed is already prepared."

"Rudi turn me into a mess!"]

But my face shouldn't be effeminate.

...It's not a suitable face.

[Huh, Rudi were you only able to prepare a house of this level?]

Sylphy wouldn't say that. Yup, she is not that kind of selfish person.

Still, it was the product of hard work.

The house was cleared and bought in just a few days, I also got to keep the doll that was haunting it.

That doll, it's definitely a magic tool.

Normally, it might not be good if you don't submit those kinds of things to the Magic Guild.

Oh well, I don't yet belong to the magic guild, so it doesn't matter.

Since it was a part of the house I bought I'll just take ownership of it, like that.

Part 8

Around the time day ended, I decided to carry out the research materials that were in the basement.

Zanoba carries the pedestal, and I carry the books.

We'll use it for the study of the moving doll in question.


On the way back to the magic university.

Zanoba addressed me with a serious look.

He carried the huge pedestal over his shoulder.

It clearly wasn't made with the consideration that it would ever be carried around given its weight, it's only possible because it's Zanoba.

For the time being, it was wrapped in cloth, but when viewed from a distance, he may appear to be carrying a coffin.

"What is it?"

"The study of this moving doll. Will you entrust it to me?"

I noticed his eyes unintentionally.

Unprecedented determination was seen through the depths of his round glasses.

Zanoba said.

"My total amount of magic is small, and my hands are also clumsy.

Even the red dragon figure that I'm trying to do just hinders Shisho and nothing is proceeding at all."

That's not it.

He said it easily, but I felt the weight of his troubles on his mind.

It was not something he said lightly.

"But with something like this in front of me, I think maybe I can do something. After looking at the book, I think I can understand what the writer wanted to do."


Is that so?

As both of them love dolls there may be something only they can understand. Even if they can't understand the language, maybe they can feel something.

"It will take me some time to understand the research. Although if Shisho does it, it will proceed more quickly."

I can't afford to spend all my time researching this doll.

It might work if I allow Zanoba.


"What would you do if the doll acts violently again?"

"Even if the doll runs away temporarily, if it's me, I will be able to apprehend it without injury.

Shishō also should have seen it?"

Well, there is no problem in that respect.

And it would be a bit frightening if it began to move in the middle of the night, but perhaps if you don't charge it in this pedestal, it will not be able to move.

As expected, it's unsuitable to store it in Zanoba's room, we better borrow a research room from the Magic University.

A room with a firm door.

No, since it might have used some kind of taboo technique, it would probably be better to keep the research in a different place...?

Nanahoshi and I might also be borderline because of our study of teleportation magic, although I think that's all right.

Just in case I will ask for Nanahoshi's opinion on it, I think she's a member of A class guild.

"Please Shisho, when Shisho's plan is fulfilled, I don't want it to end with me just paying money."


However, Zanoba also has various considerations.

Although I am a little worried since he becomes singleminded when it comes to dolls.

Said the person who allowed it being the case.

"Please! Leave this study to me!"

When I fell silent, Zanoba seems to have misunderstood it.

He knelt on the spot.

He placed the pedestal down there and with both hands spread out fell to the ground on the spot.

What other choice do I possibly have with you prostrating yourself on the ground, in the snow.

"I understand. Zanoba, stand! I will leave it to you."


When I said so, Zanoba stood up with haste.

His expression beaming with joy.

As for this fellow, the change is quick.

"But, if by some chance there is a possibility that involves in the domain of a forbidden technique..."

"Is it a forbidden technique?"

"Well, for the time being, since I will borrow a laboratory from the Magic University, please study it there."

"...Thank you!"

Zanoba lowered his head greatly again.

In that motion a part of the pedestal swept past my face, barely missing the tip of my nose.

That's dangerous.

What are you going to do if you hit my head.

"You guys, try not to standout so much while you're outside."

Finally, Cliff muttered alone.

Part 9

Thus, Zanoba began research on the autonomous doll, and I obtained a house.

The next step is a renovation.